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Unit 2 What Time is it? Period 2 - Teaching PlanI. Basic Information Subject: English Grade: 4 Semester: 2nd Unit: 2 Lesson: What Time is it? (Period 2)II. Teaching ObjectivesKnowledge Objectives1. Students will be able to tell time in English using digital clocks.2. Students will learn a variety of phrases used when asking and answering about time.3. Students will understand how to use the prepositions to and past when telling time.Skill Objectives1. Students will practice speaking about time in a conversation with their peers.2. Students will write sentences about different times using proper prepositions and vocabulary.3. Students will apply their knowledge of telling time when working with word problems related to time.Moral Objectives1. Students will learn to manage their time effectively and punctually.2. Students will develop a sense of responsibility when reporting on the time, particularly when working in groups.3. Students will learn to rely on each others strengths when working collaboratively.III. Teaching ProceduresWarm-up (5 minutes)1. Greet the class and ask if anyone remembers what they learned in Period 1 about telling time.2. Solicit any questions about time-telling vocabulary or prepositions from the students.Activity: Time Relay1. Divide the class into two teams.2. Give each team a set of time cards with different times written on them in English.3. In turn, one student from each team must race to the front of the class to grab a card, return to their team, and correctly say the time illustrated on the card.4. The first team to accurately complete the relay wins.Presentation (25 minutes)1. Review the vocabulary and prepositions covered in Period 1 regarding telling time.2. Introduce the use of digital clocks when telling time.3. Model for the class how to read a digital clock in English.4. Demonstrate how to use the prepositions to and past when talking about time on a digital clock.Activity: Digital Clock Reading1. Divide the class into small groups or pairs and provide each group with a digital clock.2. Have students take turns practicing reading the time on the clock and using to and past correctly.3. Circulate among groups to provide any needed assistance or corrections.Practice (30 minutes)1. Project a series of digital clock images onto the board.2. Ask students to yell out the time displayed on each clock as quickly as possible.3. Randomly choose individual students to come to the board and demonstrate how to use the prepositions to and past when telling time.4. Ask students to pair up and take turns giving and asking about the time using to and past.Activity: Time Word Problems1. Hand out a worksheet with several word problems related to time.2. Encourage students to work together in pairs to solve the problems.3. Have different pairs share their answers and solutions with the class.4. Provide feedback and clarifications as needed.Summary and Homework (5 minutes)1. Have students restate the new vocabulary and prepositions introduced in Period 2.2. Assign a written homework task in which students must write about what they did at a specific time on a given day.3. Remind students to use to and past correctly in their writing.IV. Evaluation1. Observe individual students as they speak and work with their peers during the different activities.2. Grade student worksheets and homework assignments for accuracy and understanding of the material.3. Provide feedback and offer explanations and support when necessary.
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