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高中英语选择性必修二 Unit 1 单元写作指导与演练本单元的中心话题是“有成就的人”。通过单元内容,我们需要熟悉人物介绍类记叙文的特征及要点,学会描述人物,学会运用介绍人物品质和个性的形容词,并能灵活运用非限制性定语从句已完成本单元的写作人物。人物介绍一般采用“总分总”的形式。第一段开门见山,简要介绍人物身份及其成就;第二段介绍人物主要经历;第三段总结全文,达到首尾呼应,画龙点睛之效。【可借鉴词汇或表达】1.外貌:good-looking; ordinary-looking; odd-looking;2.品质或个性:committed; determined, considerate, optimistic, easy-going, warm-hearted; hard-working; responsible; patient; generous;3.爱好:have a great gift/talent for/be gifted/talented in; be keen on; be crazy about;4.教育:graduated form; earned a(an)degree; major in; go abroad for further study/to further ones study5.经历或成就:devote oneself to; commit oneself to; make up ones mind/determine to do sth.; overcome many difficulties; spare no efforts to do/make every effort/make great efforts to do sth.; enjoy widespread popularity win fame; make great contributions to6.其他:be born in/into; set a good example; be the pride of.,; be considered/recognized/seen/acknowledged as; be honored as;【词汇积累】一、外貌(appearance/look)1.good-looking相貌英俊的2.funning-looking外表可笑的3.ugly-looking丑陋的4.ordinary-looking外貌平平的5.white-haired白头发的6.near/far-sighted近/远视的7.charming有魅力的8.fashionable时尚的9.slim苗条的10.fat胖的11.lovely可爱的二、性格气质(character)12.kind-hearted好心的13.warm-hearted热心的14.absent-minded心不在焉的15.bad-tempered坏脾气的16.a strong will很强的意志力17.naughty淘气的18.smart/bright聪明的19.wise睿智的20.hard-working/diligent勤奋的21.humorous幽默的三、生日、出生地(birth/age)22., (who was) born in , is a四、家庭背景(family background)23. was born in/ into a poor/rich family出生在贫穷的/富裕的家庭24.as a child of years old, he还是个岁的孩子时25.his/ her father was very strict with him 父亲对他/她严格要求26.spend his childhood in 在度过了他的童年27.live a happy/hard life生活很幸福/艰苦五、教育背景(schooling / education background)28.be admitted to university考取大学29.graduate from department of university从某大学某系毕业30.receive/get a doctors degree获取博士学位31.go abroad for further studies出国深造32.When at college, he majored in French/he was a French major.读大学时他主修法语六、主要事迹(main event)33.serve as / work as / act as做工作34.devote oneself /ones effort/ones life to; be devoted to致力于35.make up ones mind to do/be determined to do决心做36.have a gift/talent for / be gifted/talented in有的天赋七、成就(achievement)37.excellent /outstanding /remarkable出色的38.succeed in sth./ doing sth.成功做39.be good at/ do well in擅长40.famous/well-known at home and abroad国内外著名的41.make great/rapid progress in在取得很大/快速进步42.overcome many difficulties/go through hardship克服困难43.set a good example to为树立好榜样44.speak highly of 高度赞扬45.be honoured as被授予46.be remembered as 被铭记为47.win the prize获得奖项48.win (won) a gold /silver/ bronze medal 获得金/银/铜牌49.make great contributions to为作出巨大贡献50.He is the pride of China.他是中国的骄傲。【句式积累】(一)描述外形(1)She keeps her figure beautiful.她身材保持得很好。(2)She is about 160 centimeters tall.她身高160厘米。(3)With a pair of glasses, her face looks like a cartoon charactervery lovely and humorous.她戴了副眼镜,那张脸看上去就像一个卡通人物很可爱、很幽默。(4)She always wears her long hair in braids, looking as simple as a primary school girl, pure and fresh.她留着长发,扎着辫子,看上去就像一个小学生,很清纯。(5)She is well dressed and looks very fashionable.她衣着讲究,打扮入时。(6)Her frequent smile impresses me a lot.她总是面带微笑,这给我留下了很深刻的印象。(7)She looks kind and always smiles to anyone.她看上去很善良,对任何人都是面带微笑。(8)He is the same age as you but looks much older.他和你同龄,但看上去比你的年龄大多了。(9)He is over forty, but he doesnt look his age.他已经四十多岁了,但看不出是这个年纪的人。(10)I notice that she has some gray hairs.我注意到她已经有了一些白发。(二)描述性格(1)He treats the old kindly as if they were his own parents.他善待老人,似乎他们都是他的父母。(2)She behaves herself.她守规矩,懂礼貌。(3)He is fairly out-going.Talking with him is a pleasant thing.他很外向,与他交谈是一件很愉快的事。(4)She is fairly thoughtful and easy-going.她很有思想,待人随和。(5)His gentle manner, his eloquence in conversation, and his ability to make all the people feel at home surprised me very much.他温文尔雅的举止,口若悬河的谈吐,以及那种令人宾至如归的能力令我大为惊叹。(6)He enjoys the company of children and shares various interests with the children.It seems he never grows up.他喜欢与孩子们为伍,与孩子们趣味相投。似乎他永远也长不大。(三)描述成就(1)He has won the prize for 他获得了奖。(2)He was awarded the prize for 他被授予/获奖。(3)He has successfully achieved/fulfilled 他成功地实现了(4)His invention/achievement ranks one of the top 他的发明/成就排名在前名。(5)He has mainly contributed to 他对做出了重要的贡献。(四)描述印象(1)He is the only child, but he is not spoilt.他是一个独生子,但他没有被宠坏。(2)He is a handsome boy with strong determination.他是一个英俊果断的孩子。(3)He is the best teacher I have known so far.他是至今为止我所知道的最好的老师。(4)His appearance, way of life and special qualities will remain in my memory.他的外表、他的生活方式以及他的一些特别的品质将永远留在我的记忆里。(5)She likes to talk about people behind their backs.她喜欢在背后说别人的坏话。(6)He gives us the impression of always being too busy to talk.他给我们的印象是他总是那么忙,连说话的时间都没有。(7)He is our friend as well as our teacher.他是我们的老师,也是我们的朋友。(8)He is strict with his st
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