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参考答案语法填空:61.have made 62.taking听力:15 BBCAA6 10BCCAA11 15 BBCAB1620 CCABC阅读:2125 DCCDC2630ABBCD3135 ABDBA3640 EFCAG完型:4145 BABCB4650 DBCDA5155 CDACA5660 DBCAC63.who 64.a 65.Usually66.choose 67.or 68.arrangements 69.be asked 70.better改错Our school organizes basketball matches ii every year.Some students are willing take partVtobut they were worried that they dont have enough time.I want to give them some advices,are adviceThere is no doubt whether joining in the matches takes up some study time.Otherwise,theythat Howevercan bring some benefits like those sporting activities hold before.They can lead to a healthierheldbody,less stress,and more actively thinking.Students can not only live the happy life butactive aalso perfonn well at school.I hope we can make right decisions for us.ourselves作文Dear Peter,Knowing that you are keen on Chinese culture,Td like to invite you to visit the local museum with us nextSaturday to enjoy Chinese porcelain.During the visit,we will learn abundant information about its history.On top of that,we will have a chance toappreciate some delicate and rare porcelain,some of which is exhibited for the first time.As we all know,porcelainis a Chinese invention and famous for the finest quality across the world.Thus,you will definitely have a fantasticfeast for your eyes.In addition,we should be back around 4 pm.If you can come,please let us know and well waitfor you at the school gate at 8 a.m.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua答案详解阅读:A 篇:2123:DCC【分析】这是一篇应用文。21.细节理解题。由第一段 PCYC(Police Citizens Youth Club)Queensland is a not-for-profit organizationestablished in 1948,aiming to build safer and healthier communities.可知答案为 D.22.细节理解题。由 about the position 这段中Casual work(approximately 20-30 hours per week)和$28.38-S31.80 per hour可知答案为C.23.细节理解题。根据 key responsibilities include 这段中 Contribute towards creative marketing and promotionof the gymnastics programs to maintain current participants and attract new participants.得知答案为 CoB 篇:24-27:DCAB【分析】这是一篇记叙文。本文作者从残疾人视角讲述了一个新广告带来的影响。24.细节理解题。根据第二段“The world of fashion and beauty is rarely related to disabilities,and even thoughHollywood has made steps toward greater inclusion and clothing brand Aerie has featured women with disabilitiesin their advertisements,seeing disabilities in the mainstream is definitely unusual.The reason why these thingsmake headlines is that they*re so rare.(时尚和美容界很少与残疾有关,尽管好莱坞己经迈出了更大的步伐,服装品牌Aerie也在广告中加入了残疾女性的形象,但在主流社会看到残疾女性绝对是不寻常的。这些事情之所以成为头条新闻,是因为它们非常罕见)”可知,公众很难将美丽与残疾联系起来。故选D。25.细节理解题。根据第三段中“Ulta is sending a powerful message with a single photo:It*s time to challengeconventional beauty standards because beauty comes in all forms.(Ulta 用这张照片传递了一个强有力的信息:是时候挑战传统的美丽标准了,因为美丽是各种形式的)”以及第四段中“Imagine how my experience would havebeen different if I had seen a model in a wheelchair,smiling,as if to say,Welcome.Yes,you belong!(想象一下,如果我看到一个坐在轮椅上的模特,微笑着,好像在说 欢迎光临,我的经历会有多么不同。是的,你属于这儿)“可知,作者认为Ulta的新广告可以让残疾人士有信心接触社会并有认同感。故选C。26.推理判断题。根据第四段中“I had no idea what doing and felt like entering a new world without a map;I feltlike I was out of place,as if I was peeking at a club without being invited.(我不知道自己在做什么,觉得自己进入了一个没有地图的新世界;我觉得自己格格不入,好像没被邀请就偷看俱乐部)”可推知,作者第一次去化妆品店时是紧张并不知所措的,故选A。27.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“That message of inclusion was loud and clear for Maren Anderson,a 4-year-oldgirl who has a rare genetic disease and just started using a wheelchair.The moment she spotted the advertisementwas caught on camera by her mom Carolyn Anderson,and quickly spread last month on Facebook.(对于患有罕见基因疾病的4 岁女孩Maren Anderson来说,这种包容的信息是响亮而清晰的。她刚刚开始使用轮椅。看到这则广告的那一刻,她的妈妈卡罗琳安德森用摄像机拍了下来,并于上个月在Facebook上迅速传播开来广可推知,Maren Anderson的照片在最后一段被提及是为了说明这个广告的影响力,故选B。C 篇:28-31:BCDA【分析】这是一篇记叙文。介绍了两个热带国家参加冬奥会的情况。28.词汇猜测题。由后面一句enough to make news all over the world可知下雪在沙特阿拉伯是一件罕见的事情。故选B.29.细节理解题。根据第三段最后几句 When the first Winter Olympics were held in 1924,only 14 Europeancountries and the United States and Canada participated.By the last Winter Olympics hosted by Pyeongchang,South Korea,in 2018,a record 92 countries had participated.可知越来越多的国家参加冬奥会。故选 C。30.理解文章类型题。本文介绍了沙特阿拉伯和牙买加两个热带国家参加冬奥会的情况,所以本文可能出自一本有关运动的杂志。故选D.31.文章主旨要义题。本文为总分结构,由第一段Tropical nations have never won a medal at the WinterOlympics.But this has not stopped more and more countries from striving to break this fate.At the 2022 WinterOlympics in Beijing,some of these countries are“coming for gold”可知答案为 A。D 篇:32-35:BDBA【分析】这是一篇说明文。本文介绍了烟头也会产生有害化学物质。32.细节理解题。由第段 in the first 24 hours alone,scientists say a used cigarette end will produce 14 percent ofthe nicotine that an actively burning cigarette would produce.While most of these chemicals are released within aday of being put out,an analysis for the United States Food and Drug Administration(FDA)found the level ofnicotine fell by just 50%five days later.可知答案为 B.33.2田节理“军题。由第二段 While much attention has been paid to the health influence of first-hand,second-handsmoking,the impact of the cigarette ends has been paid little attention.可知人们对烟头产生的有害影响关注度不够,所以选D。34.理解态度
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