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2022年黑龙江省教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力题库及精品答案一单选题(共60题)1、请阅读短文,完成此题。A.short life spanB.low death rateC.low illness rateD.good health condition【答案】 B2、Which of the following does not make a good English teacherA.Following strictly the lesson planB.Considering students needs and levelsC.Using very simple and clear instructionsD.Keeping on teaching reflection【答案】 A3、“Museum”is a slippery word.It first meant(in Greek)anything consecrated to the Muses:a hill,a shrine,a garden,aA.Collection and collectorsB.The evolution of museumsC.Modern museums and their functionsD.The birth of museums【答案】 B4、In the editing stage of a writing lesson, _.A.students mainly check their ideas and logical developmentB.there are three forms: teacher editing, peer editing and self-editingC.students can negotiate meaning and improve writingD.teachers shouldnt give any guidance【答案】 C5、_ native to North America, corn has now spread all over the world.A.In spite ofB.That it isC.It wasD.Although【答案】 D6、请阅读短文,完成第小题。A.Mouth and tongueB.Nose and mouthC.Chest and shouldersD.Elbow and forearms【答案】 B7、He looks like a Scottish, but his accent may give him_.A.offB.outC.inD.away【答案】 D8、There _ nothing more for discussion, the conference came to an end 20 minutes ear-lier.A.beB.to beC.beingD.to have been【答案】 C9、Supplementing, deleting, simplifying and reordering are often used in _.A.adapting teaching materialsB.delivering teaching materialsC.evaluating teaching materialsD.presenting teaching materials【答案】 A10、There are two kinds of motive for engaging in any activity: internal and instrumental. If a scientist conducts research because she wants to discover important facts about the world, thats an internal motive, since discovering facts is inherently related to the activity of research. If she conducts research because she wants to achieve scholarly renown, thats an instrumental motive, since the relation between fame and research is not so inherent. Often, people have both for doing things. What mix of motives-internal or instrumental or both-is most conducive to success? You might suppose that a scientist motivated by a desire to discover facts and by a desire to achieve renown will do better work than a scientist motivated by just one of those desires. Surely two motives are better than one. But as we and our colleagues argue in a paper newly published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, instrumental motives are not always an asset and can actually be counterproductive to success. We analyzed data drawn from 11320 cadets in nine entering classes at the United States Military Academy at West Point, all of whom rated how much each of a set of motives influenced their decision to attend the academy. The motives included things like a desire to get a good job later in life and a desire to be trained as a leader in the United States ArmyA.To serve the countryB.To receive career trainingC.To earn money for collegeD.To broaden their scope of vision【答案】 A11、A new scheme for getting children to and from school is being started by the education authorities in part of Eastern England This could end the worries of many parents fearful for their childrens safety on the roadsA.whose parents were worried about themB.who would have had to walk otherwiseC.who could not walkD.who had to travel a long way【答案】 D12、If a teacher asks students to talk about their hobbies in groups, he/she is trying toencourage _.A.peer correctionB.peer feedbackC.peer interactionD.peer assessment【答案】 C13、Passage 2A.The History of VegetarianismB.The Father of VegetarianismC.The Advocates of VegetarianismD.The Benefits of Vegetarianism【答案】 A14、The old lady has developed a _ cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time.A.perpetualB.permanentC.chroniCD.sustaineD【答案】 C15、The sense relation of the following pair of sentences (see X and Y) is_.A.X entails YB.X presupposes YC.X is inconsistent with YD.X is synonymous with Y【答案】 A16、A student has something in his mind and he should ignore the irrelevant parts and read to locate specific information when reading. Which of the following strategies can be used?A.SkimmingB.Detailed readingC.ScanningD.Predicting【答案】 C17、Which of the following is an entailment of the utterance Annie broke the windowA.Annie was carelessB.Annie was disruptiveC.Annie did something to the windowD.It is Annie who broke the window【答案】 C18、请阅读Passage 2,
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