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Unit 7 At weekends译林牛津译林牛津五年级上册五年级上册Grammar timeReviewWhat do Su Hai,Mike and Helen do at weekends?They _ _ their grandparents at weekends.They _ _ dinner with their grandparents.usuallyoftenWhat do they do at weekends?visithaveHe _ _ with his grandparents on the Internet and _ football with Liu Tao.He _ _ a kite and _ a picnic with his family in the park.sometimes What does he do at weekends?playsfliesusuallyhaschatsShe _ _ dancing lessons.She _ _ to the cinema with her friends.always What does she do at weekends?sometimes hasgoesGrammar timeWhatdodoesyoutheyheshedoat weekends?Read and find the sentence structures.Whatdoyoudoat weekends?Ihave dinner with my grandparentsoften.实义动词,做、干实义动词,做、干助动词,无实际意义,帮助构成疑问句助动词,无实际意义,帮助构成疑问句问句:问句:What do you do at weekends?答语:答语:I/We+频度副词频度副词(always,usually,often,sometimes)+动词(短语)动词(短语)原形原形(+其他)其他).询问对方周末做什么询问对方周末做什么当当 you 表示复数概念(两个或表示复数概念(两个或多个人)时,答语中要用多个人)时,答语中要用 weWhat do you do at weekends?I often go to the park.What do you do at weekends?We sometimes play basketball.What doesdoat weekends?.hesheHeShesometimesalwaysgoes to the parkhas dancing lessons.问句:问句:What does+主语(第三人称单数)主语(第三人称单数)+do at weekends?答语:答语:He/She+频度副词频度副词+动词第三人称单数动词第三人称单数 形式形式(+其他)其他).询问他人周末做什么询问他人周末做什么he,she,单个人名或称呼单个人名或称呼What does Leo do at weekends?He usually does his homework.Whatdotheydoat weekends?Theyfly a kite and have a picnicusually.问句:问句:What do+主语(第三人称复数)主语(第三人称复数)+do at weekends?答语:答语:They+频度副词频度副词+动词(短语)动词(短语)原形(原形(+其他)其他).询问他人(复数)周末做什么询问他人(复数)周末做什么What do Li Hua and Wang Lu do at weekends?They sometimes play basketball.1.一般情况加一般情况加 s;chatplayflyvisitgo chatsplaysfliesvisitsgoes 动词原形动词原形第三人称单数形式第三人称单数形式2.以以s,o,ch,sh 结尾的结尾的 单词一般加单词一般加 es;3.以辅音字母以辅音字母+y 结尾的单词,结尾的单词,先将先将 y 变成变成 i,再加再加 es;4.特殊变化单独记。特殊变化单独记。alwaysusuallyoftensometimes频度副词频度副词通常,常常通常,常常总是,一直总是,一直经常,常常经常,常常有时有时注意注意频度副词通常位于实义动词之前,频度副词通常位于实义动词之前,be动词、助动词、助动词或情态动词之后。动词或情态动词之后。sometimes和和usually也可放在句首哦也可放在句首哦!I often go skating.She is always busy.I will always love you.Sometimes/Usually I play football.1.I often _ dinner with my grandparents.2.They usually _ a kite and have a picnic.3.She always _ dancing lessons.4.He sometimes _ to the park.5.Leo usually _ table tennis.Read and fill haveflyhasgoesplaysGrammar focusu询问对方或某(些)人周末做什么的句式结构询问对方或某(些)人周末做什么的句式结构u动词的第三人称单数形式动词的第三人称单数形式Summaryu四个频度副词四个频度副词(always,usually,often,sometimes)的用法的用法1.Wang Li always _ a kite with me.A.fly B.flies C.flies a2.What _ your sister _ at weekends?A.do;do B.do;does C.does;do一、单项选择。一、单项选择。Exercise3.I like _.I usually have _ lessons on Saturdays.A.swim;swimming B.swimming;swims C.swimming;swimming4.Do you _ watch TV in the evening?No,I often do my homework.I _ watch TV.A.sometimes;always B.always;sometimes C.always;alwaysA.I often chat with my mother on the Internet.B.She usually flies a kite in the park.C.They always play table tennis in the school.D.He sometimes visits his grandparents.二、在方框内找出和问题相对应的答案。二、在方框内找出和问题相对应的答案。1.A:What does your sister do at weekends?B:_2.A:What do they do at weekends?B:_3.A:What does your brother do at weekends?B:_4.A:What do you do at weekends?B:_BCDA1.Review the grammar.2.Talk about your parents weekends.3.Make five sentences with the sentence patterns:What do/does you/they/she/he do often/usually/sometimes/always Homework
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