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2023年山东省烟台市长岛县考研英语一高分冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)One Bite at a TimeStephen was on campus to register when I first met him.One summer day 1 I was heading for the administration building, I heard someone call my name. I 2 around and saw Philip, one of my colleagues standing with another young man. As Philip introduced me to the young man, named Stephen, he reminded him that he would be taking one of my 3 , Introduction to Literature. With a somewhat 4 expression, Stephen asked if my class was going to be hard. Would he be able to pass? I 5 he was concerned about failing before the 6 day of classes. We talked about what the class would 7 and I saw Stephens eyes getting big with 8 .Then I remembered a bit of classical dialog:Question: How do you eat an elephant?Answer: One bite at a time.I told him to 9 his work that way. To do his assignment, all of them, and to get them in on time. I added that most 10 students I knew made a timetable of all the assignment so they could 11 their workload.As time went on, I learned more of Stephens story. He had 12 in middle school. It had taken him longer to finish than most young people. Family members, including his mother, kept reminding him that he was a 13 . Now, in the face of their negative-saying he had been admitted into college. He told me that before coming to our campus no one had believed he had much 14 .Stephen didnt become an A student. He didnt make any honor rolls. Still, he managed to 15 most of his courses by being in class every day, turning in all of his assignment on time and breaking down his studying into 16 digestible parts. By passing course after course he began to gain a measure of self-respect. He was a great singer and he was 17 the schools cross-country team.Every time I saw him on campus, he would brighten up and say, One bite at a time. Whenever he introduced me to his friends, he would tell them that he was 18 when he was supposed to be failing. His 19 , he said, was that he was 20 what I taught him before classes ever started: Take it one bite at a time.1、AafterBwhenCuntilDonce2、AturnedBsatCmovedDwent3、AjobsBtestsCclassesDprojects4、AinnocentBangryCinspiredDpained5、AsensedBimaginedCheardDadmitted6、AgatheringBpartingCclosingDopening7、AchangeBadjustCcoverDproduce8、AinterestBangerCfearDexcitement9、AavoidBcontinueCpresentDapproach10、AquietBoptimisticCenergeticDsuccessful11、AplanBincreaseCreduceDmeasure12、AfittedBhesitatedCstruggledDprogressed13、AcheatBfailureCwinnerDleader14、AexperienceBinformationCpotentialDhonor15、ApassBbeginCtakeDdesign16、Afull-sizedBbite-sizedCpocket-sizedDmedium-sized17、AforBonCatDof18、AchangingBrecoveringCconcentratingDsucceeding19、AsecretBskillCreplyDtheory20、AspreadingBconsideringCpracticingDexpressingSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1How to have fun in Chicago without spending a lot of money? Sightseeing The Art Institute of Chicago has a fine collection of photos and paintings. The ticket is $10.00, but go on Tuesdays and youll get in free. The Sears Tower is the worlds third tallest building. By going to the 103rd floor, you can get a view of the whole city. All for only $8.50. Free show There are free concerts in Grant Park in summer. They are held Wednesday through Saturday nights at 7:30 P.M.Attend the taping of a TV show for free. The Oprah Winfrey Show and the Jenny Jones Show both offer tourists free tickets. For the Oprah Winfrey Show, youll have to book tickets at least a month before. Places to stay You can get a hotel for $100 to $300 a day. However, you can get a room in the dormitory atRoosevelt University for $215 for a whole week! But you have to stay for 28 days to get this great rate(优惠).1、(小题1)This passage tells us _.AChicago is a big and beautiful cityBwhere we can see fine photos and paintingsChow to make a cheap trip in ChicagoDthere are many free concerts in Chicago2、(小题2)It will cost you _ if you visit the Art Institute instead of the Sears Tower on Sundays.Amore Bless Ca little Dnothing3、(小题3)You may go to _ if you like to get a great view of the whole city.Athe Art Institute Bthe Sears TowerCRoosevelt University DGrant Park4、(小题4)According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?AIt is free to go to the Art Institute on Tuesdays.BFree Grant P
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