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专题22书面表达之通知&报道&演讲稿必备句型与万能模板通知知文体特点通知一般分为口头通知和书面通知两种。书面通知的语言简洁明了,要求明确。口头通知使用的语言具有明显的口语特征,通俗易懂。高考作文主要以书面通知为主。书面通知和口头通知写法点拨标题口头:Announcement;书面:Notice称呼语Boys and girls;Ladies and gentlemen; Dear friends正文:四个W:who,what,when、where落款口头通知无落款;书面通知有落款日期口头通知无日期:书面通知有日期学必备句型和模板必备亮点词汇attention n.注意,留心announcement n.通知decide v.决定hope v.希望mind v.介意hold v.举办activity n.活动spend v.度过,花(时间)introduce v.介绍party n.聚会celebrate v.庆祝pay a visit to 参观;看望in memory of 纪念make up ones mind to.下决心.经典套用句型闪亮篇首句There will be a talk(或者speech contest) this afternoon.今天下午将有一场讨论会(演讲比赛)。The Student Union has decided that .学生会已决定We shall have a lecture on .我们将举行关于的研讨会。It has been decided that well pay a visit to .已经决定我们将参观May I have your attention,please?请注意啦!Attention please. I have an announcement to make.请大家注意,我有一个通知要宣读。I have something important/new/bad/interesting to tell you.我有重要的新的不好的有趣的消息要告诉你们。I have the honor of announcing that.我很荣幸地通知大家出彩篇中句We are having a(n).about.我们将有一个关于的.There is going to be an important talk on the playground at 14:30 onMay20.5月20日下午2:30在操场上将有一场重要的讲座。To celebrate.,a(n).will be held.为庆祝.,将举行We will pay a visit to.我们将会参观Do not forget to take. because we will.不要忘记带着.,因为我们要图解The expert will give a talk on.专家会就话题进行演讲。Mr.Brown will give us a talk about/on how to improve our strength.布朗先生将就如何提高我们的体能作一个报告。精彩篇尾句Please attend it on time and dont be late.请按时到场,不要迟到。I hope you can have a good time.我希望你们玩得开心。Everyone is welcome to attend/take part in it.欢迎所有人参加。Thats all.Thank you.就这些,谢谢。Do be present on time!请务必按时参加!I hope you can take an active part in.我希望你(们)能积极参与Thats all. Thanks for your attention.就是这些,感谢倾听。万能模板1 书面通知NoticeAll the students,There is going to be (事件)at (地点)on (时间)。We are having a(n) (事件)at (地点)on (时间)。It will begin at (具体时间)。Everyone can .You can (可以进行的活动)。Welcome to take part in on time./Please come on time.Thanks. (落款) (时间)注:具体阐述通知的内容结束语,表达期望模板内容可根据题目要求和具体情况取舍。万能模板2 书面通知Notice(或者 Notice)An exciting / interesting event “ (给定的活动名称)” is around the corner / is coming / drawing closer / taking place. Every one of /All of you is / are expected to be part of / participate in / take part in the event which (举办活动的目的/益处等)You are required / asked / demanded to do / that you (should) do (活动要求).Youll do (活动内容). (此处取二者之一即可)The event will be held / take place (活动时间、地点). For any questions, call / ring (联系人) at (联系的电话号、QQ号、地址等)Li Hua(发布通知的人签名)万能模板3 书面通知STUDENTS UNION(发布通知的单位、组织名称)Sep 22, 2019(发布日期。如果没给可不写)NoticeAn exciting / interesting event “ (给定的活动名称)” is around the corner / is coming / drawing closer / taking place. Every one of /All of you is / are expected to be part of / participate in / take part in the event which (举办活动的目的/益处等)You are required / asked / demanded to do / that you (should) do (活动要求).Youll do (活动内容). (此处取二者之一即可)The event will be held / take place (活动时间、地点). For any questions, call / ring (联系人) at (联系的电话号、QQ号、地址等)Li Hua(发布通知的人签名)万能模板4 口头通知AnnouncementBoys and girls/Ladies and gentlemen,May I have your attention,please?Now Ive got a piece of good news to tell you. Were going to (事件)Well walk/ride/.go by bus to (交通方式)Its about away from .(距离)As well be away for the whole day, please remember the following things. .The most important thing is (注意事项)I think well .Thats all. Thanks for your attention.注;吸引注意力通知的具体内容,表达期望表示感谢模板内容可根据题目要求和具体情况取舍。The Student Union典例12018全国卷II你受学生会委托为校宣传栏“英语天地”写一则通知,请大家观看一部英语短片Growing Together,内容包括:(1)短片内容:学校的发展;(2)放映时间、地点;(3)欢迎对短片提出意见。注意:(1)词数100左右;(2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_ 【试题分析】 2018年高考英语书面表达体裁为通知,替学校的“英语天地”邀请学生看英文短片Growing together。继2015年,2016年,2017年连续三年考查信件认识人写信之后,全国二卷考查了应用文中的另一典型体裁,内容为邀请电影相关的时间,地点的通知。学生对该题材和内容熟悉,对词汇的要求也相对基础。纵观全国II卷英语书面表达,从题材上来讲,除了2014年考查了记叙文,十年中九年均考查了应用文,应用文占90%。所以考生在高考的
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