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实用综合教程UNIT 3 Names“十三五”职业教育国家规划教材3第三版新标准高职公共英语系列教材Warm-upText AText BGrammarWritingiOpinion:Chinese perspectiveComprehensive exercisesWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upBackground information1 We can address people1)by their given name(often a shortened form is used)e.g.Christopher Chris,Edward Ed,Andrew Andy,Anthony Tony,Richard Rick,William Bill,and James Jimmie2)by a title followed by their surname e.g.Mr.Roland,Miss WebsterTitles:“Mr.”for a man“Mrs.”for a married woman“Miss”for an unmarried woman“Ms.”for any woman(single or married)Warm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upBackground information2 How to choose the appropriate way to address people:Formal relationship or situationTitle+surnameNeutral relationship or situationGiven name,or title+surnameInformal situation or close relationshipGiven name3)by a title on its own e.g.A patient can call his doctor either Dr.Bennett or Doctor.Titles that can be used on their own:Professor Doctor NurseRanks in the armed forces,e.g.CaptainWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upBackground information3 How to spell your Chinese name in English1)Spell your family name as one word and your given name as one word,no matter whether your family name or given name consists of one Chinese character or two.e.g.姚明:Yao Ming 张艺谋:Zhang Yimou 司马光:Sima Guang 欧阳紫薇:Ouyang ZiweiWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upBackground information2)In conversation,its advisable to tell a new friend your family name or given name after introducing your full name.e.g.My name is Wang Jiajia.Wang is my family name.or My name is Wang Jiajia.Jiajia is my given name.3)In writing,you may spell a Chinese name in its original order but capitalize all letters in the family name.e.g.On the name card of a person called 王佳佳,the name could be spelled as WANG Jiajia.Warm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upAChinese names usually have meanings.Read what some people say about their names.My name is Wang Hanqi.Wang(王)is my family name.Its the second most popular family name in China;the first one is Li(李).Han(涵)is my generation name.My cousins at my fathers side all have Han as their generation name.Qi(祺)is my given name.My mum chose this character for me to wish me happiness and good luck.Traditionally,Chinese people believe that there are five elements that make up the universe:gold,wood,water,fire,and earth.There is a way to tell whether a child lacks any of the elements according to the childs time and date of birth.Its said that I lack the element of wood,so my parents gave me the name Bailin(柏林),because there are three characters of wood(木)in the name.Warm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upAChinese names usually have meanings.Read what some people say about their names.My name is Xu Lei.Lei(蕾)is my given name.Chinese names usually mean something good,and girls names often relate to beauty,flowers,or pureness.Thats why my parents chose for me the character Lei,which means a flower bud.In the past,some people believed that giving a child a humble name with a bad meaning could hold off evil spirits.When I was a child,I was called Gousheng(狗剩),which means dogs leftover.I changed my name when I grew up.Warm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upBChinese family names all have long histories.Search the Web to find out the history of your family name.Name one particularly famous historical figure with the same family name as yours.Text AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsText AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressionsculture/()/n.文化;教养头衔,称号给题名;给与权利、资格 The book was entitled Jaws.Being a member entitles you to discounts on tickets.entitle/v.title/n.印象,感觉impression/n.Text AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressionsimpress/v.留下印象,使产生印象The bright color of her dress impressed him deeply.考虑;认为吸引人的,有魅力的有吸引力的事物;魅力 The opportunity to travel is one of the main attractions of this job.consider/()/v.attractive/adj.attraction/n.Text AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressions姓(又称 family name)诗歌的;诗意的流行,普及popularity/n.surname/n.poetic/adj.诗,诗歌诗人poet/n.poetry/n.提醒,使记起remindof另一方面根据为取名,以为命名nameafteron the other handText AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressions经受住的考验特别喜欢的人或物风味,滋味给调味flavor/()/n.v.stand the test offavorite/n.绰号,昵称给取绰号 v.nickname/n.孩子气的,幼稚的childish/adj.用为名字姓名的首字母initial/n.go by甜心(用作昵称)sweetheart/n.Text AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressions反映;深思反映;深思 He gave much reflection to the problem but still had no answer.reflect/v.reflection/n.称呼;对发表演讲地址address/v.n.(与 His,Her 或 Your 连用)陛下(对君主的尊称)Majesty/n.(与 His,Her 或 Your 连用)阁下(对法官的尊称)Honor/n.Text AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressions(the)大人(对教士的尊称)Reverend/n.一定程度的职位;位置position/n.a measure of安置,确定的位置 v.Words and expressionsReadi
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