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高三一轮检测英语试题注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并收回。第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AThe gift that never stops givingPeople are going for gifts that are reused time and time again, (while also saving money), gifts that have recyclable packaging, or the recyclable elements included within them. One of the best options is to go for a green hamper (篮子).Gift hampers can be reusedThe fact that green items are frequently reusable is one of their main advantages. With a green hamper, you can reuse everything that was inside of it, including the container. Many green hampers are available in wicker (柳条) baskets, allowing you to keep the present for a long time and reuse it for other purposes.Gift hampers are eco-friendlyA lot of people are worried about the environment and reducing CO2 emissions (排放). This is why green hampers are becoming more popular. Typically, businesses that sell green baskets will guarantee that the items inside them were manufactured by hand or in facilities with minimum CO2 emissions. However, the wicker baskets are more breakable items.How to reuse wicker basketsWhy not keep a selection of potted plants in your wicker basket? This will look great in your dining room. With a wicker basket, for instance, place individual toiletries, towels, and blankets on the hamper for presentation in your guests rooms. You can give your visitors a warm, “hotel inspired” feeling.Giving someone an awesome gift hamper that is also eco-friendly conveys a unique message to the recipient because there are so many options for gift baskets, you can fill them as you choose. This is why green hampers in particular are dominating the market.1. What is probably the concern of people who choose hampers?A. Comfort.B. Expense.C. Security.D. Beauty.2. Which can best describe the advantages of green hampers?A. Reusable and tough.B. Popular and costly.C. Multipurpose and recyclable.D. Ever-lasting and eco-friendly.3. What is the authors attitude to the popularization of green hampers?A. Favorable.B. Intolerant.C. Doubtful.D. Unclear.BThere have been numerous attempts to create an all-plastic bike. But most have never passed through the prototype stage (原始阶段). Igus, a Germany-based manufacturer of high-performance plastics, and Dutch start-up MTRL aim to change that with the igus:bike the worlds first urban bike crafted almost entirely from recycled plastic.Igus CEO Frank Blas first got the idea while vacationing on a Florida beach in 2009. A conversation with some employees from a rental company made him aware of the challenges of maintaining beach bicycles. The continuous exposure to sand, wind and salt water caused the bikes to rust rapidly. Many had to be replaced in only three months.The igus:bike, unveiled at a German trade show, is maintainable and rust-free. It can be left outdoors in all weathers and does not require lubricant oil (润滑油) to reduce friction between parts. Since it does not attract sand, dust or dirt, the bike can be cleaned with a garden hose (水管) in seconds.“As all components are made of plastic, no part of the bike rusts, even the gears bicycle gears made of plastic were unthinkable for a long time,”Blas says.The igus:bike will also help combat the worlds plastic pollution. The company says a single adult bike gives new life to about 16 kilograms of single-use plastic that would otherwise choke our landfills or waterways.Currently, 90 percent of the igus:bike is made using recycled plastic. This includes the bicycles frame, bearings, pedals and wheel rims. Igus and MTRL believe future versions will be made entirely from recycled plastic.“From ocean plastics to motion plastics the igus:bike concept has what it takes to become a high-tech ecological product,” says MTRL co-founder Benjamin Alderse Baas.The plastic bikes are expected to come onto the market in early 2023. An adult model, made entirely from recycled plastic, will cost about E1400. A slightly cheaper version made using new plastic and an electric bike are also in the works. Igus also plans on sharing its technology with other bicycle manufacturers.4. What makes Igus CEO Frank Blase seek to create the igus:bike?A. His holidaying in Florida last year.B. The conversation between him and some bicyclers.C. The trouble of keeping beach bicycles in good condition.D. The prolonged exposure of bikes on the beach.5. What can we learn about the igus:bike from the text?A. It will certainly sell well.B. It needs to be more portable.C. It can be used everywhere and freely.D. It is rust less and cleans easily.6. What is the text mainly about?A. A bike made from recycled plastics.B. How to make rust-free bikes.C. An excellent bicycle manufacturer.D. How to maintain beach bikes.7. What can be inferr
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