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Unit 3 Language in useModule 11 Way of life2 Free talkWarming-upWarming-upAccording to Unit 1 and Unit 2,can you use must,can,neednt,and mustnt correctly?3 Complete the conversations with can or cant.GrammarGrammar1.A:Can you drive a car at the age of seventeen in England?B:Yes,we _.How about in China?A:No,we _.2.A:Can you open a gift immediately after you receive it in England?B:_.What about in China?A:No,we usually dont.3.A:Can you push your way onto a bus in England?B:_.How about in China?A:No,we _ either.4.A:Can you drive on the right-hand side of the road in England?B:_.What about in China?A:Yes,we must.cancantYes,we canNo,we cantcantNo,we cant4 Complete the sentences with must or must not.GrammarGrammarmust notmust notmust notmustmust5 It is important to know what you must and must not do when you meet people from a different country.You(1)may/must not ask Westerners“How old are you?”because it is not polite.You(2)might/can know someone well,but you(3)must/need not ask“How much money do you make?”He(4)may/can never speak to you again!In public places,you(5)must/can ask people before you take photos of them,and you(6)must not/might not eat or drink in shops or museums.In some countries you(7)cannot/can go into someones house with your shoes on.You(8)need not/must not take them off.But in some other countries you(9)might/must not wear shoes in the house.Underline the correct words.GrammarGrammar6 ListeningListeningListen to a teenager talking about his life.Check()the things he must or mustn t do.mustmustnt1.clean up bedroom once a week2.wash up after dinner3.stay out after 9 pm4.do homework before going out5.wash hands before dinner6.play music loudly after 10 pm7 ListeningListeningListen again.What two things does he say he can do?1._ 2._He can go out with his friends at weekends.He can play music loudly before ten oclock at night.8 Write some things you can,must and must not do at home.DrillDrillI can.I must.I must not.Now work in pairs.Tell each other three things you must do at home and three things you mustnt do.Are your home rules different or the same?I must visit my grandparents once a week.I mustnt stay up late in the evening.9 1.Use your _ to look up any new words you do not understand.2.Most Chinese people eat noodles with _.3.Jenny could not wait to open her birthday _.4.He thinks it is cool to wear his _ back-to-front.5.Where is my _?Lets play a game.Complete the sentences with the words or expressions in the box.VocabularyVocabulary baseball capchess setchopsticksdictionarypresentsdictionarychopstickspresentsbaseball capchess set10 Play a game.Choose a word or an expression from the box and describe it to the class.The class guesses what it is.VocabularyVocabulary baseball capbikechess setchocolatechopsticks dictionaryfish and chipslitterphotovideo gameMany people have one.Is it a chess set?No.You use it to get to places.Is it a bike?Yes.11 Group workGroup workRead Around the world first.12 Group workGroup workWrite some advice for foreign visitors to a Chinese family.Think about:What must they wear?What mustnt they talk about?What cant they do?What presents can they bring?When must they arrive?Giving advice to foreign guests who are visiting a Chinese family13 Group workGroup workWork in groups.Show the advice you wrote in Activity 9 to your group members.Choose two best pieces of advice.Giving advice to foreign guests who are visiting a Chinese family14 Group workGroup workShow the advice your group chose in Activity 10 to the whole class.Put the pieces of advice together to form the advice of the whole class.Giving advice to foreign guests who are visiting a Chinese family15 Group workGroup workSend the advice of the whole class to your foreign friends or post it on your class blog.Giving advice to foreign guests who are visiting a Chinese family16 HomeworkHomework1.对本模块的单词和短语做对本模块的单词和短语做 一个总结。一个总结。2.完成本课练习。完成本课练习。Thank you!
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