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Welcome unit写作课教案Writing a Student Profile一、 Teaching Objectives:1. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a well-organized and coherent student profile.2. Students will be able to use appropriate vocabulary and grammar structures for writing in English.3. Students will learn how to effectively communicate information about themselves using descriptive language.4. Students will develop their critical thinking skills as they gather information and organize their thoughts for the profile.二、 Teaching Key Points:1. Students will learn about the importance of effective communication in writing.2. Students will practice using different types of sentences (declarative, interrogative, imperative) to convey information.3. Students will learn how to use transitional phrases to improve the flow of their writing.4. Students will learn how to use proper punctuation and capitalization in their writing.三、 Materials Needed:1. Whiteboard or blackboard2. Markers or chalk3. Handout with student profile prompts4. Worksheets for students to complete their profiles5. Pens and pencils for students to write with6. Computer with internet access for research purposes (optional)四、 Teaching Procedure:1. Warm-up (5 minutes)l Begin by asking students if they have ever written a personal profile before (e.g., a LinkedIn profile, a resume). If so, ask them to share some examples with the class.l Discuss the importance of effective communication in writing and how a well-written profile can help others get to know us better.2. Presentation (10 minutes)l Introduce the topic of the lesson by explaining that today, students will be working on a student profile.l Ask students read the student profile in the textbook and answer the questions.l Provide an overview of the key points that students should focus on when writing their profiles (e.g., personal information, interests/hobbies, goals/aspirations).l Distribute the handout with student profile prompts and go over each one with the class.3. Practice (15 minutes)l In small groups, give students time to brainstorm and write down information about themselves that they want to include in their profiles. Encourage them to think about what makes them unique and interesting.l After 5 minutes, have each group share their thoughts with the class. Ask questions to encourage critical thinking and help students clarify their ideas.l Distribute worksheets for students to complete their profiles using the information they gathered during the practice session.4. Production (20 minutes)l Have students begin working on their profiles, focusing on organization, grammar, and vocabulary usage. Encourage them to use transitional phrases to improve the flow of their writing.l Offer feedback on student work as they progress, focusing on specific areas where they need improvement (e.g., sentence structure, word choice).l Allow extra time for students who need it to complete their profiles to the best of their ability.5. Wrap-up (5 minutes)l Review the key points covered in the lesson (e.g., effective communication, descriptive language).l Have students share one thing they learned from todays lesson and why it was important to them.l Assign homework for students to revise their profiles and provide feedback on their friends work.学科网(北京)股份有限公司
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