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2011年职称英语考试理工类A级真题及答案一、词汇选项1.For some obscure reason,the simple game is becoming very popular.A.unclear B.obvious C.major D.minor2.The sea turtles natural habit at has been considerably reduced.A greatly B suddenly C generally D slightly3.1 got a note from Moira urging me to get in touch.A instructing B notifying C pushing D inviting4.1 t is possible to approach the problem in a different way.A raise B pose C experience D handle5.The decision to invade provoked storms of protest oA ignored B organized C caused D received6.Jane said that she couldnt tolerate the long hours.A spend B take C last D stand7.At 80,Peck was still vigorous and living in Paris.A energetic Bhappy C alone D busy8.Forester stared at his car,trembling with rage.A shaking B turning C jumping Dshouting9.A young man is being hailed a hero tonight after rescuing two children.A reported B proved Cpraised D caught10.1 wanted to ask her out but was scared that she might refuse.A anxious B sure C sad D afraid11.At that time,we did not fully grasp the significance of what had happened.A give B attach C lose D understand12.Anderson left the table,remarking that he had some work to do.A doubting B saying C thinking D knowing13.He asserted that nuclear power was a safe and non-polluting energy source.A maintained B recommended C considered D acknowledged14.The study also notes a steady decline in the number of college students taking science courses.A relative B general C continuous D sharp15.She always finds fault with everything,A criticizes B simplifies C evaluates D examines答案:K unclear-obscure.模糊不清晰的2 greatly-considerably,greatly 意思为 adv.相当地;非常地3、push-urge催促某人做某事push推;促进;逼迫4、handleapproach 解决问题5、caused-provoke:激怒.惹起.驱使,造成6、stand=tolerate 忍受、承受7、energetic-vigorous精力充沛的有活力的8、shake-tremble 颤抖颤动9、praised-h a il:招呼.致敬.万岁.向 欢呼10、afraid-scared 害怕.恐惧11、understand-grasp 理解,明白12、saying remarking 说话,说出13、maintain-assert 主张、声称、断言14 continuous-steady.稳定的15、criticizes-finds fault with 挑错,批评二、阅读判断E arth Rocks on16.The ground beneath our feet is indeed still.Wrong17.The shape of lands and oceans are slowly changed with the movements of plates.-Right18.E arth cooled down shortly after it was formed.一 Not Mentioned19.Scientists once estimated that E arth s crust started shifting three billion years ago.-Wrong20.It took a long time for the melted crust to become hard.Right21.The formation of the Isua supracrustal belt is thought to have started about 3.8 billion years ago.Right22.The Isua supracrustal belt is now a popular holiday resort.一Not Mentioned三、概括大意与完成句子The IPadThe IPad is a tablet computer(平板电脑)designed and developed by Apple.It is particularly marketed as aplatform for audio and visual media such as books,periodicals(期刊),movies,music,and games,as well as webcontent.At about 1.5 pounds(680 grams),its size and weight are between those of most contemporarysmartphones and laptop computers.Apple released the IPad in April 2010,and sold 3 million of the devices in 80years.The IPad runs the same operating system as IPod Touch and IPhone.It can run its own applications as well asones developed for IPhone.Without modification,it will only run programs approved by Apple and distributed viaits online store.Like IPhone and iPod Touch,the IPad is controlled by a multitouch display一a break from most previous tabletcomputers,which uses a pressure-triggered stylus(加虫控笔).The IPad uses a Wi-Fi data connection to browse(浏览)the Internet,load and stream media,and install software.Some models also have a 3G wireless dataconnection which can connect to GSM 3G data networks.The devices is managed and synchronized(同步)byITunes on a personal computer via USB cable.An IPad has different features and applications one can use to execute different and interesting things.There arelots of IPad applications that the owner can use to enhance the way they communicate.Some of these are how touse social networking sites and other online options.One of the most common uses is for e-mail services.IPandapplications like Markdown Mail allow the adoption of specific and particular options.They enable the owner topersonalize their email accounts.While the IPad is mostly used by consumers it also has been taken up by business users.Some companies areadopting IPads in their business offices by distributing or making available IPads to employees.E xamples of usesin the workplace include lawyers responding to clients,medical professionals accessing health records duringpatient exams,and managers approving employee requests.A survey by Frost&Sullivan shows that IPad usage inworkplaces is linked to the goals of increased employees productivity,reduced paperwork,and increased revenue.16 Paragraph 2-B17 Paragraph 3F18、Paragraph 4D19、Paragraph 5EA.Differences from IPhoneB.Operating systemC.Online storesD.Features and applicationsE.Business usageF.Display and data connection20 In April 2010 the IPad developed by Apple was.-B21、The IPad will only run programs approved by Apple if not.-C22 IPad application
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