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2021年广东广州高三二模英语试卷-学生用卷一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,每小题2.5分,共37.5分)1、【来源】2021年广东广州高三 二 模(A 篇)第 2123题 7.5分(每题2.5分)CHAMBORD CASTLE,LOIR-ET-CHER,FRANCEA remarkable example of classical French architecture,Chambord Castle is the largest castle in theLoire Valley of France.Built in 1519 as a hunting-lodge for the royal court,the building was rarely livedin.There are one hundred rooms(of 440)open to the public and dozens of staircases,including one said tohave been designed by Leonardo da Vinci.The surrounding 2 1-square-mile nature park entertains withhiking and biking routes and boat rentals.LEEDS CASTLE,KENT,UNITED KINGDOMSituated on two islands in the middle of a lake,Leeds Castle provides a grand and romanticexperience.It has served as a royal residence for most of its 900-year history.The 500-acre English castlenow hosts year-round cultural events,with three restaurants,a bed-and-breakfast and a yew tree maze.MOSZNACASTLE,POLANDMoszna Castle was originally designed in Baroque style in the 17th century,but the later addition of aneo-Gothic brought Hogwarts appeal to the castle,especially at night when its 99 towers and glowingwindows twinkle in the outdoor reflecting pool,Nowadays,art exhibits and indoor concerts attract visitorsto the 365-room castle.BRAN CASTLE,BRASOV,ROMANIABran Castle originally dates back to the year 1212 and is mistakenly believed to be the home in BramStokers Dracula.The author never visited this fortress,commonly known as Draculas Castle,but it stillattracts literature fans to its weakly-lit hallways for night tours and an annual Halloween party.(1)What can visiters to Chambord Castie do?A.Hu n t i n t h e n a t u r e p a r k.B.Go b o a t i n g w i t h f r i e n d s.C.Li v e i n a n y o f i t s r o o m s.D.Ad m i r e d a V i n c i s p a i n t i n g s.(2)Visitors interested in beautiful night-time views can go to.A.CHAMBORD CASTLEB.LEEDS CASTLEC.MOSZ NA CASTLED.BRAN CASTLE(3)Which castle has the longest history?A.CHAMBORD CASTLE.B.LEEDS CASTLE.C.MOSZ NA CASTLE.D.BRAN CASTLE.2、【来源】2021年广东广州高三二模(B 篇)第 2427题 10分(每题2.5分)Tourists to the North Antrim Coast come for its breathtaking beauty.On this stretch of coast,mythand history live side by side,and running out of things to do is near impossible:Giants Causeway,Camcka Rede,the Iron Isles*filming locations.However,when I make my way to the north of the country in October,none of them are on my mind.What brings me to the coastal town of Portrush are the waves.Located on a peninsula,Portrush is home to three brilliant beaches and all the usual points of interestof a coastal town.But what makes the North Antrim Coast so special is the promise of the consistentwaves hitting its shores.Although still relatively unknown,its a surfer*s dream destination.This is thehome of six time Irish national surfing champion,Andrew Hill,after all.I meet Andrew at his surf shop,the most popular in Portrush.After hiring a surf board and jumping inthe water al West Strand,I quickly realise that my trusted wetsuit is not enough.Within just 30 minutes,Fve lost all feeling in my feet and hands,and my ears are burning.I retreat to a nearby cafe and gulp downsteaming tea before popping by Andrew*s shop,again.Surf boots are what I need,we decide,I leave with anew determination to master the icy Atlantic waves.Im invited to surf a different spot with Andrew andhis friend that afternoon,but I decline his generous offer.My head is set on one thing only:taking revenge:on the same waves that almost turned me into an ice block that very morning.Even with boots,surfing the cold-waters of Portrush leaves my feet purple.I become covered inbruises that dont register until I thaw out each night,and it takes a couple of days to fully regain feeling inmy hands.But its worth it,and I would gladly do it all over again.(1)What does the underlined word them in paragraph 2 refer to?A.Th e p o p u l a r a t t r a c t i o n s.B.Co a s t a l t o w n s.C.Th e f i l m i n g l o c a t i o n s.D.Pa s s i o n a t e t o u r i s t s.(2)Why is the author attracted to the North Antrim Coast?A.It h a s i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y f a m o u s b e a c h e s.B.It s h o m e t o t h e u s u a l s e a s i d e i n t e r e s t s.C.It p r o d u c e s e x c e l l e n t w a v e s f o r s u r f i n g.D.It s t h e h o m e t o w n o f a s u r f i n g c h a m p i o n.(3)The author goes back to the surf shop to.A.b e t t e r e q u i p h i m s e l f f o r t h e c h a i l e n g eB.c o n s u l t w i t h s o m e e x p e r i e n c e d s u r f e r sC.a c c o m p a n y t h e o w n e r o n a l a t e r s u r f t r i pD.q u i c k l y w a r m h i m s e l f u p w i t h s o m e h o t t e a(4)What is the tone of the passage?A.Na r r a t i v e a n d s e r i o u s.B.Pe r s u a s i v e a n d c r i t i c a l.C.De s c r i p t i v e a n d p o s i t i v e.D.In f o r m a t i v e a n d o b j e c t i v e.3、【来源】2021年广东广州高三二模(C 篇)第 2831题 10分(每题2.5分)When the Chinese spacecraft(航天器)Chang*e-5 returned to Earth on December 17,2020,itbrought back something
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