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Unit 14 Have you packed yet?The First PeriodI-Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabularybathing suit,water,travel,guidebook,beach towel,street map(2)Target LanguageHave you watered the plants yet?Yes,I have already watered them.2.Ability Objects(1)Train students?listening ability.(2)Train students9 communicativecompetence.3.Moral ObjectsHave everything in readiness beforeyou do it.In this way,you can finish itperfectly or have a good time.II-Teaching Key PointTarget LanguageIII.Teaching Difficult Points1.How to train students?listeningability.2.How to train students5communicative competence.IV-Teaching Methods1.Listening-and-answering activity tohelp the students go through with thelistening material.2.Pair work to make every studentwork in class.V-Teaching Aids1.A tape recorder2.The blackboardVI Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionT:Last week we finished Unit 13.Inthis unit,we learned how to talk abouthow things affect us.For example,Loud music makes me tense.Thatmovie made her sad.Now I ask somestudents to make sentences with thestructuremake meSi:Parties make me excited.S2:School vacations make me happy.S3:That movie made me want to leave.S4:The story made me cry.S5:The awful picture makes menervous.T:Very good.From today on,wewill learn Unit 14.Now.I ask astudent to come to the blackboard andwrite the numbers 1 to 20 on theblackboard.(After the student has written thenumbers 1 through 5,start talking tothe rest of the class)T:Has he written the number 1 yet?Class repeat the question.Has hewritten the number 1 yet?Ss:Has he written the number 1 yet?T:(Pointing to the number 1 on theboard)Yes,he has already written thenumber 1.Class repeat.Yes,he hasalready written the number 1.Ss:Yes,he has already written thenumber 1.T:(Writing the word already on theblackboard)This is the word already.Class repeat.Already.Look at theblackboard.(pointing to theblackboard)Has he written thenumber 50 yet?Class repeat thequestion.Has he written the number50 yet?Ss:Has he written the number 50 yet?T:(Pointing to the highest numberalready on the blackboard)No,he hasnt written the number 50yet.Class repeat.No,he hasntwritten the number 50 yet.Ss:No,he hasnt written the number 50yet.T:(Writing the word yet on theblackboard)Tish is the wordyet.Class repeat.Yet.Now,lookat the two words already andyet.Which one is used to talk aboutthings that have happened in the past?SSs:Already.T:Yeah.Very good.So the otherword yet is used to talk about thingsthat will happen in the future.Yeah?SS:Yes.Step II laThis activity introduces key vocabularyand helps students review vocabularythey already know.Read the instructions aloud to theclass.Say,Who can give an example of abeach vacation and sightseeing in a city?Ask a student to give theexample.(bathing suit,travelguidebook)Get students to add some things to thelists under the two headings.A beachvacation and Sightseeing in acity,Have students do the workindividually first.While they are working,walk aroundthe classroom checking the progress ofthe students.Let students tell the class the wordsthey wrote.Write the words on theblackboard.Read them and letstudents repeat.Then ask otherstudents to add other words to the lists.Sample answers_A beachvacation1.bathing suit2.beachtowel3.sunglassesSightseeingin a citytravelguidebookstreet mapcameraStep III lbThis activity gives students practice inunderstanding the target language inspoken conversation.Look at the picture.Ask,What canyou see in the picture?(There is afamily in the picture.They are gettingready for a beach vacation)Point to the box.Invite a pair ofstudents to read the conversation to theclass.A:Have you packed the beach towelsyet?B:No,I havent.Look at the six chores on the list.Letstudents read each item,then askdifferent students to explain themeaning of each item in their ownwords.Make sure students understandthe meaning of each item.Go throughthe instructions with the class.Point tothe blank lines in front of each item inthe list.Say,You will hear a familytalking as they get ready to go onvacation.Listen carefully.Make surewhat the family talks about and put acheckmark in front of each chore that isalready done.Play the tape.The first time studentsonly listen.Play the tape a secondtime.Now listen to the tape again.Thistime please put your checkmarks on thecorrect blanks.Check the answerswith the whole class.AnswersV packed thecameraV watered theplantslocked thewindowsV bought atravelguidebookbought astreet mappacked thebeach towelsTapescriptWoman:Have you packed the beachtowels yet?Boy:No,I havent.Cant Judy packthem?Woman:No,shes busy.Could youplease water the plants?BoyTve already watered them.Woman:Oh,thanks.Man:What about the travel guidebookand the street map?Woman:Ive already bought the travelguidebook,but I havent got the streetmap yet.Man:Thats OK.Ill get it.Have youpacked the camera?Boy:Yes.Ive already put it in mysuitcase.Woman:Well,I guess thatseverything.Boy:Almost everything.We haven?tlocked the windows
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