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专题15 阅读理解之事实细节讲解与练习Part 1整体感知一、细节理解题分类:直接信息题和间接信息题(语意转换题)常出的设问方式:殊疑问句形式。常常以when, where, why, what, which, who, how much/many等疑问词引出的问题。1. Which tour do you need to book in advance?2. What will you do on the Capital City Bike Tour?3. How long does Potty about Potter last?4. How much should a member of a tour group pay to visit Hall&Gardens?5. Where can you buy a souvenir at Pacifiv Science Center?二、正确选项特征1. 同义替换。指对原文句子中的关键词进行同意替换。如把reserve替换成了book。有些细节理解题把原文中的一些词变换一下词性,例如把reserve替换成reservation;改变原文中句子的语态;如主动语态与被动语态的转换。2. 信息归纳。用精炼的语言来概括原文中比较分散或复杂的信息,设置为正确答案。3.正话反说。把原文的意思反过来表达而成为正确选项。三、干扰选项特征1. 张冠李戴。是原文信息,但不是题目要求的内容。2. 无中生有。符合常识,但不是文章的内容。3. 曲解文意。与原文的内容极其相似,只是在某个细节处有些变动。4. 颠倒是非。在意思上与原文大相径庭人甚至完全相反。5. 正误参半。部分正确,部分错误Part 2 解题方法方法1 直接信息题从题干中找关键词 回归原文,快速浏览原文定位与关键词相关的信息句 仔细核对比较内容,找到答案典题例证(2018.全国卷I阅读A节选)Washington Capital Sites at Night Bicycle Tour Duration:3 hours(7miles)Join a small group bike tour for an evening of exploration in the heart of Washington, D.C. Get up close to the monuments and memorials as your bike the sites of Capitol Hill and the National Mall. Frequent stops are made for photo taking as your guide offers unique facts and history. Tour includes bike, helmet, and bottled water. All riders are equipped with reflective vests and safety lights.23. Which of the following does the bicycle tour at night provide?A. City maps. B. Cameras.C. Meals D. Safety lights第一步:依据题干信息,选择定位关键词仔细阅读题干可知“at night”为问题的定位关键词。第二步:由定位关键词,回归原文进行信息定位带着“at night”这个定位关键词,通过寻读、略读等技巧可快速找到有此关键词的句子“Tour includes bike, helmet, and bottled water. All riders are equipped with reflective vests and safety lights.”,根据此句,可以迅速确定答案为D选项。方法2 间接信息题第一步:审读题干抓关键词,定位信息区间1. 确定关键词时,要注意该词在原文中的唯一性,这样有助于快速定位原文的信息区间。2. 根据关键词,结合命题顺序原则(题目的顺序与文章的顺序大体一致)回到原文找命题区间。第二步:选项与原文逐一对比,仔细甄别,排除干扰选项,确定正确答案典题例证(2017.全国卷II阅读D节选)When a leafy plant is under attack, it doesnt sit quietly. Back in 1983, two scientists,Jack Schultz and Ian Baldwin,reported that young maple trees getting bitten by insects send out a particular smell that neighboring plants can get. These chemicals come from the injured parts of the plant and seem to be an alarm.What the plants pump through the air is a mixture of chemicals known as volatile organic compounds, VOCs for short. 32. What does a plant do when it is under attack?A. It makes noises. B. It gets help from other plants.C. It stands quietly D. It sends out certain chemicals.第一步:审读题干找出关键词,定位信息区间根据关键词的醒目性和唯一性原则,可以确定本题的关键词为plant和under attack。从而定位本题的信息区间为所节选段。第二步:选项与原文逐一对比,确定正确选项A. It makes noises.信息定位When a leafy plant is under attack, it doesnt sit quietly send out a particular smell 对比分析,选项定性:无中生有B. It gets help from other plants.信息定位young maple trees getting bitten by insects send out a particular smell that neighboring plants can get. 对比分析,选项定性:曲解文意C. It stands quietly. 信息定位When a leafy plant is under attack, it doesnt sit quietly. 对比分析,选项定性:颠倒是非D. It sends out certain chemicals.信息定位send out a particular smell that neighboring plants can get known as volatile organic compounds, VOCs for short. 对比分析,选项定性:信息归纳Part 3 阅读理解仿真组合练AButterfly Garden (Permanent Exhibit)Walk among the free-flying residents of this warm conservatory. It is a wonderful opportunity to get close to a variety of living butterflies from New England and across the globe. The “Emergence Box” offers a window into the butterfly behavior. Look inside to see hanging chrysalids (蝶蛹) transform into adult butterflies. Tickets are required and visitors should reserve at least two weeks in advance.A Birds World (Permanent Exhibit)This exhibit features the Museums extraordinary collection of birds, displaying over 300 species found in New England. Here, you can learn to interpret the bird language taking place just outside your window at home.Test your observation skills and see if you can get past different birds without them alerting (发信号) other animals to your presence. Learn to identify birds from a distance by recognizing unique flight patterns. Practice your flying technique in the Bird Walk.Hall of Human Life (Permanent Exhibit)Should you have your babys DNA sequenced? What keeps you awake? Step inside the Hall of Human Life, the Museums new biology exhibition, and encounter such far-reaching questions on an amazing journey inside the human body. Through digital media and personal interaction, you become “part of the story, as you contribute your own data in a process of learning and discovery.BODY WORLDS & The Cycle of Life (Temporary Exhibit Now Open!)BODY WORLDS comes to the Museum of Science with a new chapter, Gunther von Hagens BODY WORLDS & The Cycle of Life. Dont miss this truly unique opportunity to look within yourself and gain a whole new perspective on what it means to be alive. More than one hundred preserved human specimens reveal the won
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