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实用综合教程UNIT 7 Career and life“十三五”职业教育国家规划教材3第三版新标准高职公共英语系列教材Warm-upText AText BGrammarWritingiOpinion:Chinese perspectiveComprehensive exercisesWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upBackground information1 Community colleges and vocational education in the United StatesCommunity colleges,also called junior colleges,are institutions of higher education offering two-year programs of general study or technical or vocational training.Many students receive the first two years(freshman and sophomore years)of postsecondary education at community colleges before pursuing a bachelors degree at a four-year college or a university.Warm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upBackground information2 White collars and blue collarsWhite-collar workers refer to workers engaged in non-manual labor,frequently contrasted with blue-collar(manual)employees.The term“white collar”derives from the traditional white button-down shirts worn by workers of such professions.The white shirts are easily soiled and therefore distinguish the workers who“do not get their hands dirty.”Managers,salaried professionals,office workers,sales personnel,and proprietors are generally included in the white-collar category.Warm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upA Match the words and phrases with the pictures.programmer_nurseplumber_123tour guideprogrammernurseaccountantplumberreceptionisttechnicianteacherpastry chefWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upreceptionist_accountant technician_456Match the words and phrases with the pictures.tour guideprogrammernurseaccountantplumberreceptionisttechnicianteacherpastry chefAWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-uppastry chef_teachertour guide_789Match the words and phrases with the pictures.tour guideprogrammernurseaccountantplumberreceptionisttechnicianteacherpastry chefAWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upAs the Chinese saying goes,“You can make it to the top in all walks of life(三百六十行,行行出状元).”What job do you want to do in the future?And how can you achieve your career goals?BText AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsText AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressionsplumber/()/n.水暖工,修水管工人工作间;车间workshop/n.凳子家具furniture/()/n.stool/n.木匠carpenter/()/n.银行家银行,储蓄所 You should put your money in the bank.bank/n.banker/()/n.Text AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressionssalesman/n.男推销员,男售货员除了都all but女推销员,女售货员saleswoman/n.低报酬的,低薪的好像,似乎as thoughlow-paying/adj.除了之外other than回击,反击白领的(white collar白领)white-collar/()/adj.strike backText AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressionsexecutive/adj.行政的,管理的学徒,学徒工apprentice/n.经营主管;执行者 n.蓝领的(blue collar 蓝领)blue-collar/()/adj.会计,会计师accountant/n.账户;账目会计学;会计制度accounting/n.account/n.职员,办事员clerk/n.Text AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressionsmaster/()/adj.熟练的,精通的手艺;贸易trade/n.师傅;大师 n.精通工匠,手艺精湛的人craftsman/n.v.手艺,技术craftsmanship/n.汽车服务部,维修部service departmentautomobile/n.部分地in part交易;交换 v.Text AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressionsas well as和,以及属于belong to价值很有价值的,贵重的 Thank you very much for your valuable advice.valuable/adj.value/n.称赞表扬,赞扬 v.praise/n.Text AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressionsprofessionally/adv.专业地专业的,职业的professional/adj.专业人士 n.Words and expressionsReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingText ABefore you read1 What different occupations can you recognize in the picture?2 Do you want to be a white-collar worker or a blue-collar worker?Why?Words and expressionsReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingText AFor the past few days,Ive spent most of the time in my workshop making a little stool for Emily.I like the whole process of writing but when I get back there in my workshop,I notice that Im quite happy.Yesterday I worked until 2:30 before I remembered I hadnt eaten lunch.I suddenly realized that I could give up writing and spend the rest of my life making pieces of furniture that interested me.Who knows?I might get good at it.Where are all the plumbers?21Words and expressionsReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingText AI dont understand why more people dont get their satisfaction from working with their hands.Somehow,a hundred or more years ago something strange happened in this country.Americans began to think that people who worked with their hands were not as smart as those who worked with their brains.The carpenters,the plumbers,the mechanics,and the farmers were put in a social class1 below the bankers,the salesmen,and the doctors.The jobs that required people to work with their hands were generally lower-paying jobs and the people who took them had less education.3Words and expressionsReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingTe
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