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学易金卷:2021-2022学年上学期期末测试卷(新高考版)01高二英语(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)第一部分听力【答案】1-5 ACCCB 6-10 CACAB 11-15 CABBC 16-20 BACCB【听力原文】Text 1W:To teach those students English,do you have to speak their language quite well?M:No,quite the contrary.They benefit most when the class is organized entirely in the foreign language.Text 2M:Kate,lets go fbr a drive somewhere this weekend.W:Thats a good idea.M:I thought that the whole family could go together.Text 3W:Oh,look at all these people escaping the weather.M:Yes,I bet they dont get this many people in the furniture shop even on a sale day.W:Look how wet it is out there now.I hope it stops soon.Text 4M:Hello,Lily.I heard the boss is sending you to China for a month.Thats awesome.W:Who told you so?M:Jennifer.She said Serena is going as well.W:Well,I wish I were going,but the boss changed her mind at the last minute,sending Robin instead.Text 5W:Bruce,could you give me a ride to the airport?Fm in a hurry.M:Sorry,I took my car to the local garage for a check-up last night.Why not ask Caroline?She can stop by theairport on her way to work.Text 6W:Chris!Chris,over here!M:Amanda!I cant believe we found each other in a crowd of a million people!W:Thats so crazy!Did you have a good Christmas?M:Yeah,it was great!My family came to visit,but they left already!W:The New Year is crazier than Independence Day.M:Yes.Better than watching it in your living room!Did you get here early?W:Yeah.I had dinner at a restaurant near here.M:Hey,look!The countdown is beginning!W:10!9!8!Text 7M:The main principle of keeping people happy in the service industry is to under-promise and over deliver.W:What does that mean?M:It just means to manage your customers expectations.Dont promise them something youre not going to comethrough on.And if you deliver more than you promise,theyre sure to be satisfied.W:So,how do you deal with complaints?M:You have to deal with complaints sensitively and try to understand where the customers are coming from.Always apologize and take the blame.W:Anything else?M:Dont give them a dead end to their questions.When the customer asks you a question,never just say I dontknow or We cant help you”.You can say I dont know,but I can help you find the answer or I cant help you,but I know who can”.Text 8M:Mary,youre looking very healthy and fit these days.W:Tve taken up cross-country skiing.M:Oh,yes.Tve heard about the benefits of the sport.W:It provides a total body workout,the kind of exercise that works all the muscle groups.Its the most effectiveway to lose weight.The nicest thing about it is that people of all ages can take part.M:Thats great,but what happens when the snow melts?W:Tve bought myself an exercise machine with a moveable track that provides the same type of exercise,so I canstay fit regardless of the time of year.Text 9W:Did you get into trouble at school,Tim?M:Oh,yes.I used to play lots of jokes.W:What kind of jokes?M:Silly ones.I used to put something on my classmates9 seats or in their clothes.Everyone laughed,and theteachers always punished me.W:Were you a good student?M:No,not really.I used to talk a lot.In fact,I had to sit alone in class.W:What did your mother think?Did she know you were a troublemaker?M:Oh,yes.I used to play jokes on her,too.For example,when I was little,my mother and I used to go shopping ata supermarket near our home.She used to walk and I used to take my bike.Once I went around a corner ahead ofher and lay down with my bike on top of me.I pretended to have hurt myself.So my mother was very worried!Sheused to get very angry with me but she never hit me.Text 1()W:I learned from a young age that the animal kingdom was an amazing place.I remember my teachers lessons ondifferent creatures in different environments.Mrs.Keller always spoke with enthusiasm about the different toolsthat each animal had developed to survive.However,what interested me most was the animals that helped oneanother.Certain animals form a bond that benefits both of them.For instance,theres a type of fish that attachesitself to sharks.The fish actually ride on the sharks as they go.They even eat the remaining food from the sharksmeals.In return,when the shark isnt giving them a free meal,they clean the shark.The small fish eat awayanything that would cause an infection in the shark.Isnt that amazing?Whats even more amazing is that someanimals have adapted to creating a bond with humans too.The honey guide“is a bird that will lead humans to theinsects that produce honey.The birds have learned to change their call when they find the insects.第 一 部 分 阅 读 理 解第一节A【答 案】21-23 DDA【分 析】这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了三项在疫情期间旅行的注意事项:戴口罩要求、体温要求和旅行政策要求。21.细节理解题。根据 Frontier Airlines Face Covering Requirement 部分中的 uFace coverings are not requiredfor children under the age of 2.(2 岁以下的儿童不需要佩戴口罩)”可知,没有戴口罩的一岁婴儿可以登上边境航空公司的航班。故选D。22.细节理解题。根据 Temperature Screening Requirement 部分中的“Anyone with a temperature of 100.4degrees Fahrenheit or higher will not be able to board the plane.If time allows,we will give custome
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