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2023年度安徽省教师招聘考试中学英语高分通过卷及答案学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(35题)1.They didnt accept my invitation atfirst, but I _ persuade them at last.A.could B.was able to C.might D.can2.Children are very curious _.A.at heart B.on purpose C.in person D.by nature3.Even when _to such tough living conditions, the children would never have any complaint.A.exposing B.exposeD C.expose D.to expose4.It is reported that many a new house_ at present in the disaster area in Gansu province.A.are being built B.is being built C.was built D.were built5.Which of the following is an example of blending?A.ATM B.modernize C.brunch D.quake6.Recently I bought an ancient vase, _ was very reasonable.A.which priceB.the price of whichC.its priceD.the price of that7.The committee is totally opposed _any changes being made in the plans.A.of B.on C.to D.against8.Readily accessible technology is giving a voice to Generation E, _ young people whoAre flooding the Internet with their own stories, music, films and art.A.specially B.basically C.eventually D.especially9.Im deadly tired, I cant walk anyfurther, Jenny. _ ! Tommy. You can do it.A.No problem B.Come on C.No hurry D.Thats OK10.Sometimes the student may be asked to write about his _ to a certain book or article that has some beatingon the subject being studied.A.comment B.reaction C.impression D.comprehension11.In Vietnam_ motorcycle is _ popular means of transportation.A.the; a B.a; / C.the ; the D.a; the12.Ive tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means_with my progress.A.the teacher is not satisfiedB.is the teacher not satisfiedC.the teacher is satisfiedD.is the teacher satisfied13.Most of them know they should resistthe temptation to spend more than they can earn, but knowing that isnt muchhelp _ it comes to shopping on line.A.before B.since C.when D.after14. Shell never forget her stay there _she found her son who had gone missing two years before.A.that B.which C.where D.when15. Lionel Messi, _ the record for the most goals in a calendar year, is considered the most talented football player in Europe.A.set B.setting C.to set D.having set16.English teachers can sometimes use TPR in classroom activities. TPR stands for _.A.total physical responseB.total participatory responseC.total practice responseD.total production response17.He didnt make _ preparations, or he would have succeeded in the job interview.A.vacant B.urgent C.adequate D.primitive18.I dont mind _ the decision as longas it is not too late.A.you to delay makingB.your delaying makingC.your delaying to makeD.you delay to make19.Published in 1926, The Sun Also Rises isa novel written by _, a famous American writer.A.Jack LondonB.Ernest HemingwayC.Mark TwainD.William Faulkner20._ we shall bend this material intoa ring is not yet decided.A.Which B.Where C.Why D.Who21.When his uncle returned from Hong Kong, the boy asked_what present he would get.A.curiously B.fluently C.properly D.consciously22.Which of the following refers to the study of meaning in abstraction?A.Phonetics B.Pragmatics C.Semantics D.Sociolinguistics23.You should take the part a good way oflearning _ in your study into consideration.A.acts B.enjoys C.plays D.forms24._cold it is,the young man refused to put on a warm coat.A.However B.No matter C.As D.Though25.David has tried 3 times to repair the clock.He will try_time after having a rest.A.four B.fourth C.the fourth D.a fourth26.$30 billion might seem a lot of money,but its a mere _ in terms of what global capital markets can doabsorb.A.alms B.pittance C.hearsay D.belongings27.Every means_tried but without much result.A.has been B.have been C.are D.is28.Can you tell me _?A.who is that gentlemanB.that gentleman is whoC.who that gentleman isD.whom is that gentleman29.The president of World Bank says he has a passion for China, _ he remembers starting as early as his childhood.A.where B.which C.what D.when30.I am always delighted when I receive an e-mail from you. _ the party on July 1st, I shall be pleased to attend.A.On account ofB.In response toC.In view ofD.With regard to31. I11 never forget _ you for thefirst time.A.to meet B.meeting C.to have met D.having to be meeting32._ that my head had cleared, mybrain was also beginning to work much better.A.For B.Now C.Since D.Despite33._ he does get annoyed with her sometimes.A.As he likes her muchB.Although much he likes herC.Much as he likes herD.Much although he likes her34._is known to the world, Mark Twainis a
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