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Recycle 1 Lesson 2(教学设计)人教PEP版英语三年级下册一、教学目标 知识目标:学习并掌握有关食品的词汇,并能正确使用句型 “ What can I have for breakfast / lunch / dinner?” “I can have” 能力目标:培养学生的口语表达能力和准确率,提高他们的听说能力和英语交际能力。 情感目标:通过介绍不同食品的营养价值,让学生了解良好的饮食习惯对健康的重要性。二、教学重点和难点教学重点: 学习并掌握有关食品的词汇; 能流利地使用句型 “What can I have for breakfast / lunch / dinner?”“I can have”教学难点: 意识到良好的饮食习惯对健康的重要性。三、教学过程1. Warm up Greetings:Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? Free talk: T:Do you like breakfast? What do you like to have for breakfast? Ss:I like bread / milk / eggs / porridge, etc.2. Presentation T:Now lets learn some new words about food. Look at the screen, please. (show the words and pictures of rice, bread, noodles, eggs, milk and porridge) What are they? (get the students to answer) T:Can you say it in English? Now lets say the words together. (pronounce and repeat the words with students)3. Practice T: Good job! Do you eat these food for breakfast / lunch / dinner? Lets see. (show the pictures of different meals for each time of day) What can you have for breakfast / lunch / dinner? S1:What can I have for breakfast? T:Yes, thats right. Lets ask your partner. (get the students to work in pairs and practice) Ss:What can I have for breakfast? S2:You can have noodles / eggs / porridge, etc. T: Good job. Now lets practice together. “What can I have for lunch?” “You can have” “What can I have for dinner?” “You can have” T:Now you can practice with another partner.4. Production T:Ok, lets play a game. I will show you a picture of a meal, you need to use the words we just learned to complete the sentence “I can have for ” (show the pictures of different meals and get the students to complete the sentences)5. Summary and Homework T:So today we learned some new words about food and how to use them in sentences. Can you summarize what we learned today? Ss:We learned what we can have for breakfast / lunch / dinner. T:Well done. For homework, please draw and label three different foods you like to eat. And write a sentence to describe what you can have for dinner.四、教学反思本节课是教学Recycle 1 Lesson 2。整个课程的设计充分考虑到了三年级学生的特点和水平。在本节课的教学中,由于学生们对于食物和饮食的相关词汇、句型还不很熟悉,因此本节课的教学内容涵盖了这些方面的内容。在整个教学过程中,我主要通过图片和单词的呈现帮助学生理解并进行记忆。通过课前的热身、自由交流,有效地吸引了学生们的注意力和积极性,也增强了课程的连续性和可延续性。通过课中的学习重点与难点,在课堂教学中让学生们对于饮食习惯有了更深刻的认识,并能在日后掌握更多的英语知识和交际表达。在教学反思环节中,可以更好地审视并完善自己的教学方法和教学过程,进一步提高自己的教学水平。
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