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英语(满分40分)I.As a middle school student,knowing what you want to be in the future is important.Ethan is a member of the science club.He wants to be a scientist.He always knows a lotabout the new technology in China.Shared bikes Shared bikesShared bikes arebringing cycling1 2back to peoplesElectronic paymentsMy wallet is no longer in use.I can buy whatever I wantwith my mobile phone as longlives and they are making public transportationmore attractive and convenient(方便的),andmaking people more active.as there is Internet.All I need to do is to scana stores QR code(扫二维码).Even pancakesellers are using Alipay.Online shoppingI dont need to go out and Idont need to spend a lot oftime searching for things Iwant.I can buy differentHigh-speed railwaysI had an experience oftraveling by Chinese highspeed railways fromBeijing to Tianjin morekinds of things just in one place-my home.Whats more,I can buy things cheaply.than 100 km away.The journey takes onlyhalf an hour,while in Cambodia(柬埔寨),which has only two railways,such a journeymay take up to three hours.根据文章完成下列短文。用所给词的正确形式填空,未给出提示词的请根据文章所给内容填空每空最多三个单词.(每 空 I 分,共 10分)China has once again showed_1_(it)ability(能力)to change the world with the newfour great inventions-electronic payments,shared bicycles,_ 2_ and high-speed railways.The new four great _ 3_ have improved the quality of peoples lives and have made peopleslives 4 and better.Shared bikes are making public transportation more attractiveand_5_.Compared wilh(对比)the times C a m b o d ia,6_ can shorten peoples traveltime from one place to another.Shopping online makes our lives easier by spending lesstime_ 7_(look)for things we want online,so that we can buy different_8_(kind)ofthings _9 a lower price.Whats more,with electronic payment,we can buy whatever wewant_10_ there is Internet. Amanda loves dancing.She wants to be a dancer in the future,so she reads to knowmore about dancing culture.仔细阅读材料,选择适当的单词把文章补充完整,并将其标号填入提前括号内。(每题1分,共 6 分)Hip-hop dancing is popular with many young people today.They like it because they caninvent their own moves.They use this dance to _ 11 their love for life.It also shows thatthey feel _ 12_about life,that they just want to be _ 13 and enjoy life,and that they arenot afraid _ I4_problems.Hip-hop dancing has a _ 15 of more than 20 years.It first began in 1980s in the US.In early times,it was_16_in New York and Los Angles.At that time,many young blackpeople often danced to the music in the street.They used their legs,arms,heads and evenshoulders to dance.Many young people still use most of these moves today.()11.A.helpB.showC.hideD.begin()12.A.sadB.worriedC.goodD.careful()13.A.theyB.themselfC.themD.themselves()14.A.withB.onC.ofD.about()15.A.historyB.timeC.momentD.life()16.A.happenB.sawC.seen,happenedIII.Peter is a general manager of the personnel department,and he is interviewing Jonwho wants to get a job.请根据上下文选择合适的句子完成对话,有两项为多余选项。(每空1.5分,共计7.5分)Peter:Good afternoon.My name is Peter.Tm the general manager of the personnel department,r 1 1 be interviewing you.Please sit down.Jon:17,Peter.My names Jon.Jon Smash.Peter:Well,Jon,its a pleasure to meet you.18Jon:Fve been a manager at Nike for over three years.I won manager of the year award twoyears ago,and I got promoted last August.Peter:OK.Tell me about yourself.your personality.Jon:19.I think before I act,and if something goes wrongin our company I always remain calm.I never scream at my employees.And I ve neverlost my temper.Peter:20?Jon:I think Im good at solving problems.21.I also lovechallenges.I work well under pressure.When my boss pushes me to finish a project early,I always get it done and never complain.Peter:Jon,you seem like a very good manager.I like your ambition.Youre very confident andmotivated.We like that here at Microsoft.Well,our interview is over.A.Tm glad its you who will offer me the opportunity to get the jobIV.B.I enjoy approaching problems directly根据C.Nice to meet you材料D.What are your strengths内容E.I owe my success to my employees选择 口 T 11 k F.Tell me about your work experience最佳G.I think Fm very level-headed答案(每小题1.5分,共 7.5分)Artificial intelligence(AI,人工智能)is a high technology.A computer or the machinewith AI can think and learn.It is also a field of study that tries to make computer smart”.JohnMcCarthy,a scientist,came up with(提出)the name artificial intelligence over 60 years ago.Many things such as learning and problem-solving can be done by computers,though not in thesame way as people do.An unusual goal of AI research is to create special computer programmes.They can learn,solve problems and think logically(逻辑地).At present,AI can successfully understand humanspeech,recognise(识另U)human faces,operate self-driving cars and compete in some gamesystems like Chess.However,some people consider(认为)AI a danger to humans if it developstoo quickly.A famous British scientist also was not for this kind of technology.Math is the basic language of AI.If students are good at math,they will be more lik
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