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考研英语一2023年湘阴县押题密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Last year,I met with a major accident.This accident totally changed the 1 I used to look at things in my life. Like every day,it was time for my office for which I used to go 2 a two wheeler vehicle.And that day I was not in the 3 to wear the helmet.Its very 4 to ride a two wheeler in India and 5 most of the Indians are ignorant about is wearing a helmet. And it was a 6 for me too to wear a helmet every single day.So I was riding the vehicle at an average speed of 30-40 mph when I thought to go 7 of a scooter(小型摩托车)being slowly ridden (on the left end of the lane) by a middle-aged man in parallel. The only 8 here was the wrong timing. The man without any hint or even looking at the back to check if any vehicle was approaching, 9 with his hand and immediately took a right turn to cross the street.Unfortunately, just a second or two before this I had 10 my vehicle to overtake the man. 3 seconds after, I knew our vehicles would bang as we were in a 11 distance. In the very next moment, we along with our 12 skidded for some distance.I got hit on the road directly on my back.It was a terrible jerk and the 13 developed pain gave me a serious sickening feeling. But for that moment I could only think about two things.“What would have happened if I hadnt worn a helmet today?”“Was 14 person alright”?Thankfully, the man was all night 15 he too was wearing the helmet.That split second 16 of wearing the helmet changed my entire life,and turned this 17 accident into a minor one.I really thank myself for the decision I 18 that day. After this incident, I 19 myself I will always wear a helmet in any condition.This idea may not seem important to many of us, but it saved my life and the biggest of all, it made me realize how important small acts can 20 to be!1、Aidea Bmind Cway Dpoint2、Aon Bin Cby Dat3、Acase Bcondition Chope Dmood4、Adifficult Bcommon Cfortunate Ddangerous5、Awhat Bwhich Cthat Dwhether6、Ahabit Bregret Cpain Dgoal7、Aforward Bround Cdown Dahead8、Aconcern Bproblem Cburden Dmatter9、Ashook Bindicated Cresponded Dhesitated10、Asped up Bcaught up Ctaken Ddeclared11、Along Blarge Cclose Dstraight12、Abodies Bfriends Chelmets Dvehicles13、Asuddenly Bgenerally Cfrequently Dlately14、Aanother Bthe other Cother Dthe others15、Athough Bif Cwhen Das16、Adecision Bdemand Ctarget Dsolution17、Aridiculous Bstrange Cmajor Dvital18、Aanalysed Bfound Cmade Dput19、Apromised Binformed Cforgave Ddoubted20、Afigure out Bstand out Ccarry out Dturn outSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1In a few decades, AI (Artificial Intelligence) will outstrip (超越) many of the abilities we believe make us special. This is a grand challenge for our age, and it may require an effective response.With computers conquering what used to be deeply human tasks, what will it mean in the future to be human?Some are worried that self-driving cars and trucks may displace millions of professional drivers, and disrupt entire industries. But I worry about my six-year-old son. What will his place be in a world where machines conquer us in one area after another? What will he do, and how will he relate to these ever-smarter machines? What will be his and his human peers contribution to the world hell live in?Actually, it all comes down to a fairly simple question: Whats so special about us, and whats our lasting value? It cant be skills like arithmetic or typing. Nor can it be rationality (理性), because with all our emotions we humans are lacking it.So perhaps we might want to consider qualities at a different angle: brave creativity, irrational originality, even a dose of plain illogical craziness, instead of hard-nosed logic.I am not suggesting we give up on reason, logic, and critical thinking. In fact, just because I think so highly of the values we associate with rationality, I do believe we might want to celebrate a bit of the opposite.So we must aim our human contribution to this division of labor to complement (补充) the rationality of the machines, rather than to compete with it, because that will sustainably differentiate us from them, and it is differentiation that creates value.What should we do? If I am right, we should develop a creative spirit, even irrational ideas as we educate our children.Unf
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