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2023年四川省教师招聘考试中学英语考前练习题学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(35题)1.In some countries, _is called equality does not really mean equal rights for all people.A.which B.what C.that D.one2.Although he knew little about the largeamount of work done in the field, he succeeded _ other morewell-informed experimenters failed.A.which B.that C.what D.where3._ before we depart the day aftertomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.A.Had they arrivedB.Were they arrivingC.Would they arriveD.Were they to arrive4.Hamlet is just an _ characterin the novel.A.imaginative B.imagined C.imaginary D. imaginable5.What is the best title for the text?A.Is it good to have a smartphone?B.Do you make eye contacts with people?C.Is too much screen time bad for children?D.Are you confident about your screen time?6.I am _grateful for the manykindnesses you have shown to my son.A.excessively B.much C.certainly D.exceedingly7.Which of the following clusters of words is an example of alliteration?A.A weak seatB.Safe and soundC.Knock and kickD.Coat and boat8._ time going by, I began to realizewhat really matters in my life.A.While B.When C.As D.With9.Encounter Environmental Tours offerstrips to some of the most beautiful and isolated wildernesses in the world _all the comforts of five-star accommodations.A.both B.plus C.though D.together10.The chief manager is a determined man. You never find him in a_when he makes a decision.A.sudden B.dilemma C.hurry D.flash11.Ive tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means_with my progress.A.the teacher is not satisfiedB.is the teacher not satisfiedC.the teacher is satisfiedD.is the teacher satisfied12.When it was time for our ticket to be_, I couldnt find mine.A.controlled B.bought C.checked D.overlooked13.Well, weve come to a point ,_we have to decide which job is the best choice for.A.which B.where C.whose D.while14.We take our skin for granted until it is burned _ repair.A.beyond B.for C.without D.under15._of the twins was arrested, because I saw both at a party last night.A.None B.Both C.Neither D.All16.If_ for the job, youll be informed soon.A.to accept B.accept C.accepting D.accepted17.It is imperative that the government_more investment into the shipbuilding industry.A.attracts B.shall attract C.attract D.has to attract18.Without your help, I _ such rapid progress.A.didnt makeB.dont makeC.would not makeD.would not have made19.The mere fact _ most people believenuclear war would be mad does not mean that it will not occur.A.that B.which C.what D.whose20.Why dont you bring _ to hisattention that youre too busy to do itA.this B.that C.what D.it21.Well get you informed of the meeting the moment the manager becomes _.A.accessible B.useful C.available D.convenient22.The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities _ rising steadily in the past ten years.A.was B.were C.has been D.have been23.She is so kind to us. We have been prepared to do _ it takes to help her.A.whichever B.however C.whatever D.whoever24.I find it astonishing _ she shouldbe so rude to you.A.which B.what C.that D.if25.If you don t like the red coat, takethe blue one.-Ok, but do you have _size inblue? This one is a bit tight for me.A.a bigger B.the bigger C.the big D.a biggest26.Until then, his family _ from him for six months.A.didnt hearB.hasnt been hearingC.hasn t heardD.hadn t heard27.There are two small rooms in the beach house,_serves as a kitchen.A.the smaller of whichB.a smaller of whichC.the smaller of themD.smaller of that28.Which of the following group of writers are the playwrights of the 17th century?A.Ben Jonson and John DrydenB.Christopher Marlowe and Daniel DefoeC.John Milton and Oscar WildeD.Ben Jonson and George Bernard Shaw29.Becoming a millionaire has changed his life,but the win has also brought him stress and troubles.Sometimes he wishes he_the money.A.had never wonB.has never wonC.would never winD.will never win30.The teacher_ his lesson with pictures.A.illustrated B.explained C.illustration D.illuminated31.The girl has awakened the feelings in him that his thought had been_long ago.A.called up B.taken up C.stamped out D.handed in32.The biggest whale is _ blue whale, which grows to be about 29 meters longthe height of _ 9-story building.A.the; the B.a; a C.a; the D.the; a33.In China, _ private cars is gettingto be _ popular means of transportation.A.the; a B./; a C.the; the D./; the34.English teachers can sometimes use
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