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Unit 1 People of achievementReading for WrittingYongchuan Senior High IsabelleBy the end of this period,you will be able to:introduce Einsteins life story and achievements with the timeline;work out the organization and language features of the text;write an introduction about someone you admire.lead inWhat do you know about Albert Einstein?a great scientistone of the smartest mena courageous and kind figure a gentle geniusa strong passion for sciencethe general theory of relativitya slightly odd looking but kind and funny manReading for the genre(体裁)(体裁)&main ideaThe text mainly talks about Albert Einsteins _ and _.life storyWhats the genre of the text?A.Exposition 说明文 B.Biography传记C.Argumentation 议论文 D.Practical writing 应用文achievementsTitlePara1:Brief IntriductionPara 2:Educational experiencePara 3:Work experience&achievement Para 4:Mid-life(Crisis 危机)Para 5:Appearance&PersonalityPara 6:DeathbeginningBodyEndingReading for the structurebody Reading for the detailHow does the writer develop the text?In time order.(按按时间时间次序次序)Activity:Make a timeline of his lifeBorn in Germany 18791896195519331895Failed to enter universityEntered university1900Graduated from university1902190519221909Took a job as a clerk Earned a doctorate in physics Entered research full-time at a universityAwarded the Nobel Prize for PhysicsFled GermanyPassed awayReading for the language features 1Read the text and find out the sentence with which the author describes Einsteins appearance.He had a thick moustache and long white hair,which sometimes stood on end as though he had just received an electric shock.2Read the text and find out the sentences with which the author describes Einsteins personality.Forgetful:Although he was a genius,he sometimes forgot things,like his friends birthdays.Kind:There is even a story about how he helped a little girl who knocked on his door and asked for help with her homework.Funny:In fact,Einstein often encountered people on the street who would stop him and ask him to help explain things.After many such occasions,he finally started saying,“Pardon me!Sorry!Always I am mistaken for Professor Einstein!”Analogy(类类比比)Metaphor(隐喻隐喻)Personification(拟拟人人)Euphemism(委婉委婉语语)Simile(明明喻喻)3.What rhetorical devices(修辞手法修辞手法)are used in the passage?Writing Activity 1 Draw a mind map of the structure of a person you admireBeginning BodyEnding Name and identityin time ordera summary or comment appearanceimpressive storiespersonalilitynecessary detailsreasons for her/his greatnessrhetorical devices假如你是李华,你校英文报组织了以“The Person I Admire Most”为题的征文比赛,请根据以下提示写一篇文章。姓名:姓名:袁隆平,科学家,被誉为“杂交水稻之父”(father of hybrid rice)出生:出生:1930.9.7北京毕业院校:毕业院校:西南农业大学工作经历及成就:工作经历及成就:1大学毕业后,袁隆平在1973年成功培育(cultivate)出了杂交水稻2提高水稻产量,消除世界饥饿 去世:去世:2021年5月22日,在湖南长沙逝世注意:可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Activity 2 Write a person you admireAnalyzing the taskGenre:Tense:Person:Mapping out the structureHeadline:The Person I Admire MostPara.1.Para.2.Para.3.narration mainly past/present tensethird personBeginning(name and identity)Body(appearance,life experience,reasons for his greatness)Ending(a summary or comment)Tips for writing a person you admireStep 3 Wording Wording1尽心尽力的 2承认 3失败 4非凡的 5遇到 6热情 7去世 8哀悼committedacknowledgedefeatremarkable/extraordinaryencounterpassionpass awaymourn仿写This great genius was born in Germany on 14 March 1879.p这个伟大的科学家于1930年9月7日在北京出生。pThis great scientist was born in Beijing on 7 September 1930.仿写Albert Einstein,who is perhaps the greatest scientist in modern physics,is often considered one of the smartest men who ever lived.p作为当代中国最伟大的人物之一,袁隆平被人们称为“杂交水稻之父”。pYuan Longping,who is one of the greatest figures in modern China,is widely known as the“father of hybrid rice”.仿写Einstein was not only a genius;he was also a courageous and kind figure loved by many people.p袁隆平不仅仅是一位杰出的科学家,他还爱好广泛,例如喜欢听音乐和游泳。pYuan was not only an outstanding scientist;he was also a person who had a wide range of hobbies,like listening to music and swimming.仿写On 18 April 1955,it was reported that Einstein had passed away,and the whole world mourned the great loss of a brilliant scientist.p在2021年5月22日,有报道称袁隆平已经离世,举国哀悼。pOn 22 May 2021,it was reported that Yuan had passed away,and our whole country mourned the great loss of a brilliant scientist.范文欣赏Yuan Longping,who is one of the greatest scientists in China,is acknowledged as the“father of hybrid rice”Yuan Longping was born in Beijing on 7 September 1930,and graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953,after which he was committed to increasing the rice output.Although he encountered many extraordinary difficulties,he never acknowledged defeat,and his passion for his career never died down.Eventually,his efforts paid off,and he cultivated hybrid rice successfully in 1973.Incredibly,it was the person who was more like a farmer than a scientist that made such remarkable contributions to ridding the world of hunger.Yuan Longping passed away in Changsha,Hunan Province on 22 May 2021,and the whole world mourned the great loss of
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