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2021-2022学年广东省深圳市福田外国语高级中学高一(下)期中英语试卷第一部分语法单选(共 20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)1.(1 分)All of us were by the question by a six-year-oldboy.()A.puzzled;puzzling;roseB.puzzling;puzzled;raisedC.puzzled;puzzling;raisedD.puzzled;puzzled;being raised2.(1 分)While cleaning the snow on the road,.()A.a wallet was found on the groundB.a wallet appeared on the groundC.I found a wallet lying on the groundD.I found a wallet laid on the ground3.(1 分)the project,they decided to stay there for another w eek.()A Not completing B.Not having completedC.Not completed D.Having not completed4.(1 分)Ordinary soap,correctly,can deal with bacteria effectively.()A.used B.to use C.using D.use5.(1 分)Many parents at the back of the c l a s s r o o m,t o the teacher attentively.()A.were seated,listeningB.were seating,were listeningC.seated,listeningD.seated,listened6.(1 分)We a t h e r,we would go to the suburban part the work stress andtension.()A.permits,to relieveB.permitted,relievingC.permitting,to be relievedD.permitting,to relieve7.(1 分)another opportunity,I will never waste precious time online games.()A.Given,playingB.Giving,to playC.If to be given,playingD.If giving,to play8.(1 分)Mum Dads phone to take photos of the colourful little houses along the coastwe saw something amazing-a killer whale!()A.was using,whenC.was used,whenB.being used,whichD.is using,that9.(1 分)An old lady cameto the bus stop,only the bus had gone.()A.to run;to findB.running;to findC.to run;findingD.running;finding10.(1 分)The boy hasnt turned up for several day,but one day he was caught in thestreet.()C.devoting to doA.missed,to begB.missed,beggingC.missing,beggingD.missing,begged11.(1 分)With all her timeexperiments,she has no time for entertainment.()A.devoted to doingB.devoted to doD.is devoted to doing12.(1 分),I really believe that Fd prefer not to make any change now.()A.Considered all the possibilitiesB.Taking all the possibilities into considerationC.Taken all the possibilities into considerationD.Giving all the possibilities13.(1 分)Before into the city,you are required to get your car.()A.driving,washed B.driving,washC.driven,washing D.driven,to be washed14.(1 分)in her assignment,Mary didnt notice her partner in a new skirt.()A.To be absorbed,sittingB.Absorbing,sittingC.Absorbed,seatingD.Absorbed,dressed15.(1 分)To get a good education,.()A.working hard is very importantB.it is essential to work hardC.one must work hardD.it is needed to work hard16.(1 分)in 1931,the Empire State Building,the highest skyscraper until 1954,inspiredthe imagination of the world.()A Having completed B.Being completedC.Completed D.Completing17.(1 分)My father is used to the daily news on TV before having breakfast.()A.watching B.watch C.watches D.watched18.(1 分)in thought,he almost knocked into the big tree in front of him.()A.Losing B.Having lostC.Lost D.To lose19.(1 分)This forum enables me to meet and talk to people the same profession as me.()A.have B.are having C.had D.having20.(1 分)I was told that there were about 50 foreign students Chinese in the school,most were from Germany.()A.study;of whom B.study;of themC.studying;of them D.studying;of whom第二部分阅读(共两节,满分37.5分)第 一 节(共4小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21.(7.5 分)Music and art festivals are fun and exciting events.If youre planning to go to afestival,it*s important to plan your trip carefully to ensure that youre safe and have a goodtime.Bring clothes to keep warm or coolIn addition to your fun festival clothing,pack a raincoat,some light tank tops,and asweater or sweatshirt.Dont forget longer pants for cool evenings or bad weather.In general,it*sbest to leave your umbrella at home because they can be dangerous in large crowds.Get a cheap tent and sleeping bag for multi-day festivalsA majority of people end up throwing their tent away after long festivals,since theynormally break from the use.Pick up a less expensive tent with enough room for you and yourfriends and pack a comfortable seeping bag for yourself,1 f you don*t want to camp at thefestival,remember to book an AirBnb or a hotel room nearby!Place a first aid kit in a proper placeBefore the festival,buy a small first aid kit with band aids,and any medication that youneed to take,in case you get minor injuries or a headache.Keep it in a proper place thats easilyaccessible,like your tent or car.(1)Why should umbrellas be left at home?A.They take up too much space.B.The weather will be terrible.C.They might hurt someone.D.Travelers prefer raincoats.(2)What do most people do with tents after festivals?A.Sell them.B.Return them.C.Pack them up.D.Throw them away.(3)What is suggested about the first aid kit?A.It should be put at hand.B.It ought to be big enough.C.It must contain all medicines.D.It has to be placed in the car.22.(10 分)At 12,my father decided to take me on a trip to France.I had never been out of thecountry before,so I was very excited.My aunt,my father and I went around with my fathershowing us all the unbelievable sites in Paris.None of us spoke much
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