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2023年广东省教师招聘考试中学英语练习题学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(35题)1.The policeman came up to the lonely house with the door _,_there for a while and then entered it.A.open; to standB.opening; stoodC.open; stoodD.opened; standing2.I dont mind _ the decision as longas it is not too late.A.you to delay makingB.your delaying makingC.your delaying to makeD.you delay to make3.Children may get into some bad habits _ they lack self-discipline.A.when B.unless C.though D.until4.Ive tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means_with my progress.A.the teacher is not satisfiedB.is the teacher not satisfiedC.the teacher is satisfiedD.is the teacher satisfied5.Digital content is so easily accessible nowadays that young people may just _ books to be free and are not ready to pay for it.A.suggest B.assume C.approve D.demand6.It is imperative that the government_more investment into the shipbuilding industry.A.attracts B.shall attract C.attract D.has to attract7.If you don t go to the mountains withme tomorrow, _.A.neither do IB.neither I doC.neither will ID.neither I will8.The old piano was Adam.greatest_which his.A.riddle B.treasure C.debt D.Budget9.Encounter Environmental Tours offerstrips to some of the most beautiful and isolated wildernesses in the world _all the comforts of five-star accommodations.A.both B.plus C.though D.together10.In China, _ private cars is gettingto be _ popular means of transportation.A.the; a B./; a C.the; the D./; the11.When it was time for our ticket to be_, I couldnt find mine.A.controlled B.bought C.checked D.overlooked12.Even when_to such tough living conditions, the children would never have anycomplaint.A.exposing B.exposed C.expose D.to expose13.George Bernard Shaw was an Irishdramatist, literary critic, socialist spokesman and a leading _ inthe 20th century theater.A.function B.figure C.status D.feature14.When I _, the party started.A.seated B.was seating C.was seated D.had seated15.But not all pretended deeds have to fall short of their normal function in order to_their communication purpose.A.serve B.succeed C.complete D.accomplish16.Although he knew little about the largeamount of work done in the field, he succeeded _ other morewell-informed experimenters failed.A.which B.that C.what D.where17._ time going by, I began to realizewhat really matters in my life.A.While B.When C.As D.With18.Every means_tried but without much result.A.has been B.have been C.are D.is19.As is known to us all, _ lion is in _ danger of becoming extinct.A.the, a B.the, 不填 C.a, 不填 D.不填, the20.Which of the following sentences isincorrect?A.I dont like carnets.Me neither.B.This one is the better of the twoC.You are not so lazy as himD.Everyone has his own ideas21.He didnt make _ preparations, or he would have succeeded in the job interview.A.vacant B.urgent C.adequate D.primitive22.All things_, the planned trip will have to be called off.A.consideredB.be consideredC.consideringD.having considered23.Which of the following words is NOT acompound word?A.inefficient B.breakthrough C.grassland D.keyhole24.I cant go cycling with you this weekend,for my bicycle needs_.A.to repair B.repairing C.repaired D.being repaired25.The old man had three sons, all of_served in the army during the war.A.them B.that C.which D.whom26.There are two small rooms in the beach house,_serves as a kitchen.A.the smaller of whichB.a smaller of whichC.the smaller of themD.smaller of that27._ that my head had cleared, mybrain was also beginning to work much better.A.For B.Now C.Since D.Despite28.A similar wrong idea is that fish and ice cream when _ at the same time form apoisonous combination.A.eating B.being eaten C.eaten D.to be eaten29.She is so kind to us. We have been prepared to do _ it takes to help her.A.whichever B.however C.whatever D.whoever30.Even when _to such tough living conditions, the children would never have any complaint.A.exposing B.exposeD C.expose D.to expose31.Theres _ expression inChinese, Im afraid.A.no so B.no such an C.no such D.not such32.In Vietnam_ motorcycle is _ popular means of transportation.A.the; a B.a; / C.the ; the D.a; the33.An ambulance must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of _A.crisis B.emergency C.urgency D.emergence34. I11 never forget _ you for thefirst time.A.to meet B.meeting C.to have met D.having to be meeting35.She wont be available between 6 and 8,for she _ an important meeti
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