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Unit 3 Holiday Fun Story TimeIntroductionThe purpose of this lesson plan is to introduce six-year-old students to the concept of storytelling and encourage them to share their own experiences. This lesson will focus on holiday stories and will provide students with the opportunity to share any holiday experiences they may have had. This lesson is part of the 2022-2023 English language curriculum in the sixth grade.Learning Objectives To encourage students to share personal holiday experiences To develop listening and comprehension skills To encourage empathy and understanding of different cultures and traditions To develop creativity through storytelling To practice communication and presentation skillsMaterials Picture book about the holidays A collection of holiday-related objects such as a Christmas tree, dreidel, or Eid al-Fitr decorations Blank paper and colored pencilsProcedureWarm-up (10 minutes)1. Begin the class by asking students if they have ever celebrated a holiday. If so, which holiday was it? What did they do on that day? Let each student take turns sharing their experience.2. Once all students have had a chance to share, ask the class what they know about holidays. Make sure to encourage the class to share their knowledge and opinions.Instruction (10 minutes)1. Read a picture book about the holidays to the class and discuss the different types of holidays, cultures, and traditions.2. Show the class a collection of holiday-related objects and ask them to identify them. Talk about the meanings behind each object and how they relate to different holidays.3. Discuss the importance of storytelling and how everyone has unique experiences to share. Explain that the class will have the opportunity to share their own stories in the next activity.Storytelling Activity (30 minutes)1. Pass out blank paper and colored pencils to each student.2. Ask the students to think about a holiday they have celebrated and to draw a picture of a memorable moment from that holiday.3. Once everyone has finished drawing, have each student come up to the front of the class to share their picture and tell their story. Encourage the class to ask questions and show interest in each others stories.Reflection (10 minutes)1. After each student has shared their story, briefly discuss the importance of respecting and understanding different cultures and traditions.2. Remind the class that the purpose of sharing holiday stories is to learn from each other and to feel empathy towards others who celebrate differently.3. End the class by asking if anyone has learned anything new or interesting from their peers.ConclusionThe holiday storytelling lesson plan allows students to practice storytelling, communication, and presentation skills while promoting empathy and unity among the class. This lesson plan provides students with the opportunity to share their personal experiences while also learning about different holidays and cultures. By the end of the lesson, students will have developed their creativity and listening and comprehension skills while fostering an understanding of different traditions and cultures.
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