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应用文训练1 演讲稿+人物 name_ 为了弘扬科学家精神,丰富学校科技艺术节活动内容,请你准备一篇英文演讲稿介绍一位你最尊敬和爱戴的科学家。内容包括:1.对该人物的简单介绍;2.尊敬和爱戴的原因;3.从其身上得到的启示。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。The Scientist I Admire Most Good morning, everyone. When it comes to my favorite scientist, it must be an agricultural scientist, Yuan Longping.大家早上好。说到我最喜欢的科学家,一定是农业科学家袁隆平。 Born in a poor family in Guangxi, Yuan had a strong will to tackle the hunger crisis when he was young. After graduation, he devoted all his life in the laboratory and farm until he developed the hybrid rice successfully. His modesty and diligence, which I admire most, make an deep impact on me. 袁出生在广西的一个贫困家庭,小时候就有解决饥饿危机的强烈愿望。毕业后,他把一生都奉献给了实验室和农场,直到成功地研制出杂交水稻。他的谦虚和勤奋是我最敬佩的,这对我影响深远。 It is from him that I know as a teenager, what I am struggling is not just for myself, but the whole happiness of the world. (90 words) 正是从他那里,我知道作为一个十几岁的少年,我所奋斗的不仅仅是为了自己,而是为了整个世界的幸福。大家早上好。说到我最喜欢的科学家,一定是农业科学家袁隆平。_ 袁出生在广西的一个贫困家庭,小时候就有解决饥饿危机的强烈愿望。毕业后,他把一生都奉献给了实验室和农场,直到成功地研制出杂交水稻。他的谦虚和勤奋是我最敬佩的,这对我影响深远。_ 正是从他那里,我知道作为一个十几岁的少年,我所奋斗的不仅仅是为了自己,而是为了整个世界的幸福。_词汇积累1. when it comes to. 当提到2. admire v.钦佩 admiration n.3. be known as/for. 作为/因为.而被熟知4. devote oneself to (doing) sth.=be devoted to =commit oneself to/ be devoted to 投身于.5. manage to do sth. 成功做成.6. leave an impression on. 给.留下印象7. have an impact/ influence/ effect on. 对.有影响8. spirit n.精神 spiritual adj.精神的 心灵的9. devoted adj.乐于奉献的10. modest adj.谦虚的 modesty n.谦逊11. diligent/ hardworking adj.勤奋的12. ambitious/ aggressive adj.有抱负的13. knowledgeable adj.学识渊博的14. cooperative adj.合作的15. courageous adj.勇敢的、有胆量的语法填空1. _ 当提到2. _ v.钦佩 _ n.3. _/_. 作为/因为.而被熟知4. _.=_ =_/ _投身于.5._ 成功做成.6. _ 给.留下印象7. _/_/_对.有影响8. _n.精神 _adj.精神的 心灵的9. _adj.乐于奉献的10. _adj.谦虚的 _n.谦逊11. _/ _adj.勤奋的12. _/ _adj.有抱负的13. _adj.学识渊博的14. _adj.合作的15. _ adj.勇敢的、有胆量Chinese agronomist (农业科学家) Yuan Longping, the “father of hybrid rice (杂交水稻)”, died of an illness at 1:07 p.m. on Saturday at the age of 91._32_ a serious nationwide starvation (饥荒) in the 1960s,Yuan,decided to devote _33_ (he)to studying how to increase the production of rice, the main food of China. Yuan _34_ (succeed) in developing the worlds first high-yielding hybrid rice in 1973, _35_ production could reach over 500kg per mu. For the following years, he continued to develop hybrid rice, achieving _36_ (increase) higher outputs than before. On September 29, 2019, Yuan _37_ (award) the “Medal of the Republic”, the highest honor in the country, for his outstanding _38_ (contribute) to Chinas agricultural development and food supply. In 2020, hybrid rice _39_ (develop) by Yuans team achieved a new world record.Yuan once said he had two dreams: one was to “enjoy the cool breeze under rice crops _40_ (tall) than men,” and the other was that “hybrid rice could be grown all over _41_ world to help solve global food shortage.Professor Yuans devotion to China and the world will inspire us to value food and try our best to serve our country.学科网(北京)股份有限公司
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