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选择性必修第二册高频派生词集锦与词组 Unit 3 Fit for life 派生词集锦1. specialize vi.专攻2. contract vt. 感染疾病;与订立合同;3. identify vt. 找到,发现;确认,认出4. relate v.联系,叙述5. restore vt. 恢复;修复;使复原6. restrict vt. 限制7. prohibit vt. 禁止8. resistance n. 抵抗力;抵抗;抵制,反对;抵抗,反抗 9. ripe adj. 成熟的10. equip vt. 配备,装备;使有能力,使有所准备11. grateful adj. 感激的,表示感谢的12. disabled adj. 有残疾的,丧失能力的 13. conventional adj. 传统的;依照惯例的;常规的14. disturb vt. 使不安;打扰,扰乱,搅乱15.adjust vi. & vt. 调整;适应16. evidence n. 证据;显著,明显;vt.证明,表明17. examine vt. 检查,检验;审查,调查;考,测试;审问18. anxiety n. 焦虑,忧虑;担心,害怕;渴望 19. infection n.传染,感染20. unbelievably adv. 非常;令人难以置信地单元词组1. 参加奥运会2. 在竞赛中竞争3. 种族歧视4. 来自各种文化/背景的人5. 共同(联合)努力做某事6. 激励(发)某人做某事7. 国界8. 在(比赛)过程中显示(展示)了过人的天赋和优秀的品性9. 不久后10. 继续他们的旅行11. 点燃奥运会圣火12. 我们造成你的决定(为你的决定而鼓掌)。13. 震耳欲聋的掌声14. 田径运动员15. 我们应当言行一致。16. (社会)各阶层人士17. 请求(号召)某人做某事18. 世界排名第一19. 食品服务行业新的趋势20. 赢得选举21. 信任你22. 实现她的雄心(抱负)23. 相同的鞋子24. 同事/同学 25. 接力赛26. 一名业余作家27. 伤了他的脚踝28. 渐渐地恢复29. 训练时段(间)30. 速度限制 31. 有很强的体质32. 涌进体育场33. 欢天喜地;得意扬扬34. 客观地看待一切事物35. 成为名人36. 面对对手37. 优雅地跳舞38. 输赢都有尊严39. 一个无私的行为40. 英语习语(成语)41. 进入日常语言中42. 足球联赛(盟)43. 对方球队44. 渔网45. 改变条件(规则)46. 一家保险公司47. 向经理抱怨服务/工资48. 投诉空气污染49. 无意中打扰了你50. 联合国安全理事会51. 不幸地是,该计划产生了适得其反的效果。52. 会议/音乐会场地53. 没有把手的茶杯54. 处理冲突55. 纤细的腰身56. 对某人残忍57. 对他的新书评论58. 从字面上理解一些汉语成语59. 进乌龙球派生词集锦1. special adj.特别的specialist n. 专家;专科医生2. contract n.合同,合约3. identity n. 身份,本身;特征identification n. 身份证明,鉴定,辨认,确认,确定identical adj.完全相同的4. related adj. 有联系的relationship n. 联系,关系relation n. 关系;亲戚5. restoration n. 恢复;复位;修复6. restriction n.限制7. prohibition n.禁止8. resistant adj. 抵抗的,有抵抗力的resist vt. 抵制9. ripen vt. & vi.(使)成熟10. equipment n. 装备,设备,器材11. gratitude n. 感激之情,感谢12. disable vt. 使丧失能力,使伤残;使无效disability n. 缺陷,障碍,伤残,残疾 13. convention n. 习俗,常规,惯例14. disturbing adj. 令人烦扰的,令人不安的disturbed adj. 心神不安的,心烦意乱的,烦恼的15.adjustment n. 调整,适应 adjustable adj. 可调整的,可调节的16. evident adj. 清楚的,显然的17. examination n. (=exam) 考试;检查18. anxious adj. 焦虑的,忧虑的,担心的;令人焦虑的;渴望的19. infect v.传染,感染20. unbelievable adj. 难以置信的单元词组1. participate in (take part in) the Olympic Games2. compete in the completion3. racial discrimination4. people from diverse cultures/ backgrounds5. make joint efforts to do sth6. motivate people to do sth7. the national boundary8. demonstrate great talent and personality in the process9. shortly/ soon afterwards10. proceed to their trip11. light the Olympic flame 12. We applaud your decision.13. deafening applause14. track and field athletes15. What we say should be consistent with what we do.16. people of all ranks17. call on sb to do sth18. rank first in the world19. a new trend in the food service20. win the election21. have a faith in you22. realize her ambition23. identical shoes24. fellow workers/ students25. a relay race26. an amateur writer27. hurt his ankle28. recover gradually29. a training session30. speed limit31. have a strong constitution32. pour into the stadium33. walk on air34. keep everything in perspective35. become celebrities36. face opponents37. dance with grace38. win and lose with dignity39. an unselfish act40. English idioms41. find their way into everyday language42. a football league43. the opposing team44. a fishing net45. move the goalposts46. an insurance company47. complain to the manager about the service/ pay48. make a complaint against the air pollution49. disturb you unintentionally50. the UN Security Council51. Unfortunately, the plan backfired.52. a conference/ concert venue53. cups without handles54. handle conflicts55. a slim waist56. be cruel to sb57. remark on his new book= make a remark on his new book58. understand the Chinese idioms literally59. score an own goal学科网(北京)股份有限公司
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