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考研英语一洛南县2023年高分通关卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)My mother has been a true inspiration to me and changed the way I look at lifeSince my birth she has made it evident that I would become 1 and that I would be one of the great onesShe has taught me that I can do anything if I put my 2 to itAs a young boy, I struggled to achieve tasks that came 3 to othersI had problems with writing, reading and especially SpeakingI didnt talk the way 4 kids did and did not respond, to questions or stay alert (警觉的) to my surroundings;My reading was poor 5 with teachers helping me, and my speech was hard to 6 My writing was not at the 7 it should have beenEven simple things like knowing-my left from my right or being able to snap my fingers (弹手指) were 8 My mother 9 all my challenges and as a professor with a PHD, decided to 10 the situation early in my developmentShe didnt want me to 11 After-a while, we did indeed get over all the problems that had 12 meShe spent hours every day 13 me everything I needed to know, determined to help me learn 14 her I would not be anywhere close to the level I am nowIn addition, she gave 15 for my lifeShe told me what to do and what not to do Her expectations have always been high 16 she knows that I can do itFor that, I thank herShe would not allow her son to be incapableShe never 17 on me, and to this day she tells me education is a mustI will be a 18 person if I continue to follow her leadShe encourages me to study hard for my 19 and attend collegeShe used her gifts as a 20 to help a childher childand now I have the opportunity to become something1、AeverythingBnothingCanythingDsomething2、AmindBbrainCfeelingsDwork3、AsmoothlyBstronglyCfrequentlyDeasily4、AaverageBordinaryCnormalDcome on5、AjustBeverCevenDonly6、AhearBwriteCreadDunderstand7、AlevelBlengthCspeedDdegree8、Aproblems B, excuses Cworries D: duties9、AsufferedBobservedCremovedDtolerated10、AstudyBfindCchangeDkeep11、AfightBstruggle GstrikeCchallenge12、AinterruptedBdisturbedCterrifiedDtroubled13、AteachingBgivingCsupportingDreminding14、AWithoutBExceptCBesidesDBeyond15、AinformationBadviceCpromiseDexpectation16、Abefore B: thoughBbecauseCunless17、AsetupBgave upCpushed upDlooked up18、ArichBfamous C; successfulCpowerful19、AtrainingBgradesCexperimentsDabilities20、AwomanBdoctorCsisterDteacherSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1The orderly came back in a few minutes with a rifle(步枪)and some Burmans. He told us that the elephant was in the rice fields below, only a few hundred yards away. As I started forward practically the whole population of the quarter flocked out of the houses and followed me. They had seen the rifle and were all shouting that I was going to shoot the elephant. It was fun to them, as it would be to an English crowd; besides, they wanted the meat. It made me a little uneasy. I had no intention of shooting the elephantI had merely sent for the rifle to defend myselfand it is always uneasy to have a crowd following you. I marched down the hill, looking and feeling a fool, with the rifle over my shoulder and an ever-growing army of people knocking and pushing at my heels. Beyond the huts there was a rice field a thousand yards across, muddy from the first rains. The elephant was standing eight yards from the road. He took not the slightest notice of the crowd. He was tearing up bunches of grass, beating them against his knees to clean them and feeding them into his mouth.As soon as I saw the elephant I knew with perfect certainty that I ought not to shoot him. It is a serious matter to shoot a working elephant it is comparable to destroying a huge and costly piece of machinery. There, peacefully eating, the elephant looked no more dangerous than a cow. I thought then and I think now that his attack of “must” was already passing off, in which case he would merely wander harmlessly about. Moreover, I did not in the least want to shoot him.But at that moment I glanced round at the crowd that had followed me. It was an immense crowd, two thousand at the least and growing every minute. I looked at the sea of the faces above the colorful clothesfaces all happy and excited over this bit of fun, all certain that the elephant was going to be shot. They were watching me as they would watch a magician about to perform a trick. They did not like me. But with the magical rifle in my hands I was momentarily worth watching. And sudd
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