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江苏开放大学综合商务英语(进阶)形考作业一题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:中等得分:21When I arrived in this country, I had to start learning the language from _.A:scratchB:scrapC:snatchD:scrape正确答案:A:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:中等得分:22As soon as Charles had _ a little from his surprise, his one thought was to get away.A:returneD:B:absorbeD:C:dissolveD:D:recovereD:正确答案:D:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:较难得分:23The thieves _ him _ in the park, took his wallet and escaped.Aheld . backBheld . upCheld . onDheld . out正确答案:B:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:较难得分:24Japan has to employ an increasing number of overseas workers because there is no easy solution to its labor _.AdeclineBrarityCvacancyDshortage正确答案:D:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:中等得分:25The two dogs started to fight, so we tried to _ them.AsplitBseparateCtearDdivide正确答案:B:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:困难得分:26We can only give you the _ number of refugees crossing the border at the moment.AobscureBapproximateCimpartialDimaginary正确答案:B:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:中等得分:27When theres doubt the examiners decision is _.ArightBfinalCdefiniteDfixeD:正确答案:B:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:中等得分:28Busy and successful as he was, the novelist was willing to _ any promising young man and give him all the help he could.Atake upBpick upCmake upDlook up正确答案:A:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:困难得分:29He did not find a job yet because he had no _ to men who could help him.AapproachBapplicationCaccessDapproval正确答案:C:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:中等得分:210The old man got into the _ of storing money under the bed.AtraditionBhabitCuseDcustom正确答案:B:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:较难得分:211He will never give up the chance to go abroad for further education _ the situation is .AwhateverBhoweverCwheneverDwherever正确答案:A:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:中等得分:212The river is so seriously polluted that few fish, _, can be found alive in it.Aif everBIf someCif anyDif never正确答案:C:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:一般得分:213_ , the dancers practice hard to make their dreams come true.ABeing disabled as theyBAs they are disableD:CDisabled as they areDDisabled so they are正确答案:C:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:较难得分:214Though _ of the danger, he still went skating on the thin ice.AwarningBto warnCwarnDwarneD:正确答案:D:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:较难得分:215 Mum, I failed the test again. Oh, I knew it. How can you learn anything _ you spend all your free time watching television.AwhileBasCwhenDunless正确答案:C:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:较难得分:216从选项中选出翻译最为准确的一项。We cannot help asking if sandstorm is a pure natural phenomenon over which we have no control.A:我们禁不住要问沙尘暴是否是一种纯自然现象,而我们对它无法控制。B:如果沙尘暴是一种纯自然现象,我们不禁要问这个问题是否不能解决。C:我们不禁要问沙尘暴是否是一种人类无法控制的纯粹的自然现象。D:如果沙尘暴是一种纯自然现象,对于我们能否控制它我们也不知道。正确答案:C:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:中等得分:217No matter how long or short the letter is, what really counts is that it s heart-warming.A:不管信是多么长,人心是不可计数的。B:信的长短无所谓,真正可以计数的是它能温暖人心。C:信的长短无所谓,关键是它能温暖人心。D:不管信是长还是短,真正重要的是它能温暖人心。正确答案:C:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:较难得分:218The newspaper was ordered to pay damages to the film star for printing an untrue story about her.A报社被勒令付给那位电影明星一笔赔偿金,因为该报刊载的一篇有关她的报道失实。B报社在报上刊载了一篇有关她的失实报道,因此必须赔偿这位电影明星。C因为报道失实,报社不得不弥补对这位电影明星的损害。D这位电影明星要求损害她名誉的报社做出赔偿。正确答案:A:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:中等得分:219Copper, which is used so widely for carrying electricity, offers very little resistance.A铜输电的用途非常广泛,因为铜的阻力很小。B广泛用于输电的铜阻力很小。C铜的阻力很小,所以被如此广泛地用于输电。D因为铜被广泛地用于输电,所以其阻力很小。正确答案:C:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:较难得分:220Chinas consumer price index in July dropped by 0.9 percent from a year earlier, against a decline of 0.8 percent in June.A7月份中国消费物价指数与去年同期相比下降了0.9%,而6月份该指数下降了0.8%。B中国消费物价7月份下降至前一年的0.9%,比6月份只下降了0.8%。C7月份中国消费物价指数比一年前下降了0.9%,而比6月份下降了0.8%。正确答案:A:题型:单选题客观题分值3分难度:一般得分:321阅读理解一(对应以下1-1至1-5)“Oh, you must have been a spoiled (宠坏的) kid. You must be really bossy. I wonder what youre going to be like to deal with?” Thats often the response Angela Hult gets when people find out shes an only child, she told ABC News. Despite such negative (消极的) remarks, Hult has decided to have only one child herself. And shes not alone.According to the US Office for National Statistics, women approaching the end of their childbearing years had an average of 1.9 children in 2004, compared with 3.1 for their counterparts in 1976. The percentage of one child families in Britain had risen from 18 percent in 1972 to 26 percent in 2007.But even though only children are becoming increasingly common, the traditional view that theyre selfish, spoiled and lack social skills holds strong. Even parents of only children, like Hult, are made to feel guilty about having only one child. Worried that theyre being selfish and endangering their childs future, they flock to online discussion forums seeking advice. Soon, however, they ask themselves: is this social prejudice really reasonable?“There have been hundreds and hundreds of research studies that show that only children are no different from their peers (同龄人),” Susan Newman, a social p
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