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单元主题综合实践作业周末马上就要来临啦,你在周末喜欢做什么呢?有的同学喜欢学习,有的同学喜欢玩。和同学们一起来制定合理的周末计划,让我们的周末生活更加有意义吧。作业要求:1.学生小组合作,6人一组。2.学生自己的实际情况制定周末计划。大家把小组成员的周末计划用表格收集起来。把大家制定的周末计划里的活动放入下面三个格子里,也可以进行补充。我们的周末活动要劳逸结合,既要有学习时间也要有娱乐的时间,同时也不要忘了锻炼身体。把以上活动调配起来设计一个或多个你们觉得有合理且有意义的周末计划。6.小组成员们按照计划度过你们的周末,并用照片把他们记录下来。7.把照片与你们的计划相结合制作成一份海报。8.每组于课堂上分批展示自己的制作的绘本或海报并用英语介绍。9.班级同学根据项目组的成果展示给大家觉得最合理且有意义的组别投票点赞。Hello! Im Jack. Tomorrow is Sunday. Im very happy every Sunday. My family usually get together and have a big dinner on Sundays. After dinner, (1) 我经常和我妹妹一起去公园。The park is not far. We often go there on foot and play games in it. Sometimes, my father tells us a story after dinner. He is a writer. He often writes poems. Look! This is his new poem:F is for family. We are always together. A is for autumn. It is the harvest (丰收) season.M is for moon. Ill tell you a story about moon.I is for “I”. I am very happy.L is for love. We love each other (互相).Y is for you. (2) You can get together with your family too!1Why is Jack very happy every Sunday? 2How does Jack go to the park? 3联系上下文,猜一下文中划线单词的汉语意思是: 4将划线句子(1)译成英语。 5将划线句子(2)译成汉语。 6仔细阅读下图,根据图中内容及所提到的问题,写一篇小短文。要求:条理清晰,主要内容突出,无语法、单词错误,书写规范,不得少于40词。_参考答案:1Because his family usually get together and have a big dinner on Sundays. 2He often goes to the park on foot. 3写 4I often go to the park with my sister. 5你也可以和你的家人聚会。6范文:My weekend planIm going to have a busy weekend! On Saturday, Im going visit my friends by car. Because I havent seen them for a long time. Then, Im going to the bookstore on foot. Im going to read lots of books there. On Sunday morning, Im going to go for a walk. Then, in the afternoon, Im going to go shopping with my mother. Then, in the evening, we are going to watch TV together. That will be fun! This is my weekend plan. I will be busy. But I will be happy.
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