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考研英语一2023年桦甸市模拟预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Dandelions(蒲公英) are common weeds that grow in many places around the world. In different 1 , dandelions take different shapes. Scientists have long 2 that different habitats led to the creation of 3 species, and that differences in form are actual proof of different species. 4 , according to Turesson, it is also possible that a 5 species takes different shapes dependent on the habitats it 6 in. To study this, I have looked at two dandelions growing in different habitats. The one, 7 I will call Dandelion 1, grows in a grass field that lies in the 8 . The other Dandelion, Dandelion 2, grows in the shadow, eg 9 the trees or behind a shed. The grass field is hot and 10 . The shadow is cool and wet. So, what are the 11 between Dandelion 1 and 2?Dandelion 1 is dark green, and its 12 are short and quite thick. Most of the leaves lie 13 on the surrounding grass. The flowers are short. Dandelion 2, on the other hand, looks very differently. The leaves are long and 14 green, Most leaves stand in a vertical position. The flowers also 15 tall.Dandelion 2 16 strong and tall. It is clear that it grows very well in the 17 , and that has enough 18 and space to grow into a big plant. Dandelion 1, on the other hand, is small and dark. It seems that the 19 in the grassland make it difficult for this dandelion to grow into a big plant. 20 , the conditions in the two different habitats result in different shapes for these dandelions. For Dandelion 1, the sun makes the grass field hot and dry. In order to save water, it grows short and thick leaves.1、Ahouses Bhabitats Cparks Dcountries2、Adisagreed Bprovided Cbelieved Dcalculated3、Anew Bgood Cold Dbad4、AHowever BTherefore CThus DOtherwise5、Asame Bdifferent Cstrange Dsingle6、Aplants Bworks Ctakes Dgrows7、Awhat Bwhich Cthat Dwhen8、Aworld Bmountain Csun Dvalley9、Aunder Bover Cupon Dbetween10、AHumid BWet CSoft Ddry11、Asimilarities Badvantages Cdifferences Ddisadvantages12、Aseeds Bleaves Cweeds Dwoods13、Aflat Bapart Cdead Dlogical14、Adark Bbright Cartificial Dfamiliar15、Alie Bbreak Cstand Dperform16、Asounds Bsmells Cfeels Dlooks17、Aswallow Bshallow Cshadow Dshape18、Asunshine Bleaves Choney Dwater19、AConditions BOccasions CSituations Dpreparations20、AFortunately BObviously CConsequently DAccidentallySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Most of us spend a lot of time trying to figure out what makes us. We search the Internet for personality quizzes. We think endlessly over the things weve said or done. We pick teams-shy or outgoingand then make our decisions through the label weve chosen. Other people, though-that can be a little more of a puzzle. Its not likely that you can get much insight (深入了解) from taking a personality quiz on someone elses behalf. But new research suggests that all that self-reflection youve been doing may be helpful herea team of psychologists found a close link between greater self-awareness and social intelligence. The team leader Bockler said, “To get inside other peoples heads, then it may be best to start with your own.”Over the course of three months, Bockler and her colleagues collected data from 161 people between the ages of 20 and 50 as they experienced a “thoughtful training” designed to help them focus on their inner lives. The participants who improved most over course of the training were also the ones who showed the most growth in how easily they could infer another person, s mental state, a skill known as the theory of mind.Bockler believes these results are especially important given our current state of affairs. “Many of the global challenges that we face todaytaking in refugees (难民), overcoming between-group conflicts, or leading more sustainable (可持续的) livesrequire that we put ourselves in the shoes of others,” she said.Still, we tend to seek inner consideration as a goal in itself, while underestimating (低估) the ways it can also help us connect more closely to others. Self-awareness isnt limited to just usit spreads out into our relationships, too. Taking all those personality quizzes when youre bored on your computer may not be the most helpful in that regard (就这一点而言), but by trying to become more aware of your own thoughts, you can begin to shape yours
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