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Unit 3 Where did you go? Period 1Teaching materials English Grade 6 Students Book 3 Unit 3Teaching Goals1. Students can understand and use the questions and sentences related to travel and destinations.2. Students can learn and use the phrases and sentences related to transportation and time expressions.3. Students can learn and use the simple past tense to describe their past travels.Teaching key points and difficulties1. Teach the questions and sentences related to travel and destinations, and learn and use the phrases and sentences related to transportation and time expressions.2. Help students understand the use of the simple past tense to describe their past travels.Teaching proceduresStep 1 Warm up1. Greetings.2. Review the vocabulary of Unit 3: Where did you go?3. In groups of four, students ask each other where they went last weekend.4. Call some groups to share their conversations.Step 2 Presentation1. Watch the video clip of some celebrities sharing their past trips, and use the simple past tense to describe their past travels.2. Ask some students to share their past trips and use the simple past tense to describe them.3. Teach the phrases and sentences related to transportation and time expressions.4. Teach the questions and sentences related to travel and destinations.Step 3 Practice1. Divide students into groups of four and have them ask each other questions related to travel and destinations.2. Students can make a travel plan and use the phrases and sentences related to transportation and time expressions.3. Students make a poster of a famous attraction and use the questions and sentences related to destinations.Step 4 Consolidation1. Summarize the learning points of this class.2. Consolidation and reinforcement exercises.Step 5 Assessment1. Consolidation and reinforcement exercises (written test).2. Grading students oral expression in group activities.Homework1. Review the questions and sentences related to travel and destinations and the phrases and sentences related to transportation and time expressions.2. Write an article about a past trip using the simple past tense.Teaching reflection1. The teaching content of this class is practical and interesting, and the teaching goal is clear.2. In group activities, students can actively participate and communicate in English, which can promote students English learning and exchange.3. The assessment and homework of this class are appropriate, which can consolidate students learning outcomes.
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