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试卷第 1页,共 11页英语人教版英语人教版 8 8 年级下册期末复习真题汇编卷年级下册期末复习真题汇编卷0 01 1 单项选择之高频考点单项选择之高频考点 1 10000 题题一、单项选择一、单项选择1(2022 春河北邯郸八年级统考期末)Where is your father,May?He _ to Australia and will be back in a weekAwill goBgoesChas beenDhas gone2(2022 春河北邯郸八年级统考期末)Emma loves animals and looks after her pet dog_ than her friendsAcarefullyBmore carefullyCmore carefulDthe most carefully3(2022 春河北邯郸八年级统考期末)This time,we must _ ourselves to solve theproblemAdepend onBpass onCput onDkeep on4(2022 春河北邯郸八年级统考期末)The cake will be divided _ 6 piecesAintoBontoCwithDfor5(2022 春河北保定八年级统考期末)Stop playing computer games It _ toomuch of your timeAtakesBtakes offCtakes backDtakes down6(2022 春河北保定八年级统考期末)The box is_ Lets fill it with the booksAfullBemptyCdangerousDbrave7(2022 春四川乐山八年级统考期末)Look!There are some students _ tabletennis on the playgroundYes I often see them _ table tennis thereAplay;playBplaying;playCplay;playing8(2022春四川乐山八年级统考期末)We cant get on or off a bus _ it is movingAwhileBbeforeCuntil9(2022 春四川乐山八年级统考期末)After Start of Spring,people clearly see that thedaytime is becoming _ and the weather is becoming warmerAlongBlongerCmore long10(2022 春四川乐山八年级统考期末)Lucy bought this computer three years ago She_ it for three yearsAboughtBhas boughtChas had试卷第 2页,共 11页11(2022 春四川乐山八年级统考期末)Would you like to go swimming with metonight?_ I have to prepare for my English testAYes,I wouldBIm afraid notCId love to12(2022 春四川乐山八年级统考期末)The students in our class take turns _ theclassroom after school every dayAto cleanBcleanCcleaning13(2022 春河北唐山七年级统考期末)Dont _ your sister,Ben She needs agood sleepAwake upBget upCget outDlaugh at14(2022 春河北唐山七年级统考期末)Be careful with the knife You may hurt_AitselfBourselvesCyourselfDmyself15(2022 春河北石家庄八年级统考期末)The rain beat _ the window and madea loud noiseAamongBfromCoverDagainst16(2022 春河北石家庄八年级统考期末)The meeting will go on in 10 minutes Letstake a _ nowAbreathBbreakCshowerDlook17(2022 春河北石家庄八年级统考期末)With so much work to do,I _ forgotmy mothers birthday and felt so sorry to herAsuddenlyBquicklyCrecentlyDcompletely18(2022 春江苏镇江七年级统考期末)Look!Whats on the floor over there?Oh!Its my coat Please _ for me Im watering the flowersAput it outBput it onCpick it upDtake it off19(2022 春江苏镇江七年级统考期末)Because of the COVID-19,many doctors haveto wear special clothes to look after sick people and _ themselves at the same timeYes,they are our heroesAkeepBprotectCenjoyDhurt20(2022 春河北承德八年级统考期末)The new movie was great and it _ all thechildrenAexcitedBcausedCimaginedDcontrolled试卷第 3页,共 11页21(2022 春河北承德八年级统考期末)Dont forget to take your _We can takesome photos during the tripAcameraBalarmCumbrellaDtoy22(2022 春河北承德八年级统考期末)Its the second time Ive come toShijiazhuang It _ a lotYes,Its more and more beautifulAis changingBwas changingChas changedDwill change23(2022 春河北承德八年级统考期末)To get more exercise,Jane chose to walk to school_ taking the busAbecause ofBacross fromCinstead ofDless than24(2022 春河北承德八年级统考期末)The house stands by _ on anisland There is no other building aroundAitselfByourselfCyourselvesDthemselves25(2022 春河北承德八年级统考期末)Frank told his brother to _ and finish hisbreakfast,or they would miss their busAhurry upBgrow upCcut downDlie down26(2022 春河北石家庄八年级统考期末)Dave lost his bike this afternoon As a_,he had to walk homeAresultBinterestCmessDfeeling27(2022 春河北石家庄八年级统考期末)Mike,you cant go out _ you finish allyour homework todayAwhenBifCbecauseDunless28(2022 春河北石家庄八年级统考期末)Dad,_ I go to the movies afterdinner?Sure,but dont stay out lateAmustBcouldCshouldDwould29(2022 春河北石家庄八年级统考期末)Would you mind my opening the window?_ I have a coldANever mindBYoud better notCAll rightDWith pleasure30(2022 春河北石家庄八年级统考期末)Miss Li taught _ math last term试卷第 4页,共 11页AusBourCoursDourselves31(2022 春河北石家庄八年级统考期末)The math problem is too hard for me to_ I will ask my brother for helpAgo offBcut offClook outDwork out32(2022 春河北石家庄八年级统考期末)My uncle _ here since he moved to thecityAhas movedBis workingCworksDwill work33(2022 春河北沧州七年级统考期末)Take this map with you,so you cant _Aeat outBget lostCrun awayDcome on34(2022 春河北石家庄七年级辛集市辛集镇育红中学校考期末)Everyone hopes his orher dream can _Acome trueBcome outCcome backDcome over35(2022 春河北石家庄七年级石家庄市第二十七中学校考期末)Last weekend we wentcamping and _ a tent near a lakeAput upBgot upCstayed upDput on36(2022 春河北保定八年级统考期末)I hear Michael never tells a lieThats right He is a(an)_ boyAactiveBexcellentChonestDoutgoing37(2022 春河北保定八年级统考期末)Tom looks so sad,because he _ his ticketAlosesBwill lostCis losingDhas lost38(2022 春河北保定八年级统考期末)Monica _ outOh,has she?What time did she go?Awill goBhas goneChas beenDis going39(2022 春河北保定八年级统考期末)Whats the _ between Paul and Mike?They are cousinsAfriendshipBrelationshipCpopulationDexample40(2022 春江苏宿迁七年级统考期末)I never _ him after he went to the USAMaybe you should write to him firstAhear fromBhear ofChear aboutDhear out41(2022 春四川乐山八年级统考期末)From this lesson,I got lots of _ on myfuture studyAadviceBadvicesCsuggestion试卷第 5页,共 11页42(2022 春四川乐山八年级统考期末)This shirt is too smallPlease give me anotheroneSure,madam Give _ back to me and try this oneAother
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