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备考2023江西省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库检测试卷A卷附答案一单选题(共100题)1、资料:(一)A.the money paid by the insurersB.the cost of administering insuranceC.the money paid by the insuredD.the amount of each premium【答案】 C2、It is of high importance that you _ at the airport on time.A.arriveB.are to arriveC.must arriveD.need to arrive【答案】 A3、The sleeping soldier received a strong _ from his commanding officer.A.respiteB.reprimandC.revulsionD.rookie【答案】 B4、After the storm, the lake returned to its usual _ state.A.flaccidB.placidC.lucidD.acid【答案】 B5、国家税务总局近日印发通知,要求全国税务系统贯彻落实好各项减税降费政策,确保企业和人民群众有实实在在的获得感,提振市场信心,促进经济实现高质量发展。据介绍,国家税务总局专门设立(),负责集中受理和协调解决中小微企业涉税诉求。通知要求,各省税务机关也要指定专门部门、安排专人负责中小微企业服务工作。2019年上半年,国家税务总局将以小微企业普惠性减税等政策落实情况为重点,组织开展减税降费工作督导。A.小微企业咨询点B.小微企业办事中心C.小微企业服务处D.小微企业优惠中心【答案】 C6、资料:For nearly a century, Hilton Worldwide has offered business and leisure travelers the finest in accommodations, service, amenities and value.A.A policy announcementB.A recruitment adC.A proposalD.A business license【答案】 B7、会计账簿暂由本单位财务会计部门保管( ),期满之后,由财务会计部门编造清算移交本单位的档案部门保管。A.1年B.3年C.5年D.10年【答案】 A8、 对其他货币资金主要审查其真实性和合法性,在方法上一般采用主要实证法,具体运用时主要采用( )。A.询问法B.核对法C.核对法和盘点法D.抽查法和盘点法【答案】 C9、信用的基本特征是()。A.平等的价值交换B.无条件的价值单方面让渡C.以偿还为条件的价值单方面转移D.无偿的赠与或援助【答案】 C10、资料:Tencent Holdings Ltd has announced that it will fully open up its big data platform and machine learning technology in a move to build a sharing economy based on cloud services. Enterprises will be able to use a set of big data analysis tools developed by Tencent, helping them gain a better understanding of their clients and improve their products.A.To develop cloud servicesB.To help enterprises gain a better understanding of their clients and improve their productsC.To become a part of the internet ecosystemD.To store and analyze more data【答案】 B11、Everything returned to normal()nothing had happened.A.as ifB.becauseC.whenD.For【答案】 A12、按照中国人民银行的规定,各银行每月日平均拆入资金余额,不得超过其上月末各项存款余额的()。 A.5%B.4%C.6%D.3%【答案】 A13、Are you going to hang the _ of the Declaration of Independence in the classroom on in the auditorium?A.rivetB.typhusC.typhoidD.replica【答案】 D14、会议室里的凳子有3条腿的,也有4条腿的,都能坐。并且会议室坐满了人,一张凳子只能坐一个人。如果会议室里的凳子的条数和人的腿加起来共有39条,则3条腿的凳子有()张。A.1B.3C.5D.7【答案】 B15、 Its offered as proof that shes a_woman who wont waste taxpayers money.A.principledB.patrioticC.pioneerD.radical【答案】 A16、()是收文办理的中心环节。A.批办B.拟办C.承办D.注办【答案】 C17、下列哪家机构不属于我国成立的金融资产管理公司?()A.东方B.信达C.华融D.均不符合题意【答案】 D18、资料:Some companies are more creative in their use of history than others. HSBCs History Wall, a striking art installation at the banks London headquarters, is made up of 3,743 images drawn from the banks archives and arranged in chronological order.A.He is the sole author of “Authenticity”B.He encourages firms to look for typical events from archivesC.He loves the cobalt-blue glassed of Ritz-Carlton hotel very muchD.He also believes that younger firms can use history as well【答案】 B19、资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesnt happen magically. It takes lots of planning, time and savings.A.More than half of people dont have enough finances for retirementB.quarter of people dont take part in their companys retirement planC.No one can be financially secure in retirementD.The average person will spend 20 years in retirement【答案】 C20、某企业2011年3月发生了如下经济业务:预付下季度房租20000元;收到3月份 销售商品货款25000元,款项已存入银行;购买1000元的办公用品,预收购货方 定金12000元,货物尚未发送。以权责发生制为核算基础时,3月份的收支净额为 ( )元。A.24000B.16000C.4000D.36000【答案】 A21、企业支付的产品广告费,应通过( )账簿反映。A.序时B.备查C.数量金额D.分类【答案】 B22、金融衍生工具是指一种根据事先约定的事项进行支付的双边合约,其合约价格取决于或派生于原生金融工具的价格及其变化。下列不属于金融衍生工具的是()。A.备兑权证B.沪深300股指期货C.CDS(信用违约互换)D.外汇【答案】 D23、货币供应量是一国在某时期内为社会经济运转服务的货币存量,它由包括中央银行在内的金融机构供应的存款货币和现金货币两部分构成。中央银行在公开市场上买卖有价证券,最直接影响(),从而影响货币供应量。A.中央银行再贷款B.商业银行法定准备金C.中央银行再贴现D.商业银行超额准备金【答案】 D24、积极开展网络融资服务。农业银行创新推出()线上贷款产品,实现农户贷款线上申请、线上审批、线上发放、线上还款,全面提升农户贷款的覆盖面和办理效率。A.助农e贷B.轻松e贷C.惠农e贷D.全民e贷【答案】 C25、人民日报报道,从20世纪60年代开始,大豆的营养价值和其他保健功能逐渐为世界各国所认识。各国都制定政策鼓励和发展大豆生产,世界市场上大豆供应猛增。这里所说的营养价值是指()。A.商品的使用价值B.商品的交换价值C.商品的价值D.商品的价值和使用价值【答案】 A26、某商场进货一批家用小电器,每件的利润率是50%(利润率=利润/售价100%),促销当天卖出了全部的1/3,得利润1500元,后续一周卖出余下的1/5,得利润600元,已知剩下的商品数量是120个,则这批家用小电器的售价是()元。A.20B.30C.40D.10【答案】 C27、Dream is a story that a person watches or even takes part in during sleep.Dream events are imaginary,but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamers life.A.the sleepers wishesB.the sleepers imaginationC.t
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