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2023年重庆市教师招聘考试中学英语备考模拟题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(35题)1.Which of the following words is NOT acompound word?A.inefficient B.breakthrough C.grassland D.keyhole2._ he does get annoyed with her sometimes.A.As he likes her muchB.Although much he likes herC.Much as he likes herD.Much although he likes her3.If you don t go to the mountains withme tomorrow, _.A.neither do IB.neither I doC.neither will ID.neither I will4.Which of the following refers to the study of meaning in abstraction?A.Phonetics B.Pragmatics C.Semantics D.Sociolinguistics5.An ambulance must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of _A.crisis B.emergency C.urgency D.emergence6.This is the dormitory_I lived three years ago.A.in that B.that C.in which D.which7.The school has made it a rule that no student shall take an illegal vehicleaschool bus.A.other than B.rather than C.or rather D.or else8.Until then, his family _ from him for six months.A.didnt hearB.hasnt been hearingC.hasn t heardD.hadn t heard9.All the following works are written by Mark Twain except _.A.The Gilded A geB.Lrife On the MississippiC.Roughing itD.The A meFican10.When I _, the party started.A.seated B.was seating C.was seated D.had seated11.Which of the following italicized parts is an inflectional morpheme?A.unlock B.government C.goes D.off-stage12.Although Anne is happy with her success,she wonders _ will happen to her private life.A.that B.this C.it D.what13.I accidentally found a photo that mymother took of _ when I was a student.A.her B.hers C.me D.mine14.This programme will examine the writers booksin detail, _ an introduction to her life.A.followingB.having followedC.being followedD.to be followed15.Have you gone to see the doctor?No, but _.A.I go B.I m going to see C.I go to see D.Im going to16. If you ask why I plan to study in the United States, the only answer is that it is a(n)_ for me.A.puzzle B.advantage C.challenge D.average17.I am _grateful for the manykindnesses you have shown to my son.A.excessively B.much C.certainly D.exceedingly18.The old piano was Adam.greatest_which his.A.riddle B.treasure C.debt D.Budget19._finishes eating lunch last ought to wash the dishes.A.The person B.Whoever C.Anyone D.Who20.She wont be available between 6 and 8,for she _ an important meeting.A.has had B.had had C.would have had D.will be having21.The biggest whale is _ blue whale, which grows to be about 29 meters longthe height of _ 9-story building.A.the; the B.a; a C.a; the D.the; a22.In what do you think will bediscussed in the meeting next week, the italicized word is _ ofthe sentence.A.the subject B.the complement C.an object D.an attribute23.Children are very curious _.A.at heart B.on purpose C.in person D.by nature24.English teachers can sometimes use TPR in classroom activities. TPR stands for _.A.total physical responseB.total participatory responseC.total practice responseD.total production response25.Shenzhen has passed a new law to ban smoking in public, which can _the civilization of a city.A.weigh B.balance C.explore D.measure26.At the beginning of class, the noise of desks _ could be heard outside the classroom.A.opened and closedB.to be opened and closedC.being opened and closedD.to open and close27.The committee is totally opposed _any changes being made in the plans.A.of B.on C.to D.against28.We consider it important that everycitizen _ good manners.A.has B.should be C.have D.is29.George Bernard Shaw was an Irishdramatist, literary critic, socialist spokesman and a leading _ inthe 20th century theater.A.function B.figure C.status D.feature30.The senior citizen would have beenkilled _ the timely arrival of the rescue team.A.except for B.but for C.besides D.except31.The key to_the medical problems is health care reform, said the minister.A.solve B.solving C.being solved D.be solved32.Recently I bought an ancient vase, _ was very reasonable.A.which priceB.the price of whichC.its priceD.the price of that33.Which of the following clusters of words is an example of alliteration?A.A weak seatB.Safe and soundC.Knock and kickD.Coat and boat34.She is so kind to us. We have been prepared to do _ it takes to help her.A.whichever B.however C.whatever D.whoever35._ time going by, I began to realizewhat really matters in my life.A.While B.When C.As D.With参考答案1.A考查构词法。A项是由否定前缀in+efficient构成的派生词。其他三项都是合成词,breakthrough(突破)=break(打破)+through(穿过);grassland=grass(草)+land(地);keyhole(钥匙孔)_key(
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