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国际贸易海运单证缩写中英文对照主要贸易术语:(1)FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人(2)FAS (Free Alongside Ship) 装运港船边交货(3)FOB (Free on Board) 装运港船上交货(4)CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费(5)CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险费加运费(6)CPT (Carriage Paid To) 运费付至目的地(7)CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To) 运费、保险费付至目的地(8)DAF (Delivered At Frontier) 边境交货(9)DES (Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交货(10)DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay) 目的港码头交货(11)DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货(12)DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货主要船务术语简写:(1)ORC (Origen Recevie Charges) 本地收货费用(广东省收取)(2)THC (Terminal Handling Charges) 码头操作费(香港收取)(3)BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor) 燃油附加费(4)CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor) 货币贬值附加费(5)YAS (Yard Surcharges)码头附加费(6)EPS (Equipment Position Surcharges) 设备位置附加费(7)DDC (Destination Delivery Charges) 目的港交货费(8)PSS (Peak Season Sucharges) 旺季附加费(9)PCS (Port Congestion Surcharge) 港口拥挤附加费(10)DOC (DOcument charges) 文件费(11)O/F (Ocean Freight) 海运费(12)B/L (Bill of Lading) 海运提单(13)MB/L(Master Bill of Lading) 船东单 (或OCEAN BILL OF LADING)(14)MTD (Multimodal Transport Document) 多式联运单据(15)L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用证(16)C/O (Certificate of Origin) 产地证(17)S/C (Sales Confirmation)销售确认书(Sales Contract) 销售合同(18)S/O (Shipping Order)装货指示书(19)W/T (Weight Ton)重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费)(20)M/T (Measurement Ton)尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)(21)W/M(Weight or Measurement ton)即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费(22)CY (Container Yard) 集装箱(货柜)堆场(23)FCL (Full Container Load) 整箱货(24)LCL (Less than Container Load) 拼箱货(散货)(25)CFS (Container Freight Station) 集装箱货运站(26)TEU (Twenty-feet Equivalent Units) 20英尺换算单位(用来计算货柜量的多少)(27)A/W (All Water)全水路(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)(28)MLB(Mini Land Bridge)小陆桥(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)(29)NVOCC(Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier) 无船承运人TEUTWENTY FOOT EQUIVALENT UNITS 20柜FEUFORTY FOOT EQUIVALENT UNITS 40柜SHUT OUT退关CUT OFFCLOSING DATE/CUT OFF DATE 结关日O/F (Ocean Freight) 海运费BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor) 燃油附加费CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor) 货币贬值附加费BOOKING FEE订舱费DOC (DOcument charges) 文件费THCTERMINAL HANDLING CHARGE 码头作业费V.V.D: Vessel voyage directionETD : Eistimated time of departureETA: Eistimated time of arrivalT/TIME : TRANSE TIMET/S : transshipment port主要贸易术语:(1)FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人(2)FAS (Free Alongside Ship) 装运港船边交货(3)FOB (Free on Board) 装运港船上交货(4)CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费(5)CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险费加运费(6)CPT (Carriage Paid To) 运费付至目的地(7)CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To) 运费、保险费付至目的地(8)DAF (Delivered At Frontier) 边境交货(9)DES (Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交货(10)DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay) 目的港码头交货(11)DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货(12)DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用证S/C (Sales Confirmation)销售确认书(Sales Contract) 销售合同A/W (All Water)全水路(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)MLB(Mini Land Bridge) 迷你大陆桥(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)货运代理人a freight forwarder货运代理业务freight forwarding承运人 carrier货物 goods freight cargo运输 transportation transit conveyance运输业 transportation business forwarding business carrying trade陆上运输 transportation by land海上运输 transportation by sea货物运输 goods traffic freight traffic carriage of freights carriage of goods滞期费 demurrage滞期日数 demurrage days速遣费 despatch money /dispatch空舱费 dead freight装载 loading卸货 unloading discharging landing舱单 manifest集装箱箱型container type也有人用container size活用一下:我要改箱型,从1X20GP改到1X40GPI want to change the container type from 1X20GP to 1X40GP改箱型也可以这么表示Pls help me to revise the container size from 1x20GP to 1x40GP做货代的免不了要值班值班 on duty值班表 on duty list值班人员 on duty personattachment附件attached附上CC抄送FYI for your information,for you reference 供参考BLOCK CODE 中转港代码IMP(import)进口EXP(export)出口MAX (maximum)最大的、最大限度的MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度update这个词蛮常用的报关 customs brokerC/D (customs declaration)报关单报关行 customs broker报关员customs declarer海关退税 customs drawback海关查验 customs examination仓库 warehousefumigation 熏蒸MSDS maritime shipping document of safety危险货物安全资料卡D/R docks of receipt场站收据B/N booking note托书(有时看到的是SI shipping instruction)EIR(E/R)equipment interchange receipt设备交接单LOI letter of indemnity 保函,也称损害赔偿保证书quantity-数量packing-包装cubic meter立方米包装种类:carton纸箱(最常见的喽)package 包bag, sack袋case, chest箱packet 小包drum圆桶case, chest箱box 盒wooden case木箱rate板条箱bale包bundle捆PALLET : 托盘commission-佣金vessel schedule 船期表Booking 订舱Booking Note 订舱单Booking Number 订舱号Container Number 箱号Container Seal 集装箱箱封Lorry with IC Card 有白卡的集卡Cable/Telex Release 电放Missed Voyage Container 漏装箱Cancellation 退关箱tri-axle chassis 三轮车价over weight charge超重附加费如果是海运费用项目的话有时也表示为over weight surchargevoid sailing 也就是没有船的意思取消订舱Booking cancelledweight limitations 限重
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