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2023年中考英语第一次模拟考试(山东济南卷)英语全解全析I.听 力 测 试(30分)1-5 CBCCB6.【答案】C【原文】M:Sally,I will be glad to take care of your dog while youre on business this weekend.W:Thanks,Eric.Ifs very nice of you,but Molly is coming over to take it home.7.【答案】C 原文】M:I think Fm dying.Tm terrible now.W:Oh,nothing serious,young boy.You just catch a cold.You need to take some medicine.8.【答案】C【原文】W:Its seven now.When will you go to help your mother do the housework?M:In an houi:Im busy now.9.【答案】C【原文】M:John looks so upset.What happened to him?W:John should have bought the tickets to the match.But its too late.Its been sold out.10.【答案】B【原文】W:What do you like to cook?M:Well,I hardly ever cook for myself these days.I always eat in the dining hall.W:Did you ever help your mom with the cooking?M:Yes.When I lived at home,I sometimes helped my mom make salad and cook spaghetti.【答案】11.B 12.A 13.A 14.C 15.C【原文】W:Hello,I am looking for information about tours to Shanghai.Can you help me?M:Yes.How long would you like to stay in Shanghai?W:Oh,just for two days,if possible.M:Oh,we have a two-day round trip train tour.That will be perfect for you.W:Can you tell me about it,please?M:Yes,of course.On the first day,after resting at your hotel for the morning,you will be taken to visit NanjingRoad in the afternoon.W:Oh?What can I do there?M:There you can take pictures.In the evening you are free.W:Where is the hotel?M:It is near the Huangpu River.W:What about the second day?M:On the second day we will take you to the Yu Garden in Chenghuangmiao.W:Will we visit it all day?M:No.After that you can enjoy Kunqu opera in a theater nearby.We will leave Shanghai in the evening.W:Thank you for your help.I will call you again if I need more information.【答案】16.A 17.B 18.A 19.B 20.B【原文】Hailey is a 12-year-old girl from Australia.She is a big fan of sports.But she found sports magazines were justabout mens sports.Thafs why she created Her Way.Her Way is an online magazine about international womenssports.Womens sport has only been around for a little while,unlike the mens have already had hundreds of yearsto develop.Some games have been going on for years like tennis,but some sports are only growing now,”Haileytold the Australian newspaper Kids news.Womens sports should get more attention.Her Way is a collection ofHaileys reports and interviews with Australias top and rising women sporting stars,such as the swimmer JenniferLee,the 11-time Olympic medal winner,the basketball star Tang,the famous football player January Zhang andmore.When I went to some games,“Hailey said.got nervous before an interview every time but I was alsosuper excited.One magazine costs 2 Australian dollars(about 9 yuan).Half will be given to the UNICEF to helpmore girls.Hailey has raised over 8,000 Australian dollars for the organization so far.II.完 形 填 空(共15小题;每小题1分,满 分15分)【答案】21.B 22.A 23.D 24.B 25.C 26.C 27.B 28.A 29.D30.C 31.B 32.C 33.B 34.A 35.D【导语】本文讲述了 Moham第一次在新社区的一家餐馆点餐,而服务员端来的却不是自己想要吃的东西,当 Moham为自己的英语口语难过的时候,旁边的女孩安慰他的故事。21.句意:他抬头看了看菜单板,想知道自己怎么能理解这些奇怪的名字的意思。imagined 想象;wondered 想知道;described 描述;remembered 记得;根据“how he could understand what all ofthese strange names meant”可知,此处指的是想知道怎么理解,故选B。22.句意:Moham决定,他只要向服务员要一杯冰淇淋就行了。just 仅 仅;even 甚至;never 从不;also 也;根据“ask the waitress fbr ice cream in a cup”可知,只是要一杯冰淇淋,故选A。23.句意:她灿烂地笑了笑,写下了他的订单,消失在大玻璃陈列柜后面。wish 祝福;suggestion 建议;dream 梦想;order 点餐;decided that he would.ask the waitress forice cream in a cup.She smiled brightly,wrote down.”可知,是写下了要点的东西,故选 D。24.句意:里面有一根长吸管和一些饮料。Above 在.之上;Inside 在 里 面;Under 在.下方;Near 附近;根据“it was a long straw(吸管)and somekind of drink”可知,这是描述杯子里的东西,故选B。25.句意:Moham很惊讶,拿起杯子向她道谢,心想可能是自己用错词了。moved 感动的;bored 厌烦的;surprised 惊讶的;serious 严肃的;根据“thinking about the possibility that he hadused wrong words.It,s the soda you ordered”可知,服务员端来的不是自己点的东西,所以感到惊讶,故选C。2 6.句意:“这是你点的苏打水,“她说,“用杯子装的冰淇淋饮料。”he他;you你;she她;I 我;根 据“ask the waitress for ice cream in a cup”可知,此处指代的是服务员,指代女性用s h e,故选Co27.句意:他对女服务员笑了笑,指着陈列柜里的一块蛋糕说:“请给我那块。”salads沙拉;cakes蛋糕;drinks饮料;strawberries草莓;根据Moham took the cake”可知,此处要的是蛋糕,故选B。28.句意:这似乎效果更好。work 奏效:spread 扩散;develop 发展;creative 创造性的;结合“pointed at one of the.in the display case,andsaidJThat one,please”可知,这样用手指着要的东西会更加奏效一些,故选A。29.句意:为什么在突尼斯上课时英语对他来说如此简单,但当谈到实际的口语时,他甚至都吃不到他想吃的东西?special 特殊的;popular 受欢迎的;important 重要的;easy 容易的;根据“fbr him in his classes in Tunisia,but whenit came to.speaking,he couldiVt even get what he wanted to eat?”可知,课堂上英语对他来说很容易,故选 D。30.句意:为什么在突尼斯上课时英语对他来说如此简单,但当谈到实际的口语时,他甚至都吃不到他想吃的东西?slowly 慢地;carefully 仔细地;actually 实际上;honestly 诚实地;根据speaking,he couldnt even get what hewanted to eat?”可知,此处指的是实际的口语,故选C。31.句意:就在这时,一个坐在旁边的女孩看着整个过程,笑着对他说:“嘿,欢迎来到我们美丽的城市!”discussion 讨论;process 过程;performance 表演;argument 争论;根据a girl,who sat at the next table and hadwatched the whole.smiled at him and said”可知,女孩看到 了 整个过程,故选 B。32.句意:不要为你的英语感到难过。crazy 疯狂的;hopeful 有希望的;bad 坏的;excited 激动的;根据“Why was it that English had been so.speaking,he couldnt even get what he wanted to eat?”可知,女孩劝他不要因为自己不好的英语而感到难过,故选C。3 3.句意:如果你在这里住了一段时间,你会学
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