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2021年广东省普通高等学校招收中等职业学校毕业生统一考试英语本试卷共8 页,71小题,满分150分。考试用时120分钟。1.补全对话(5 小 题,共 10分)阅读下列简短对话:从 A、B、C、D 中选出最佳答案,将对话补全。例:M:Hows everything going?W:Fine,thanks.How are you doing?A.Fml6 B.Yes,it is good答案是D.1.M:Sorry,Fm late,Mrs.Smith.W:.A.Oh,dear B.You are welcome2.W:Hello,may I speak to Bob?M:.A.Yes,you are rightC.Yes,Tm fineC.See you then D.Oh,not too badC.Oh,come on D.Thats all right.B.Yes.Bob speakingD,Yes,he is Bob3.M:Hi,Susan.Can you show me the photos?W:Here you are.A.Sure B.Thanks4.M:,Madam?W:Fd like to buy a skirt.A.What can I do for youC.Whats the matterC.That*s it D.Go aheadB.How are youD.What happened5.W:Hi,Tom!I called you yesterday morning,but no one answered the phone.M:.1 went to see my grandparents.A.Never mind B.Dont worry C.Tm sorry D.Take it easyn.词汇与语法(20小题,共40分)A)从 A、B、C、D 中选出句中画线的单词或词组的意义。例:We had enough time to do the work.A.很短的 B.一半的 C 很长的 D.足够的答案是D o6.They lived in a big crowded city.A.开放的 B.现化的 C.拥挤的 D.脏乱的7.When he was twenty-five,John bought a house and got married.A.结婚 B.搬家 C.庆祝 D.居住8.When Molly was eight years old,Helen came to live in the house opposite to hers.A.在的前面 B.在的后面C.在.的下面 D.以.的对面9.Mrs.Green traveled a lot and she wasnt afiraid of taking a plane.A.欣赏.B.喜欢 C 害怕 D.盼望10.It is interesting that a small child can sing a song without understanding itsmeaning fully.A.部分地 B.悄悄地 C.仓促地D.完全地11.How did it come about that the car fell into the river?A.出来 B.发生 C.失败D.到达12.Nobody could persuade her to change her mind.A.强迫 B.帮助 C.说服D.阻止13.A red light is a signal of danger.A.信号 B.图案 C.景象D.签名14.The First World War broke out in 1914.A.结束 B.爆发 C.升级D.失败15.There seems to be no solution to the problem.A.解决办法 B.最终结论 C.不明原因D.发展过程B)从 A、B、C、D 中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。例:It me a long time to finish my homework last night.A.take B.took C.has taken D.had taken答案是B.16.John is holiday in France.17.1 asked two people the way to the station but of them knew.A.inB.on C.at D.with18.1 had a banana and an apple,and I g a v e,b a n a n a to Mary.A.eitherB.both C.neither D.none23.He in London since he was a child.A.a B.an.c./D.the19.Lets do it right now,_?A.will you B.shall weC.don*t youD.don*t we20.1 havent seen her for_.A.such long timeC.such a long time21.This question is_ my ability.A.beyond B.inB.so long timeD.so a long timeC.besideD.with22.Its time for him_ home.A.goes B.will goc.goingD.to goIll.完 形 填 空(15小 题,共30分)A.livesB.livedC.has livedD.was living24.Peter couldnt come to the party,_disappointed us.A.thatB.whoC.whatD.which25.The baby_ after his father.A.is namingB.was namedC.was namingD.has named阅 读 下 列 短 文,并 掌 握 其 大 意。然 后 从 各 题 所 给 的 四 个 选 项 中,选出一个最佳 答 案。I only knew two words of Chinese(“hello and thank you)when I came toChina in 2009.As you can probably 26,my life was difficult for a while after Iarrived.Simple tasks like 27 food or taking a taxi were quite 28.I knew I had to learn more Chinese,so I attended Chinese classes.Although my29_was very helpful,I didn*t learn enough to have a real conversation.Later,Istudied on my own as well,but my progress was still 30.I became verydisappointed,but I never gave up.31 I found that the best 32 of learning Chinese is to make friends withnative speakers and spend time with them.Around this time,I 33 a Chinesewoman in a music group,who became one of my best friends in Beijing.I learned alot of Chinese from her.For example,she taught me a lot of 34 about music,like“melody”.She learned a lot of English from me 35.So this was a good languageand culture 36.Ive learned enough Chinese to 37 some tasks,such as booking train ticketsand speaking with my landlord(房东).38,a few complicated(复杂的)tasks,like visits to the bank and anything else that needs technical terms,are still 39 forme.These days,there are more foreigners than ever who are studying Chinese.I canunderstand why.Its an interesting language,and there are always new words waitingto be 40.IV.阅读理解(15小题洪30分)26.A.forgetB.meetC.guessD.discuss27.A.orderingB.cookingC.eatingD.delivering28.A.interestingB.stressfulC.importantD.useful29.A.bossB.familyC.driverD.teacher30.A.slowB.certainC.satisfyingD.endless31.A.HopefullyB.FinallyC.UsuallyD.Helpfully32.A.partB.chanceC.resultD.way33.A.hurtB.introducedC.metD.saved34.A.wordsB.mannersC.skillsD.stories35.A.in orderB.in publicC.as usualD.as well36.A.exchangeB.useC.formD.material37.A.know ofB.carry outC.give outD.think of38.A.ThereforeB.BesidesC.HoweverD.Then39.A.attractiveB.funnyC.boringD.hard40.A.chosenB.speltC.learnedD.written阅读下列短文,并做短文后的题目。从四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。I have been working at a public high school for over ten years.Though I alwaysteach students of the seventh grade,I never feel tired of that.Over the first few weeksof every school year,my most important job is getting to know well about those littlestrangers in my class-discovering their personal wishes and learning about theirformer study and life experiences.For me this getting-to-know-you process is a veryimportant part of my teaching,and I have developed many ways to“research”mystudents,including parent questionnaires(问
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