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实用综合教程UNIT 8 Science fiction“十三五”职业教育国家规划教材3第三版新标准高职公共英语系列教材Warm-upText AText BGrammarWritingiOpinion:Chinese perspectiveComprehensive exercisesWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upBackground information1 Liu Cixin and his science fictionLiu Cixin,once a computer engineer at a power plant in Shanxi Province,began writing science fiction in the early 1990s.He is a prolific writer,and his most famous work is the“Three-Body”trilogy:The Three-Body Problem(三体,2006),The Dark Forest(黑暗森林,2008)and Deaths End(死神永生,2010).The tremendous popularity of Lius science fiction in China brought his writing to international attention.The English version of The Three-Body Problem won the 2015 Hugo Award(the most prestigious science fiction award in the US).He also received the Clarke Award for Imagination in Service to Society in 2018.Warm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upBackground information2 The Wandering EarthThe Wandering Earth tells the story of a distant future in which the Sun is about to die,prompting mankind to make a courageous attempt to save the Earth.Generations of people build ten thousand big engines in an effort to push planet Earth out of the solar system,in the hope of finding a new home in the universe.During the 2,500-year-long journey,a group of daring heroes emerge to defend human civilization from unexpected dangers and to ensure the survival of humanity in this age of the wandering Earth.The short story was published in 2000 and the movie adaptation was released in China in 2019,which became an instant box office hit.Warm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upA Answer the following questions about yourself.Then interview the student beside you.What kind of books do you like?Who is your favorite author?1novelspoetryshort storiesnon-fictionbiographiesWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upA Answer the following questions about yourself.Then interview the student beside you.What kind of movies do you like?Whos your favorite movie star?2comediesdramasactionmoviesadventuremoviesscience-fictionmoviescartoonsWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upAWhat kind of TV programs do you like?Whos your favorite performer?3Answer the following questions about yourself.Then interview the student beside you.sitcomsdramascartoonsvariety showsnews programsWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upB Use the answers in A and tell the class about yourself and the student you have interviewed.You can begin like this:and we have a lot of interests in common/are quite different in things we like.I like and my favorite author is,while he/she likes and his/her favorite author is Text AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsText AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressionsrotation/n.旋转;轮班,轮岗旋转 The satellite slowly rotates as it circles the Earth.rotate/v.目击,看到witness/v.目击者,见证人地平线;界限,眼界horizon/n.n.水平的,横的Keep the patient horizontal with the feet slightly raised.horizontal/adj.Text AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressionshemisphere/()/n.半球;地球的半球散发,发出emit/v.永久的,固定的permanent/adj.永久,永恒永久地permanently/adv.permanence/n.发生器;发电机generator/()/n.等离子体;血浆束;光线;梁,栋梁beam/n.plasma/n.柱子,支柱pillar/()/n.Text AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressionsemission/n.排放;排放物 We need to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.微生物,细菌microbe/n.冷却服,隔热服与热量有关的;保暖的;隔热的 Runners were given thermal blankets to prevent heat loss at the end of the race.thermal/adj.thermal suitText AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressionssummit/n.峰,山峰,高峰吞下,吞咽,吞没一次吞咽的量swallow/v.n.交通工具,车辆;媒介vehicle/n.自卸卡车,翻斗车氧气面罩oxygen maskdump truck进料口material intake一卡车(运量),整车(货物)truckload/n.Text AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressions潮水,潮汐;潮流,趋势tide/n.以为燃料,为添加燃料;激起 v.驱动力,推力thrust/n.推,塞,挤,刺 v.摩天大楼余波,(灾难性事件的)后果aftermath/n.skyscraper/()/n.fuel/n.燃料Words and expressionsReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingText ABefore you read1 What would happen if the Earth stopped rotating?2 What could human beings do if they knew that a huge disaster would completely destroy the Earth in fifty years?Can you think of a way to help mankind survive?Words and expressionsReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingText AIve never seen the night,nor a star.Ive seen neither spring,nor fall,nor winter.I was born at the end of the Reining Age,just as the Earths rotation was coming to a final stop.The Reining Age11 An adapted excerpt fromThe Wandering EarthWords and expressionsReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingText AThe Reining lasted for 42 years.My mother told me that our family had witnessed the last sunset.The Sun had slowly moved toward the horizon,almost as if it had stopped altogether.In the end,it took three days and three nights to finally set.Naturally,that was the en
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