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2022年湖北省教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力提升训练试卷B卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、What stage can the following grammar activity be used at?A.PresentationB.PracticeC.ProductionD.Preparation【答案】 B2、What does his/her feedback focus on if a teachers comment is “John, it would be much better if you have given more details,t” ?A.ContentB.LanguageC.AttitudeD.Aptitude【答案】 A3、请阅读Passage 2。完成第小题。A.photographs taken by Western explorers reflect more Westernersperception of the indigenous cultures and the Western valuesB.there is a complicated relationship between the Western explorers and the primitive peoplesC.popular magazines such as National Geographic should show pictures of the exotic and idealized worlds to maintain high salesD.anthropologists ask the natives to pose for their pictures, compromising the truthfulness of their pietures【答案】 A4、Which rhetoric is used in the following sentence? A.SimileB.Transferred epithetC.MetonymyD.Repetition【答案】 D5、_we are successful, we can be sure that we did our best.A.Provided thatB.If onlyC.If or notD.Whether or not【答案】 D6、When a reader tries to guess the meaning of a new word based on the contextual clue,which one of the following approaches is he using?A.Bottom-up approachB.Top-down approachC.Interactive approachD.Situational approach【答案】 B7、请阅读短文,完成此题。A.GenesB.Eating habitsC.EnvironmentD.Medical condition【答案】 A8、Classifications of vowels are made up of the followings EXCEPT_.A.the. position of the tongueB.the openness of the mouthC.the shape of the lipD.the width of the vowels【答案】 D9、Passage 1A.The influence of memoryB.The conditions related to forgettingC.The ways used to prevent forgettingD.The factors involved in memory formation【答案】 B10、Pragmatics is particularly interested in the relationship between_and the context in which they are usedA.wordsB.phrasesC.situationsD.sentences【答案】 D11、Passage 2A.approved ofB.attended toC.hunted forD.guarded against【答案】 C12、In a listening activity, students are asked to note down the time and places of events. The aim of this activity is to develop the skill of_.A.listening for gistB.listening for specific informationC.listening for structureD.listening for vocabulary【答案】 B13、Which of the following statements about meaningful practice is NOT true?A.Meaningful practice aims at form accuracyB.Meaningful practice focuses on the production and comprehension of meaningC.There is no clear cut between mechanical and meaningful practiceD.Practice based on prompts is usually considered as meaningful practice【答案】 A14、If glohal warming goes on like this, Maldives in the Indian Oceanin the century to come.A.disappearsB.disappearedC.has disappearedD.is going to disappear【答案】 D15、He resented to wait and expected the minister_him immediately upon his arrival.A.to be asked; to seeB.being asked; to seeC.to be asked; seeingD.being asked; seeing【答案】 B16、Out of everyones expectation, Johnson suddenly returned( )a rainy night.A.atB.inC.onD.during【答案】 C17、When the British singer got a bleeding throat, the rumor _she would never sing again soon spread.A.whatB.whichC.thatD.as【答案】 C18、Unlike her_ sister, Judith is a shy, unsociable person who dislikes to go to parties or to make new friends.A.charmingB.friendlyC.graciousD.gregarious【答案】 D19、What all these groups have in common is that they ask to be treated_ respect and equality, _race, religion or sex.A.for ; as toB.in ; in spite ofC.with ; because ofD.with ; regardless of【答案】 D20、The synonymous pair _ differ in degree of formality.A.pass away and pop offB.accuse and chargeC.poison and jailD.tap and faucet【答案】 A21、Passage 1A.They avoided writing those too exotic for readersB.They revised their works as required by pressC.They translated their works into EnglishD.They read their books in public places【答案】 D22、A student finds it difficult to learn the English sounds _. If you are the teacher, which of the following strategies can be used?A.Explaining how to make the soundsB.Using tongue twistersC.Writing them on the blackboardD.Making up sentences【答案】 A23、Bernard Bailyn has recently reinterpreted the early history of the United States by applying new social research findings on the experiences of European migrantsIn his reinterpretation,migration beco
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