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The Subjunctive Mood in “if” clause Teaching aims 1. To let students grasp different kinds of the subjunctive mood in “if” clause2. To let students pay attention to the application of subjunctive mood.Teaching important points1. Get the students to master the structures about the subjunctive mood in “if” clause.2. Help the students practice the grammar in different situations.Teaching difficult pointPractice the grammar in different situationsTeaching methods:Task-based teaching, learner-centered teaching Teaching aidsThe multimedia computer systemTeaching timeOne periodTeaching ProceduresStep I Lead-in Lead in the grammarShow a sentence to students:If you had a seven days off now, what would you do? Then, show a poem to students to introduce the definition.Definition: Subjunctive mood is usually used to talk about the situations that are not true or not likely to become true.Step presentationImaginary past1. Show three situations about the subjunctive mood in “if” clause s2. Show students a situation and help the students find the rules.Ifhad done,would/could/might/should have done;3. Some exercises about the subjunctive mood.The new story about the farmer and the snake: What would have happened if the farmer hadnt seen the snake?If the farmer_ (not see) the snake, he_(not put) it under his coat; if he _(not put) it under his coat, the snake_(not bite) him; if the snake _(not bite) him, he_ (not die). Unreal present1. show two situations to students and help students find the rules2. Ifdid/were,would/could/might/should do;3. Discussion4. Work in pairs and make a dialogue. The following sentence patterns may help you.A: If you were a billionaire, what would you do?B: If I were a billionaire, I_ .A: If you had gone back to the Qing Dynasty , what would you do?B: If I had gone back to the Qing Dynasty , I_ Imaginary future1. give students a imaginary situation and ask them to complete sentencesIf I_(become)a billionaire, I_(build) a library for our school.If I_(have)enough money some day,I_(supply)free food for all the students.Step Practice 2. If I _(be) in you position, I would have the same feeling about it.3. 2. If I could fly, I_(make) friends with birds.4. 3. If she had won the game, she _(phone) you immediately.5. 4. Nothing wouldnt have happened if you_(be)there last night.6. 5. If you_(visit) the school tomorrow, you would see me.Step Summary What have we learnt?1. The structures of the subjunctive mood in “if” clause.2. The usage of them in different situations.Step Homework Write a letter to your English teacher or your headmaster to put forward some reasonable suggestions. You can talk about anything you like, but in your writing, you should try your best to use two or three sentences with subjunctive mood.If I did/were , I would/might/could/should doIf I had done , I would/might/could/should have doneIf I were to/should/did , I would/might/could/should doBlackboard Design:Grammar (subjunctive mood: if-clause)学科网(北京)股份有限公司
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