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云南省昆明市盘龙区2021-2023年中考英语一模试题分类汇编阅读理解2023年云南省昆明市盘龙区中考一模英语试题第一节(共 5 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分7.5 分)根据短文内容,判断正误(正 确 T,错 误 F”),并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。ChatGPT,a smart AI chatbot(聊天机器人)tool,has swept the education world in the pastmonths.According to a US survey of 1,000 students,about 90%of them have used ChatGPT to helpwith a homework task.Developed by US company-OpenAI,ChatGPT is a powerful tool.You can ask it to writestories and e-mails,create recipes(食谱),translate languages and answer all kinds of questions.Some schools in the US,Australia and France have banned the use of ChatGPT.For example,New York City public schools stopped students and teachers from using ChatGPT on the schooFsnetworks,CNN reported.The move comes out of worries that the tool could make it easier fbr students to cheat onschoolwork.Some also worry that ChatGPT could be used to spread incorrect information.Critical-thinking(批判性思维)and problem-solving skills are necessary for academic(学术的)and lifelong success,but ChatGPT does not build them,n said Jenna Lyle,the deputy presssecretary of the New York City Department of Education.Apart from bans,teachers are making changes to their classes to prevent the use of ChatGPT.Some college teachers in the US try to include more speaking exams and handwritten papersinstead of typed ones,The New York Times reported.21.In a US survey,about 90%of the students have used ChatGPT to help with their homework.22.ChatGPT can cook fbr people according to the passage.23.America,Australia and France allow students and teachers to use ChatGPT.24.ChatGPT is necessary for academic and lifelong success25.Teachers are making changes to their classes to prevent the use of ChatGPT.第二节(共 15小题;每小题1分,满 分 15分)根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。AIt was the final of the national high school basketball game.It was the first time in theirhistory,a team from a small town faced last years best team.The players thought they couldntwin and wanted to give up.Seeing this,the coach told them a story.Peter was a woodcutte匚 He was afraid he would fall ill and die.His wife told him that as longas his hands and feet were warm,he was not dead.One day,Peter went out to cut down trees.It was snowy and cold.After finishing his work,he noticed that his hands and feet were frozen.He thought he was dying,so he stopped workingand lay down on the ground.After Peter had been lying for a while,some wolves came over.They ate all the food inPeters food bag.The wolves then noticed Peter lying quietly on the ground.They were gettingnear to Peter.Peter thought,nIf I werent dead,I would kill you all.When the wolves saw Peterdoing nothing,they ate him.As the coach finished the story,the players talked about how silly Peter was.At the sametime,they realized what their coach wanted them to understand:the opposite team was like thewolves,and they were like the woodcutter.They should fight till the end,whether they were aliveor dead.26.The coach encouraged his players byA.giving them adviceC.playing basketball with them27.When did Peters story happen?A.In spring.B.In summer.B.sharing a story with themD.cheering them on the courtC.In autumn.D.In winter28.What do we know about Petefs death?A.He died after a long illness.B.He froze to death because of the cold weather.C.He was eaten by wolves while lying on the ground.D.He died of hunger because the wolves ate all his food.29.The players thought Peter was.A.stupid B.poor C.honest D.lazy30.What did the players learn from the passage?A.Death is not the worst thing.B.Teamwork is very important.C.They shouldnt give up without trying.D.Theres always someone better than them.BThe Fuxing train has started running in southwest Chinas Tibet along the LhasaNyingchi(拉萨一林芝)Railway.The 435-kilometer railway links Lhasa and Nyingchi.It*s a great achievement in China,because its the first electrified(电气化的)railroad on the Roof of the World.It shortens thejourney between Lhasa and Nyingchi from over five hours to about 3.5 hours.The new railway covers an area of 226,000 square kilometers.It goes through 47 tunnels(隧道)and crosses 121 bridges.The train has a top speed of 160 kilometers per hour.It is the fastesttrain on the high land,but it*s a bit slower than some other Fuxing trains in our country because ofthe special environment.The railway not only makes local peoples life easier,but also bringsmore tourists to the area.The railway trip is so relaxing and fast.The new train has brought our family memberscloser than ever before,said a teacher who lives in Nyingchi.She used to drive more than fivehours from Nyingchi to Lhasa to visit her parents during the summer vacation.Besides carrying passengers,the railway also provides good chances for farmers to sell localproducts to more places.It*s sure to put new energy into Tibets economic(经济的)development.31.If you leave Lhasa at 8:00 a.m.,you can arrive at Nyingchi by Fuxing train?A.about 1:00 p.m.B.about 12:00 a.m.C.about 11:30 a.m.D.about 9:30 a.m.32.Whafs the top speed of Fuxing t
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