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单元第二课时作业让我们一起来回顾一下Mike叔叔的工作,并完成下列任务吧。2、读一读,从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。3、学习了很多其他人父母的职业和工作情况,那么你的父母呢?请你填一填下列别个并根据表格写一写吧。Mary: What does your father do? John: He is a 1 . Mary: What does your mother do? John: She is a 2 .Mary: What do you want to be? John: I want to be a 3 . What about you?Mary: I like dancing. I want to be a 4 .Today I am going to the firehouse(消防站) with my classmates. Our teacher takes us there. We see a fireman Joe and his dog Jack there. Joe is wearing a helmet and the firemans clothes. We wear helmets, too. We see a big fire truck. It is red. We learn about fires from Joe. He says when the smoke goes up, we must go down to the floor. At twelve oclock, when we are eating in the dining hall, the fire alarm goes off(消防警报响了). The firemen run quickly and drive the fire trucks to go somewhere. Their food becomes cold. I think they are heroes. I want to be a fireman like them one day.5The passage is about _. ()ABC6I am a _. ()ABC7Which is the fire truck? ()ABC8What are they doing at 12:00? ()ABC参考答案:1driver 2teacher 3doctor 4dancer5A 6C 7C 8B
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