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Unit 5一、根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写。1 .Jack never goes outside to play sports,because he is so(懒惰的).2.Dont(忘t己)to close the window when you leave the classroom.3.There is something wrong with my left(腿).1 cant walk.4.To play the game,we need to buy some (旗子)first.5.Why not(切)the big cake into small ones for everyone to enjoy?二、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满 分10分)1.Do you want some food to eat?No,thanks.I just want to drink some.A.bananas B.water C.chicken D.oranges2.Good books are like good friends,because can help you to walk forward(向前)and understand the world.A.they B.he C.she D.it3.一Mary,come and eat your breakfast.Mom,I leave now,or I will miss the school bus.A.mustnt B.must C.can D.cant4.Mary,the coat made silk(丝绸)looks good on you.Thank you.A.by B.in C.of D.from5.一What do you think of doctors?They are great.They can peoples lives.A.kill B.help C.save D.learn6.Mary is very and she is afraid to speak English in public.A.lazy B.shy C.clean D.fat7.He neednt go to work on S u n d a y s,h e often gets up late.A 上 ut B.so C.because D.or8.does Mike like the TV program The Animal World?Because he is an animal lover.A.What B.How C.Why D.When9.You can take a map with you.Then you won t.Thanks,but I dont need it.I know that place well.Thafs my hometown.A.get up B.get out C.get dressed D.get lost10.Lets see the pandas in the zoo this weekend!A.Thats right B.Good luck C.Thank you D.That sounds interesting三、阅读理解AIts Friday and you must go to school on time.This Sunday we can go to the zoowith your father,Mom says.“Great!I really want to see tigers and lions,“says Philip.“Are they your favorite animals?says Mom.No,I like giraffes best,says Philip.“They are kind of funny.I also like them,“Mom says.“What time is it now,Mom?asks Philip.Its a quarter to seven,“Mom answers.4tYou have to be quick.We must drive toschool before half past seven.“AH right,we have a P.E.class today.Where are my sports shoes?says Philip.Look!They are under the chair.Your things are always everywhere,says Mom.“Sorry,but can I keep a pet cat?”says Philip.“Oh,no,you cant look after it well,“Mom says.“But I really love animals,5 Philip says and he feels unhappy.“Well,keep your things tidy and clean first,and then you can keep a cat,“says Mom.Philip says yes and he decides to be a tidy boy from now on.1 .When can they go to the zoo?A.On Monday.B.On Friday.C.On Saturday.D.On Sunday.2.What is Philips favorite animal?A.Elephants.B.Giraffes.C.Lions.D.Tigers.3.How does Philip go to school?A.By b汰 e.B.By bus.C.By subway.D.By car.4.What can we learn from this passage?A.Philip has a lovely pet cat.B.Philip has to go to school before 7:00.C.Philip has a P.E.class on Friday.D.Philip always keeps his things tidy and clean.BBaboons(狒狒)live in Africa.They are like monkeys.Many people think daddybaboons dont know their babies.But scientists(科学家)find that daddy baboons knowhow to help their babies.The daddy baboons are smart.Joan Silk is a scientist.She studiesthe baboons for three years.She says the daddy baboons are happy to see theirbabies.They have big teeth to help the babies to eat hard things.Mother baboons aresmall.And they all live in a place.When a mother baboon gives birth(分娩),she often hasonly one baby.Baby baboons have fur.They are very cute.During the day they play andeat things.At night,they sleep in the trees.Most children Hke baboons because they looklike the man.5.Where do baboons live?A.In Africa.B.In America.C.In Canada.D.In China.6.How are daddy baboons?A.Theyre shy.B.Theyre beautiful.C.Theyre smart.D.Theyre friendly.7.How many baby baboons does the mother baboon usually have when she gives birth?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.四、补全对话.根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。A:There are many new animals in the zoo.B:Oh,really?1.A:Giraffes,elephants,pandas,tigers,koalas and some dolphins(海豚).B:2._A:OK.What do you want to see first?B:I want to see the pandas first.A:3._B:Because they are very cute.4.A:I like elephants.B:Why do you like them?A:5._A.What are they?B.Lefs go and see them.C.Do you like elephants?D.They all come from China.E.What animals do you like?F.Why do you want to see them first?G.Because they are kind of interesting.五、阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。A TV reporter is interviewing(采访)a zoo vet(兽医)named Johnny Hanks.Let5s seewhat they are talking about.Reporter:Nice to meet you,Mr.Hanks.Are you busy every day as a zoo vet?Do you workfrom 9:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m.?Mr.Hanks:Oh,yes,rm busy every day.Sometimes I need to check(检查)four or fiveanimals a day.For example,!go to check an elephant first in the morning,but before Ifinish checking,someone may call me because a koala doesnt look well.So usually Icannot leave work for home at 5:00 p.m.Reporter:Do you like all of the animals in the zoo?Mr.Hanks:Well,I love quiet animals.Pandas and giraffes are my favorite ones.Reporter:Do you like your job?Is it interesting for you?Mr.Hanks:Sure,I love my job.This is the 10th year for me to work as a zoo vet.I loveworking with animals.The best thing of my job is that I can do
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