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辽宁省鞍山市海城区2021年人教PEP版小升初考试英语试卷学校:姓名:班级:考号:一、词汇选择题选出不是同一类的选项。1.A.teaB.waterC.juiceD.drink2.A.todayB.TuesdayC.MondayD.Friday3.A.teacherB.doctorC.workerD.job4.A.stomachacheB.illC.backacheD.headache5.A.catB.dogC.animalD-pig二、补全句子6.Th e r e(有)a pen and two books in my schoolbag.7.We have math,science,English and(体育)today.8.W a t c h i n g(电视)too much is bad for your eyes.9.The park is not far from my home,so I often go there fool(步行:).10.I(做 T)a lot of homework yesterday.三、单选题11._ is my mother and I love her very much.()A.HimB.SheC.HeD.You12.Is he climbing the hill?()一Yes,he_.A.isB.amC.areD.be13.I usually go_ _ with my mother on weekends.()A.shopB.shopingC.shoppedD.shopping14.Annie is_ _ because she has got an A in the exam(考试).()A.tiredB.sadC.happyD.angry15.What color do you like?()I like.A.redB.penC.carD.map16.My mother often_ to work at 7:30 every day.()A.going B.goes17.Do you play_ piano?()C.wentD.goA.the B.anC.aD.不填18.The Elizabeth Tower(伊丽莎白塔)is in _.()A.China B.AustraliaC.EnglandD.America19._ you swim in the sea last year(去年)?()一Yes,I swam in the sea.A.Does B.AreC.DoD.Did20.I _ cartoons until 11:30 last night.()A.watch B.watchesC.watchedD.watching四、用单词正确形式填空21.E x c u s e(I).Is that car yours?22.Whose sandals are these?They a r e(Li Ming),too.23.My animal sign is(m o n k e y).24.Tom and his f r ie n d s(s e e)a film last weekend.25.There are th irty-six(classro o m)and two playgrounds in my school.五、选词/短语填空am has get plant cold Where How August dragon with26.are you doing?I feel sad.27.is between July and September.28.I up at 7:00 every morning.29.do you have your piano lesson?At a music school.30.I going to visit my grandparents tomorrow afternoon.31.In China,everybody an animal sign.32.My mom is going to vegetables next Sunday.试卷第2 页,共 5 页33.Whats wrong you?一Oh,nothing much.34.I cant go to school because(因为)have a bad.35.Mouse、ox、tiger、rabbit、snake horse goat.六、找出错误部分并改正36.改错:Turn right of the second street.3 7.改错:Did you played sports yesterday?38.改错:My little brother like hamburgers very much.39.改错:My good friend Laura is leave tomonow.40.改错:Pass him a apple,please.七、改写句子41.I like computer class.(变一般疑问句)like computer class?42.Can you speak English?(作肯定回答),1.八、对划线部分提问43.I was bom in 1980.(对划线部分提问)_you born?44.I go to school by bus every day.(对划线部分提问)do go to school every day?九、写出问答句45.Does your father like playing chess?(否定回答),he.十、句子匹配A.Shes reading a newspaper.B.OK.C.No,I didnt.D.Yes,please.E.Tm from Australia.F.They are sheep.G.I like English.H.No,thanks.Td like some juice.I.He is tall.J.Nice to see you,too.46.Nice to see you again.()47.Where are you from?()48.Let go to school.()49.What subject do you like?()50.Whats she doing?()51.What are they?()52.Would you like some tea,Linda?()53.Can I have some chicken?()54.Did you read a storybook yesterday?()55.Is your math teacher tall or short?()十一、任务型阅读How Old Is She?One day,a woman had a toothache acd went to see a doctor.The doctor asked her somequestions and one of them was,“How old are you?”She thought(思考)for a minute and said,“When I married(结婚),I was eighteen(十八)years old,and my husband was thirty(三十).Now my husband is sixty(六十),I know.And that is twice(二倍)thirty.So I am twiceeighteen.That is thirty-six,isnt it?”56.Why did the woman go to see the doctor?()A.She had a fever.B.She had a stomachache.C.She had a toothache.试卷第4 页,共 5 页57.How old is the woman now?()A.60B.48C.3658.How many people are mentioned(被提至U)in this story?()A.OneB.TwoC.Three59.Where did the story take pace(发生)?()A.In a hospital.B.In a school.C.In a supermarket.6 0.把划线部分的句子翻译成汉语。参考答案1.D2.A3.D4.B5.C【分析】1.A.茶,B.水,C.果汁,D.喝,ABC是名词,D 是动词,故选D。2.A.今天,B.周二,C.周一,D.周五,BCD是专有名词,A 是普通名词,故选A。3.A.老师,B.医生,C.工人,D.工作,ABC指的是职业名词,D 是其他名词,故选D。4.A.胃疼,B.生病的,C.背疼,D.头疼,ACD是名词,B 是形容词,故选B。5.A.猫,B.狗,C.动物,D.猪,ABD是具体的动物,C 是动物总称,故选C。【点睛】6.is【详解】句意:在我的书包里有一只钢笔和两本书。句子是there be句型,主语不止一个的时候,要用就近原则。a pen是第三人称单数,所以be动词用i s,故答案为is。7.PE【详解】句意:今天我们有数学、科学、英语和体育课。体 育 P E,专有名词,故答案为PE。【点睛】答案第1页,共10页8.TV/television【详解】句意:看电视太多对你的眼睛有害。根据句意及所给汉语可知考查watch TV/television看电视,故答案为TV/television。【点睛】9.on【详解】句意:公园离我家不远,因此我经常步行去那里。步行on fo o t,是固定短语,故答案为。n。10.did【详解】句意:我昨天做了很多作业。由 yesterday昨天,可知句子时态为一般过去时,动词用过去式。do 的过去式是d id,故答案为did。11.B【详解】句意:她是我的妈妈并且我很爱她。my mother是女性第三人称单数,人称代词用s h e,结合选项,故选B。【点睛】12.A【详解】句意:一他正在爬山吗?一是的。is 问 is答,故选A。13.D【详解】句意:周末我通常和妈妈一起去购物。去购物go shopping,固定词组,故选D。14.C【详解】句意:安妮很因为她考试得了 A。A 累的,B 伤心的,C 开心的,D 生气的。由题意可知考试得了 A,安妮很开心。故选C。【点睛】答案第2页,共10页15.A【详解】句意:一你喜欢什么颜色?一我喜欢。A 红色,B 钢笔,C 小汽车,D 地图。问句提问颜色,所以A 选项符合题意,故选A。【点睛】16.B【详解】句意:我妈妈经常每天7:30去上班。often是一般现在时的标志词,主语My mother是第三人称单数,动词也要用第三人称单数形式,去上班go to work,A.动词的现在分词或动名词,B.动词的第三人称单数,C.动词过去式,D.动词原形,故选B。17.A【详解】句意:你弹钢琴吗?本题考查的是动词短语弹钢琴play the piano,play后接乐器要借助定冠词 th e,故选A。【点睛】18.C【详解】句意:伊丽莎白塔在_ _ _ _ _ o A 中国,B 澳大利亚,C 英国,D 美国,根据常识伊丽莎白塔在英国,故选C。19.D【详解】句意:一你去年在海里游泳了吗?一是的,我在海里游泳了。swim是实义动词,疑问句时借助助动词,排除B,根据last year可知句子是一般过去时,助动词用过去式did,排除AC,故选D。【点睛】20.C答案第3页,共10页【详解】句意:昨晚我看卡通片一直看到11:30。A 动词原形,B 动词的第三人称单数,C 动词过去式,D 动词的现在分词。由 last night可知该句是一般过去时,动词应用过去式,故答案为C。【点睛】21.me【详解】句意:打扰一下,那车
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