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be动词知识梳理及配套练习1.be的各种形式人称形式现在式过去式现在分词过去分词第一人称单数amwasbeingdone复数arewere第二人称单数arewere复数arewere第三人称单数iswas复数arewere2.be动词做连系动词(系动词)(1)其基本含义为“是”,基本结构为“主语+be+表语”,也就是我们常说的主系表结构(2)系动词be有各种时态和人称的变化 例:I am a teacher now. My friends were very angry then.3.be动词做助动词(1)be+现在分词构成进行时态 He is talking to my mother. Jenny was reading at this time yesterday.They will be arriving in Beijing tomorrow.(2)be+及物动词的过去分词构成被动语态 The window was broken last night. Thousands of trees are planted every year .Your watch has already beenrepaired.4.含有be动词的句子的句型变换(1)否定句:在be之后直接加not There are some apples. - There arent any apples.(is not=isnt, are not=arent, was not=wasnt, were not=werent,am not无缩写)(2)疑问句:将be动词放到主语前 There are some apples. - Are there any apples?5.特殊句型中的be动词(1)there be句型:be可以与there一起构成there be句型,用来表示”存在”,往往翻译为“有”,此时be的选择要看其之后的名词。There is a white ruler on the desk.There were a great many people in the car race last year.(2)祈使句:句子一般以Be开头或是Dont be开头,表示命令或建议等。Be patient! (耐心一点!)Dont be so hard on me! (不要对我这么严厉!)(3)be going to: 表示“打算或将要”,后加动词原型He is going to visit us next week. It is going to rain soon.专项练习一用be动词填空1. The children _ wearing yellow shoes.2. How much _ the trousers?3. Running_ good for you.4. My uncle _an ambulance driver last year.5. They _ tall next year.6. A bag of apples _ in the classroom.7. Your aunt _ from China.8. Their father _ a teacher.9. Here _ my book.10. Here _ his pens.11. Two-fifths of the books_ (be)mine.12. The girl may _ Jacks sister.13. Sixty minutes _ (be) an hour.14. The man with big eyes _ a teacher.15. _ your brother in the classroom?16. Where _ your mother? She _ at home.17. How _ your father?18. Mike and Liu Tao _ at school yesterday.19. Whose dress _ this?20. Whose socks _ they?21. That _ ten months.22. Who _ singing?23.There _ some bread on the table.24. The black gloves _ for Su Yang.25. This pair of gloves _ for Yang Ling.26. The two cups of milk _ for me.27. Some tea _ in the glass.二 单选( )1. There _ no tea in the cup. A. is B. are C. has D. be ( )2. There _a meeting this afternoon. A. be going to be B. will be C. will going to be D. is going to have( )3. Its six in the afternoon. The Greens_ lunch together. A. was having B. is having C. will be havingD. are having( ) 4. _ you thirsty? Yes, i_ A Are, are B Is, am C Are, am( ) 5. How_ the weather yesterday? A is B are C was D were( ) 6.Here_ a pen and some books on the desk. A. is B. are C. has D. be ( ) 7.Please _ a good student. A. is B. are C. am D. be ( )8.This pair of shoes _ so cool. A. is B. are C. am D. be三句型变化1. These are some books. (否定句) _ 2. It is going to rain. (否定句) _ 3. Miss Zhang is our English teacher. 一般疑问句: _ 肯定回答: _ 否定回答:_ 4.There are some apples. 一般疑问句: _ 肯定回答: _否定回答:_ 5. I am going to play football this afternoon. (对划线部分提问)_6.Those are their fathers trousers. (对划线部分提问)_7. He often reads books in the morning. (用now改写为现在进行时)_学科网(北京)股份有限公司
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