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考研英语一汕头市澄海区2023年深度预测试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Human growth is a process of experimentation, trial, and error eventually leading to wisdom. Each time you choose to trust yourself and take action, you can never quite be certain how the situation will 1 .Sometimes you are victorious, and sometimes you become disappointed. The 2 experiments, however, are no less valuable than the experiments that finally prove successful; in fact, you 3 learn more from your “failures” than you do from your 4 . If you have made what you think to be a mistake or failed to live up to your own 5 , you will most likely put up a barrier between your essence and the part of your that is the alleged(声称的)wrong-doer.However, viewing past actions as 6 implies guilt and blame, and it is not possible to learn anything meaningful while you are engaged in blaming. 7 , forgiveness is required when you are severely judging yourself. Forgiveness is the act of erasing an 8 debt. There are four kinds of forgiveness.The first is beginner forgiveness for yourself.The second of forgiveness is beginner forgiveness for another.The third kind of forgiveness is 9 forgiveness of yourself. This is for serious misbehaviors, the ones you carry with deep 10 . When you do something that violates your own values and principles, you create a gap between your standards and your actual 11 .In such a case, you need to work very hard at 12 yourself for these deeds so that you can close this gap. This does not 13 that you should rush to forgive yourself or shouldnt feel regret, 14 taking pleasure in these feelings for a prolonged period of time is not healthy.The 15 and perhaps most difficult one of the advanced forgiveness of another.At some time of our life, you may have been severely wronged or hurt by another person to such a degree that forgiveness seems 16 .However, harboring anger and revenge fantasies only keeps you 17 in victimhood. Under such a circumstance, you should force yourself to see the bigger picture. By so doing, you will be able to 18 the focus away from the anger and resentment.It is only through forgiveness that you can erase wrongdoing and 19 the memory. When you can 20 release the situation, you may come to see it as a necessary part of your growth.1、Aturn outBturn upCbreak upDbreak out2、AimportantBengagedCfailedDsuccessful3、AobviouslyBnecessarilyCcontinuouslyDusually4、AsuccessBfailureCfaultDbenefit5、AabilityBexpectationsCbeliefDexperiences6、AmistakesBvictoriesCexperimentsDfantasies7、AStillBThereforeCInsteadDHowever8、AabsurdBoriginalCemotionalDunusual9、AordinaryBadvancedCalternativeDcertain10、AwisdomBmercyCinjuryDshame11、AthoughtBapproachCbehaviorDpurpose12、ApunishingBforgivingCblamingDpraising13、AmeanBproveCreflectDrepresent14、AandBorCbutDso15、AuncertainBpremierCnextDlast16、AessentialBvaluableCimpossibleDunavoidable17、AtrappedBlocatedClostDoccupied18、AdriveBdragCputDshift19、AkeepBrefreshCweakenDclean20、AnaturallyBfinallyCdefinitelyDinitiallySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Maybe you want to give back to your community, but you dont know where to begin. It was something Rebecca Reeder used to hear from friends whenever they learned she volunteered around the Los Angeles area.The idea finally took shape during her 30th birthday celebration. Reeder and her brother put together a surprise party for her guests. They rented a party bus in secret and invited everyone she knew to a mystery (神秘) event. The surprise bus ride was not only a hit but also an effective ice breaker. Many guests had never met before that night but they were all fast friends by the end of the trip.Reeder and a friend realized this might be the answer for friends seeking fun ways to do good.Then they began Do Good Bus and hosted their first community ride in 2010. Everyone assumed it would be a one-off event, but participants had such fun and felt so good about giving back that they demanded another. And then another. “This kind of things just snowballed from there,” says Reeder, who is now a full-time director of the growing nonprofit organization.Over the past seven years, Do Good Bus has offered once-a-month public rides in Los Angeles. Volunteers board the bus and ride to a mystery community service project. Reeder likes to keep the locations and causes a secret to add an element of fun and mystery, and to prevent people from arriving with to
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