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广西壮族南宁市横县2023年考研英语一高分冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)My Teacher in the School of LifeI spent the opening day of school this year at DeMatha Catholic High School in much the same way I spent the first day of classes 1 30 years ago; I sat in Dr Charles E. Offutts British literature class, listening to him 2 what his seniors would learn and get them excited about the journey they would 3 Im the principal (校长) of the school now , but for a few minutes I was back in 1975, 4 what the future held.I have been learning from Dr Offutt for 30 of the 51 years he had been teaching at DeMatha. He not only taught me to think, he 5 me, as much by example as 6 that it was my moral duty to do so and to serve 7 .Neither of us could know how our 8 would develop over the years. When I first came back to DeMatha to teach English. I worked for Dr Offutt, the then department chair. After several years, I was 9 department chair, and our relationship changed 10 . I thought that it might be 11 chairing the department, since all of my former English teachers were still there, but Dr Offutt 12 me throughout. He knew when to give me 13 about curriculum, texts and personnel, and when to let me design my own course.In 1997, I needed his advice about leaving DeMatha to become principal at another school. If he had asked me to stay at DeMatha, I might have. 14 , he encouraged me to seize the new 15 Five years ago, I became the 16 of DeMatha. Once again, Dr Offutt was there for me, letting me know that I could 17 on him as I tried to fill such big shoes. Ive learned from him that great teachers have a (n) 18 wealth of lessons to teach. 19 his students dont know it yet, I know how 20 they are; Im still one of them.1、Amostly Bexactly Conly Dsimply2、Aexplain Bpredict Cspeak Dteach3、Akeep Bachieve Cchoose Dtake4、Apreparing Bdiscovering Cwondering Drealizing5、Aassisted Breminded Cadvised Dconvinced6、Awords Baction Cexplanation Dmodels7、Athe others Beveryone Cothers Danyone8、Arelationship Bposition Csituation Dcondition9、Apointed Bnamed Cgiven Dtaken10、Aalready Byet Cstill Dagain11、Afoolish Bsurprising Cuncertain Dchallenging12、Apromoted Baccepted Csupported Dwelcomed13、Aadvice Binformation Cnotice Dthought14、AOtherwise BTherefore CFurthermore DInstead15、Achoice Bopportunity Coccupation Dpossibility16、Ateacher Bprincipal Cofficer Dclerk17、Alive Blook Cdepend Dtake18、Arich Blittle Cvaluable Dendless19、AOnce BEven if CUnless DUntil20、Afortunate Bcurious Cinnocent DsatisfiedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Wellington: Huawei has started a rugby-themed media campaign in a bid to win over New Zealands public after the countrys security agency blocked the Chinese technology giants equipment from being used in a nationwide Internet network.“5G without Huawei is like rugby without New Zealand,” ads in New Zealands two largest newspapers read alongside a photo of players competing in a ball. Large posters also appeal to the countrys love of the sport. In November, New Zealands Government Communications Security Department (GCSD) told Spark it couldnt use equipment from Huawei-the worlds largest telecommunication equipment companyin the building of its 5G network because an unspecific “significant network security risk was identified”. Spark is now in the process of seeing if it can make changes to prevent those risks, although GCSD has declined to publicly say how that would happen.Huaweis newspaper ad goes on to argue the decision would mean less advanced technology and higher prices for New Zealand customers. The ads come after the company last month publicly offered to only use New Zealand, rather than Chinese, staff to build the networkin a bid to ease fearsand called for an urgent meeting with the government, denying (否认) there had been any wrongdoing.Western spy agencies have increasingly raised security concerns about HuaweiChinas largest telecommunications company-over what they say are possible links to the Chinese government, with the United States reportedly pressing Five Eyes intelligence network allies (同盟国) to avoid the company. Australia and Canada were the first countries to ban Huawei from a building of 5G networks.The company has repeatedly denied accusations.New Zealands top politicians have repeatedly de
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