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2023年内蒙古自治区银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识练习题(八)及答案一单选题(共60题)1、Drade Technologies has responded _ to our proposal for its new advertising campaign.A.favorableB.favoringC.favorablyD.favorite【答案】 C2、Passage 10A.takes away babiesappetiteB.distracts childrens attentionC.slows down babiesverbal developmentD.reduces mother-child communication【答案】 D3、 下列关于外汇科目的说法中,正确的是()。A.“外汇买卖”科目本身属于资产性质B.“外汇买卖”科目本身属于负债性质C.“外汇买卖”科目是一个实体性质的科目D.“外汇买卖”科目仅仅起本外币转账中平衡借贷关系的作用【答案】 D4、资料:Your Company Logo and Contact InformationA.the transfer of key staffB.an extensive survey of all employeesC.the help of Jamine AnsonD.some meeting with the staff of Plant Operations【答案】 A5、An in-depth understanding of this emerging phenomenon requires not just the consideration of quantitative studies, but the_of selected quantitative, qualitative and mixed-method study designs.A.collectB.poolingC.poolD.poll【答案】 C6、Passage 2A.Modern technology is what we cant live withoutB.Digital technology often falls short of our expectationC.gital devices are more reliable than they used to beD.GPS error is not the only cause for Ceelys accident【答案】 B7、根据公司法的规定,有限责任公司首次股东大会会议由()召集和主持。A.出资最多的股东B.全体股东一致认可的股东C.公司董事会D.公司监事会【答案】 A8、 The United States will do that which is necessary to meet its _ to its own citizens.A.rulesB.promiseC.principlesD.obligations【答案】 D9、资料:(一)A.only a small proportion of the insured suffer lossB.everyone at some time suffers lossC.nearly everyone suffers lossD.only insured people suffer loss【答案】 A10、当某一社会处于经济周期的萧条阶段时()。A.经济的生产能力增加,因而存货增加B.总需求逐渐增长C.总需求少于总供给D.总需求超过总供给【答案】 C11、Most of us entirely value human life,_ some people think of animals as being equally important.A.andB.orC.butD.unless【答案】 C12、Educating patients about receiving surgical procedures is becoming an important issue,_it can reduce anxiety and uncertainty while helping to hasten decisions for undergoing time sensitive surgeries.A.thereforeB.asC.ifD.however【答案】 B13、资料:As more personal business is conducted through smartphone devices , more users are implementing security measures for their devices, according to a recent survey by Harris Poll and commissioned by the CTIA.A.had built in security and end-to-end encryptionB.included the CTIA feature in their productsC.were faced with negative consumer attitudesD.cooperated with FBI to guarantee the securety【答案】 B14、2020年1月5日,庚子年特种邮票首发仪式在()举行,2020年是庚子鼠年,也是中国邮政发行生肖邮票()周年,此次生肖邮票加入了邮票数字化内容。A.北京;30B.上海;40C.上海;30D.北京;40【答案】 D15、资料:Its almost considered sacrilegious today to leave work at the end of your workday or(for shame!)on a Friday and simply not check your work email again until you return the office during normal working hours。A.They are inconsistent about the attitude toward after hours emailsB.They both push the employees to be available all the timeC.They are consistent about the attitude towards after hours emailsD.They both dont mean to stress the employees out【答案】 A16、Passage 4A.Alex Goldberg,Founder of Young InspirationsB.Young People Find a World of OpportunityC.Kieran,Banbury School Pupil to ParisD.Debates Help Youth with Their Grades【答案】 B17、Passage 2A.Customers are forced to share their bank dataB.Banks are required to open up their entire operational systemC.Regulators should be both tough and flexibleD.Banks and third parties should be regulated with a light touch【答案】 C18、You must have the experience that your voice()on the telephone.A.distortedB.irregularC.twistedD.deformed【答案】 A19、Brands are strategic_that provide an organization with a mainly competitive advantage.A.belongingsB.propertyC.assetsD.assessment【答案】 C20、2020年2月23日,习近平在统筹推进新冠肺炎疫情防控和经济社会发展工作部署会议上表重要讲话,会议指出,疫情直接影响居民收入,再叠加物价上涨因素,部分群众基本生活面临的困难可能增多。要落实()责任制和()负责制,保障主副食品供应。A.“米袋子”省长“菜篮子”市长B.“米袋子”市长“菜篮子”县长C.“菜篮子”省长“米袋子”市长D.“菜篮子”市长“米袋子”县长【答案】 A21、资料:Job DescriptionA.SalesB.Legal AffairsC.LogisticsD.Marketing【答案】 C22、I have _tasks to all the departments and I hope I will get good news soon.A.assignedB.assureC.associateD.assume【答案】 A23、For decades,farmers and environmentalists in California have been entangled in a_over laws that limit the amount of water diverted from rivers and streams for irrigation。A.disputeB.registerC.conflictD.negotiation【答案】 A24、Golf Weekly is a newly published magaz
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